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Everything posted by Jonwo

  1. I think Monsters University will do very well but it scheduled on the same day as Pacific Rim. They should push it back a week to coincide with the last day of school for the summer.I think they'll be a lot of £20-30m films although if MU is great, it may do near £40m.
  2. Some months were weaker than others like March and April which were weak as was September and June suffered due to the football and January, May and August were down from last year too. The stand out month was definetly October with three strong performers in Taken 2, Madagascar 3 and Skyfall.I think 2013 will still be a solid year for films but I imagine there won't be a film that breaks £50m apart from The Hobbit pt 2.
  3. Considering that there was the Olympics and Euro, that's a good result.
  4. HFR has potential but I think it didn't quite work for The Hobbit but I can forgive it because its the first to shoot in the format.
  5. I'm not too worried because I think it'll have small drops next week even with the release of Life of Pi, WOM is very positive so I wouldn't be surprised if it decreases 10-15% next week.
  6. I think HFR will divide people but the film itself is great. Think it'll have legs over Christmas.
  7. It's on par with FOTR which is decent.
  8. I think Skyfall will continue to play until Sony pull it from cinemas.
  9. It is shaping to be a better Christmas with not only The Hobbit but also Life of Pi and Jack Reacher, I imagine Pi will have a good opening and good legs, not sure on Jack Reacher.
  10. Thursday generally is a weak day for attendance so The Hobbit has done good business but it'll do better on the weekend.
  11. I think Man of Steel will have legs if the reviews and WOM are great but I don't think it'll have a huge opening compared to Iron Man 3 or even Star Trek.
  12. Looking ahead to 2013, what do we think will be hits at the box office? I'm thinking Les Miserables will do very well in January but the big hitters IMO will be Iron Man 3, Catching Fire, Star Trek into Darkness, Man of Steel, Despicable Me 2 and Monsters University. I can see Oz the Great and Powerful, Wreck it Ralph doing good business as well.
  13. I know they're different markets but it does interest me how films do in Australia compared to the UK. Pitch Perfect because Universal UK have decided to release it a week after The Hobbit and the day after Life of Pi won't be as successful although I wonder if Rebel Wilson is a selling point for the film.
  14. I think it'll do good in English speaking countries like the UK where its being released near a local holiday plus theres no real competition but I can't see it doing as well as Tangled.
  15. Life of Pi has been well received and it's not even been fully released in other places. I feared it was going to go the way of Hugo but it seem to have been embraced by audiences,
  16. ROTG had a very good drop so not surprising that it gained the top spot but Skyfall is still chugging along nicely, I imagine it'll possibly dip under £1m next week due to the Hobbit but I wouldn't be surprised if it does remain around £1m or so.The Hobbit should have a good OW, I think if it matches Avengers OW which was 4 day and 3D, it'll be a great start.
  17. Rise of the Guardians has no weekday audience so not surprising its done well on Saturdays.
  18. Dubbing is rarely used or foreign films in English speaking countries unless its animated, it would be quite jarring to watch Intouchables dubbed as I know its French.
  19. Star Trek was successful in the UK and it outgrossed both Wolverine and Angels and Demons. I imagine it'll do quite well but it faces Fast and Furious 6,Epic and Hangover 3 the week after.
  20. Its rare for a film to regain the top spot but it does happen. It's rarer for films to debut at 2 or 3 then gain the top spot which has happened a number of time with films like Aladdin, Tangled, There's Something about Mary and A Fish called Wanda.Lincoln is doing superbly and is days from reaching $100m. It's a slightly tougher sell OS but I think it could do around $100m too.
  21. I imagine Fox will be happy if it can do $400m WW as the film isn't an easy sell but to be at $80m already is encouraging.
  22. Star Trek has never been a huge OS pull apart in places where the series was popular, but it'll increase for into Darkness, ill say $300m OS.
  23. Tower Heist which wasn't great was a return to form for Eddie Murphy, I think he needs the right vehicle for him to have another hit, an R rated comedy would be best or a drama, he was well received in Dreamgirls so maybe a similar vehicle is needed.I'm surprised he hasn't been approached to do television yet.
  24. Certain films like Lincoln and TBEMH could have gone wide straight away but I think for smaller films like Moonrise Kingdom and TKS, starting small then expanding works in their favour. I'm surprised Les Mis didn't opt for a platform strategy rather than a wide release as it would be able to build on WOM before going wide.
  25. AC defied expectations but it has the advantage of being from Aardman, ROTG is really good and with no real competition apart from Nativity 2 so I think £15m is achievable.
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