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Everything posted by JB33

  1. Glad to hear there are "different story developments". A few people in my circles have expressed interest in seeing this but they also want to know if there's going to be anything unique or new brought to the table.
  2. Is that right? So apparently this is showing at a few select theatres in Canada on different dates throughout Canada. Opening at one theatre in Vancouver on January 17 (unclear if it's just that day, that weekend, or whatever) so I may head down and see it there. @DAJK It's also opening in Victoria on the 17th.
  3. Perhaps I wasn't being knee-jerkish before and I should listen to my gut. This thing is tanking now. Didnt even wait until after the whole holiday season, all it took was getting past Boxing Day. This is good though. This is the kind of dramatic behaviour at the box office the film needs to make a statement to Lucasfilm.
  4. Ugh, so disgusted with Lucasfilm man. I really thought they'd deliver with TROS. Honestly, just ring in the new year already. As a box office fan I want to get the TROS run over and done with.
  5. It doesn't have to be a straight adaptation of the game. Just a saga about that era in the Star Wars universe and some of the crucial characters from it (Darth Revan. Darth Bane etc.).
  6. Can't wait for when this goes wide! I imagine I'll be catching a showing on wide opening day, January 10.
  7. Yeah, @Viktor Vilotijevic is usually really conservative with his predictions but he's being uncharacteristically generous with TROS in that last post. I'd be thrilled if those numbers came to pass!
  8. Getting back to box office. what's your take on the outlook for this coming weekend?
  9. Even if the number goes up a little from JJ's initial reading, the weekend is still pretty much sunk for TROS. Saturday will be pretty much flat from Friday and then we'll see at least a 25% decrease on Sunday. We'll see though.
  10. For the record, I didnt catch JJ's 30.5 number. My bad.
  11. You're right, but a lot of what people do here, myself included, is "Fun with numbers". Most of us who make posts like my last one know full well we don't have all the information (as I noted) but we'll jot down numbers anyway. I probably came across a little knee-jerkish -not exactly feeling myself today - but I do realize that key's data doesnt yet tell the whole story and the picture could very well look much better tomorrow morning. I will say, though, I dont think even a number like 84 is THAT great. It's not horrible either, but the way the calendar is set up this year my personal feeling is that it was capable of doing more (something like 35/35/26/96). EDIT: @Arendelle Legion already covered it.
  12. Based on the best case scenario from @keysersoze123 data (Yes I'm aware it isn't an exact science) I'd say 28.5M (-11.4%) / 28.5M (flat) / 21.3M (-25%) for $78.3M. That's brutal, considering it's only around $7M ahead of TLJ's 2nd weekend and everyone argued that TROS had a better date to inflate the 2nd weekend. Based on that number, it will likely drop 60% of more the following weekend for just over $30M.
  13. That's awesome! Kind of the same thing happened to me when an eTransfer I sent was returned or declined. I didn't realize because I didn't get a notification of any kind, I just happened to look in Pending Transfers or whatever it was and there was $50. I think it was sitting there for months and months.
  14. Yeah, maybe. I guess the Christmas holidays is sort of a double sided release date: it's good for Grade A franchises to dominate, make headlines with its box office and maximize its potential, but it can also be used for complete duds the studio knows are horrible to squeeze whatever they can from the box office to minimize the hurt. Thing is, Spies in Disguise doesn't look that horrible. Guess, not surprisingly, Frozen II has all the limelight.
  15. Yeah, TROS 2nd weekend is going under $80M.
  16. Read up a little bit on Louisa May Alcott today. She's got such a fascinating story! I know LW is very much inspired by her life but I'd be very interested in an actual biopic.
  17. American Hustle expanded wide on Wednesday CD as well in 2013 and dropped 13.5% on Thursday BD. Wonder if this will follow suit...
  18. Nice! Great for Just Mercy. Following the theme of a pretty damn successful Christmas at the box office this year.
  19. Feel bad for everyone involved with this. I know we're having a good laugh out of this - and that is okay - but it's never a good thing when a movie bombs like this. Hopefully everyone is able to move on from this relatively unscathed. Don't know how many more movies Taylor Swift will get a chance in though.
  20. Any chance TROS bumps about 10%? Asking because 10% would be the same fraction of the Boxing Day Thursday increase for The Hobbit 2 that it was for the Christmas Day Wednesday increase (76.7% to 58.7%). I do know the box office positively is not that simple but figured I'd ask in case it was genuinely looking to increase that much.
  21. In fairness, that was a prediction based on an August release date when it could have easily squeezed almost that much out of audiences. December 6 though? The "No1curr" post-Thanksgiving weekend? STX rightfully put it there to die quickly.
  22. Thank you! I plan to do all of that, especially the buckets of movies part. Actually watching last year's Girl in the Spider's Web that bombed. Yeah, I know....but morbid curiosity because I'm a huge fan of the books. Long story short, I can see why it bombed.
  23. You'll have to forgive me. Have the flu and not thinking clearly (even fell asleep in the bath....). Totally didn't even notice I quoted a post from 9 hours ago LOL.
  24. No, it's not. 27.5 would NOT be good at all. Guessing this is when TROS shows its weakness and things go downhill fast at the box office. EDIT: I read Day 7 and for whatever reason was thinking that was Friday @Jedi Jat was predicting. Still though, $27.5M wouldn't be a great number for Boxing Day by any stretch. It brings down the whole weekend by quite a bit unless we see a really healthy Friday bump.
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