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Everything posted by Valonqar

  1. Oh fuck First Man for taking IMAX from Venom.
  2. the only decent thing about the original movie/TV movie/whatever was Zelda-Gage. The rest was blah and Church was clearly that puppet from old Sabrina the Teenage Witch.
  3. NOOOOOO! It'll hold better. WOM is great.
  4. Like a turd in the wind, numbers fly higher and higher!
  5. My opinion, and that won't change, is that they should award BP and Coogler. So what if BP isn't as good as TDK? newsflash: no SH is ever going to be as good as TDK. That's Citizen Kane of SH movies yet AMPAS had no problem awarding dramas that weren't even worthy of polishing Citizen Kane's shoes. BP checks all boxes of a trendy Picture winner such as high MC score and importance/progressiveness, but it's also actually seen by masses and almost universally loved. And since AMPAS loves messages, isn't an all-black cast + Martin Freeman 1.3 billion-grossing blockbuster a big message in itself, way bigger than some indie that few people saw? Moreover, this year has several contenders directed by black directors. AMPAS cannot bail out of awarding one forever, and IMO, the director who will make history should be an African American, sorry Steve McQueen. Oscars are still predominantly American thing and emotional and narrative value would be much stronger if the winner is an American, not a Brit or other foreigner. There are Coogler, Lee and Jenkins. I choose Coogler because his filmography is impeccable, a perfect blend of critical acclaim and populism, and his movie is groundbreaking in that it's #3 highest grossing movie domestically (also see paragraph 2 for more details). I honestly don't think this would be a mistake, quite the contrary, it would be a mistake if the winner was something else.
  6. I don't think that's the reason in this case. The movie simply has no stars and most romcoms that do well OS have at least 1 big star. Also, maybe the book wasn't big OS? Wedding Crashers was ridiculously big hit in US (why?) and did abysmal OS (did anyone know who Vince Vaughn was? or care?)
  7. CRA OS is absolutely abysmal. I knew it would bomb in Asia cause they have 1000 movies and TV shows like that, but holy cow the rest of the world. Though thanks to only 30M budget it doesn't need OS to save the day for sequels. Still, damn.
  8. Most of his movies are highly rewatchable. I bet that everyone here saw I Robot more times than movies they claim are their all-time favorite. It's impossible to skip I Robot, Bad Boys, IAL, ID4 when they are on cable.
  9. First Man was playing commercials during TWD season opener and they are weak sauce IMO. Too much focus on Goose who is a human sedative and too little focus on space and Moon which should be the selling point. They dropped the ball. This ain't gonna be the next Gravity or Martian or even Interstellar.
  10. No fuckin way! Andrew Garfield was a huge reason why TASM movies weren't all that popular. he was completely unlikable as PP and even Feige said he was wrong for the role. Venom mega success is very much due to Tom. He's likable, 100% committed, hammy af in the best possible way, and interacts with Venom like it's a real thing. People are loving the movie because of him.
  11. Absolutely stunning overperformance by Venom! Sonyverse is a go and I cannot be more excited. SH genre once again proves to be the most versatile and always offering something exciting for the audience.
  12. Venom beat 176M global projections by a landslide. Absolutely phenomenal performance. Sonyverse is a go.
  13. How's Venom doing OS? There's no special Venom thread for all OS numbers and individual threads tend to be confusing about whether numbers ate local currency or $.
  14. It's good, than, that Lady Jessica is the emotional core of the book, the heart and soul of the story, so her cipher son won't really matter as long as she's perfectly cast (as she is).
  15. There's no flop. Boxoffice exceeded tracking, broke October record by large and wide, and even bad reviews praise Tom's commitment to the role. he's arrived.
  16. Yeah, well, perhaps if MMFR was more about Tom and less about Charlize GA would have embraced it better. It was a big critical hit but GA didn't show up in droves. OTOH, this is a critical turd but GA is raving and flocking to Tom show. People love Tom. It was just a matter of time for him to get the right role that utilizes his star charisma and Venom is it.
  17. Venom is a proof that those hoping for SH fatigue will have to wait for New Mutans bombage to start spinning the wheels. There's no fatigue and there will never be fatigue cause the genre is broad enough to offer different thrills every time.
  18. Venom is the Iron Man of Sonyverse, a completely generic story elevated to heavens high by a star-making turn of its leading man. Welcome to the big league, Tom! You were flirting with superstardom but this is it, man. You did it. You fuckin did it! Venom success is 100% down to what Tom brings to the table, like RDJ before him. Go see this movie! It's really funny and Tom's performance is an all-timer.
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