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Jake Gittes

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Everything posted by Jake Gittes

  1. The New World, A History of Violence AND The Proposition honorable mentions? You done fucked up now, people.
  2. Sidney Falco ‏@Sidney_Falco 33s34 seconds ago BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS: Kristen Stewart, Clouds of Sils Maria #nyfcc Yes!
  3. I think Leigh takes this in the end. She's got the industry veteran card to play and, from what I understand, gives a much showier, less internalized performance than Mara. I don't think Vikander's got much of a chance to win at this point. Funnily enough I think both Mara and Leigh could end up with Oscars if the former were pushed in Lead.
  4. Me? Of course. One of the best of the year.
  5. They're critics though. They're supposed to be above this kind of crap.
  6. Joy Mad Max: Fury Road The Martian Sicario Spotlight
  7. What would we all do if we didn't have Jessie to bring us towards the light and tell us how it really is.
  8. They've got time to improve. Though I actually hate to say this but Creed will be much easier for WB to push than Fury Road.
  9. Seriously, I keep forgetting and then getting surprised that Weinstein has nothing to do with The Danish Girl.
  10. Obviously not, but over 30m is possible which would double what Far from Heaven made in 2002. For a film like this that would be a strong result.
  11. Hold your horses. It's been out for exactly one week and its PTA was great. Weinstein never gives his late-November releases a real wide push till Christmas, and if this gets a BP nom (which it almost certainly will), it'll do fine.
  12. I still expect Miller to win the most Best Director awards.
  13. Even if Di Caprio's performance is short on standard big Oscar moments, the fact that he spent a year shooting the movie in hard conditions could definitely be his advantage.
  14. Looks like this category is getting a bit stronger. Michael B. Jordan and SLJ are both possibilities, and those early whispers that Ramirez is co-lead in Joy and good enough for a nom might yet prove true, who knows. At least it's not just four people anymore.
  15. Y'all got me really looking forward to this movie even though I never saw any Rocky films except the original (once, on TV, over 10 years ago), never been a fan of Stallone and disliked Fruitvale Station. What the hell.
  16. Frankly after seeing Sicario I'm not sure why Lionsgate doesn't seem to be pushing it harder, unless they just don't want to spend the money. It's an accomplished, artful and emotionally charged movie that deals with serious themes intelligently, a solid box office success praised by the vast majority of critics, and exactly the kind of very well-done mid-budget film that everyone claims is dead every year. Villeneuve, Blunt, Del Toro, Deakins, Johannsson, the editor and the film itself are all nomination-worthy. If it were to get a serious push it'd be in a far better position than little-seen indie darlings like Room, Brooklyn and Son of Saul.
  17. Right, I forgot that about him going to prison. But he still had no real impact on the plot. The movie just spent 10 minutes spinning its wheels, narrative-wise. And I agree that she would have been targeted, but going to that bar was a spontaneous decision, yet Bernthal was somehow already there, all prepared.
  18. The thing that keeps bugging me is the entire Jon Bernthal part. So Blunt and her partner decide to go to this bar on a whim, and he's already there - is it just a lucky coincidence or did he somehow know ahead of time? Then, after their confrontation, BDT says that Bernthal intended to learn what she knows, but then why does he start choking her to death - is he really that stupidly hotheaded? Then after that, when Del Toro saves her (which, very convenient), he forces Bernthal to name other corrupt cops and lets him go, but that doesn't move the plot forward in any way. I assume the writer wanted to build up to Blunt and Del Toro's later confrontations with him saving her life in the apartment, but it seems like he chose to find the most convoluted way to do it in 10 minutes.
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