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Jake Gittes

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Everything posted by Jake Gittes

  1. I still believe that Black Panther would be lucky to get nominated for anything outside the techs much less win.
  2. I don't see Chazelle losing a spot to McQueen ("his last movie won BP" isn't a reason, we are talking about his new movie, and First Man seems like it'll be showier in the directing department), but he's definitely not in top 3 and could fall out if the McKay is Big Short 2.0. I read a review of Widows that referred to Kaluuya's "two big scenes" and that may not be enough. He's being compared with Robocop and Anton Chigurh and to win for that kind of performance, as Bardem did, I think you need to be more prominent in the story. Grant looks like a safer bet.
  3. Did Christopher Robin just straight up bomb internationally or does it have any magic markets left to open in?
  4. Willem Dafoe won best actor in Venice (and generally got lots of praise) for his Van Gogh movie that CBS Films is putting out in November, could be a low-key contender on the level of Ethan Hawke if one or two biopic performances disappoint, Redford falls by the wayside, etc.
  5. I don't feel like they've gotten equal praise though. Between the two lots of people found Driver's role and performance better than JDW's, so I doubt there'll be much of an issue if only the white actor gets nominated. Especially when Lee is looking strong in best director and screenplay.
  6. What indication is there that any critic saw this movie, enjoyed it, then heard about the controversy and went "nah I'm gonna downgrade this even though I liked it"? Cause if there isn't these are just nonsensical conspiracy-theory ramblings. "Pretty obvious" uh huh.
  7. Saw Citizen Kane on the big screen. Like it a lot but man it is one exhausting movie. In ways both great and not so great.
  8. The Russian dub of the trailer changed "turd in the wind" to "turd hanging in the sewer" but that does honor the amount of sense the original line makes. Also the Russian word for turd (kakashka) sounds so much funnier especially in this context. Packed auditoriums gotta be losing their shit at this.
  9. You intend to watch Colonel Blimp and A Matter of Life and Death I hope?
  10. Imo there's no way Close doesn't get overshadowed by showier performances in bigger movies. Hell she already is.
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