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Everything posted by JB33

  1. Hoping for as much over 50 for true Friday as possible. There's toxicity around this movie but it sounds like amidst it all there's quite a positive GA reaction. Hopefully that kicks in today and over the weekend.
  2. That's rough man. I'm sorry to hear that, and I can totally see why the performances resonated with you especially. That fight scene in the apartment was gut wrenching, but also acting, writing and directing at its highest level. That to say, I completely agree that Driver gave a real, raw, powerhouse performance.
  3. Damn man, usually we agree but I have to disagree here. Driver was outstanding of course, but Pheonix as Joker was on a whole other level.
  4. What? No! NO! What about my Grudge tracking? I'm sorry @Porthos but your Christmas is just going to have to take a back seat! In all seriousness, no worries man. You really do have a solid break ahead of you until Birds of Prey (if that's even going to be that big).
  5. Yeah, see this is why I'm not going to bed with those Deadline numbers at all. I feel like $38M is a good number. Hoping for as good an OD multi as possible via WOM.
  6. Well you'd think not, but I trust our resident trackers a lot and a few of them suggested the number could go pretty freaking low so I'm not counting it out. That being said, if WOM is indeed positive and the preview number is bigger than we all expected, there's yet another positive outcome here: the internal multi could be better than we all think as well. @keysersoze123 already mentioned that the Sunday hold could be really good, but we may also see a bigger Saturday increase (from true Friday) than any of us expect. Right now I'm expecting the standard 9 or 10% that both TFA and TLJ had.
  7. Eff you Deadline! Eff you! Now I'm going to go to bed with some hope and the real number is going to be $35M or below!
  8. So, are the reviews actually going to SELL the movie?? Ticket sales at my theatre aren't half bad for Christmas week.
  9. Funny thing is, last Christmas was a disaster for them too with Mortal Engines and Welcome to Marwen. Universal really needs to take a hard look at their yearly holiday season slates and strategies. The movies they're putting out at that time are not working, like at all.
  10. Even if the audience loves it, tracking still suggests Star Wars is indeed losing parts of said audience at an alarming rate. High 30's previews? Up until recently (as in the last week or two) I hadn't even considered under 40. I guess the one hope is that those who did end up going opening weekend and loving it are able to convince the ones who didn't return for this one to go see it eventually. In that case this could be a leggy behemoth, despite likely having an alarmingly low OW.
  11. Hate is also blind. I'm absolutely not suggesting there's some kind of conspiracy. I believe whole heartedly that a lot of people dont like this movie, but I also it's so easy for people these days to get caught up in the alarmism of negativity. It's easy to just go with the pack, or go into to the film with pre conceived notions. I guess in a nutshell I'm saying I'm not jumping to any conclusions until I myself see the movie. I refuse to believe it's as bad as the internet will have you believe. Then again, I possess a very rare quality: a mind of my own!
  12. Yes, but at the same time it feels like a summer-y movie a la Pirates of the Caribbean. I know it sounds silly but it's a real factor. Jungle Cruise feels like the kind of movie audiences will just gravitate to in the middle of summer.
  13. I'm surprised they scheduled this for the LAST weekend in August. The last one was pretty successful. You figure they'd give this one a little more breathing room and release it on August 21 (the third weekend of August, like its predecessor was).
  14. At this point I'm reduced to separating the movie experience from the box office experience. The box office - and overall attitude towards Star Wars by the masses it reflects - is just depressing but I can't let it dictate how I feel about the movie. Hopefully I enjoy the film and that's all that matters. As far as tracking the box office, it's almost like I have to pretend it's not a Star Wars film, because Star Wars films used to belong in the box office stratosphere and now....this last entry has plunged into the pool of the ordinary.
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