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Everything posted by JB33

  1. That's.....a surprisingly low theatre count. Guess that's how it is this time of year, every movie gets a somewhat depressed theatre count compared to other times of the year when there isn't as much competition (like TLK getting 4,800 something theatres in July this year!).
  2. Honestly, even just switching the title and subtitle around would make it sound better: The Devil Made Me Do It: The Conjuring 3 Not that I advocate for having that part in the title either way, but that sounds better or more natural to me.
  3. I don't want to burst their bubble, but I'm preeeetty sure most people won't be having complex discussions about "date rape" after seeing this movie. They're seeing this movie because it's a horror movie and those are fun to see with your friends.
  4. You inspire me to have a movie family of my own! Glad you're sort of passing down your cinema-going passion to your kids, especially in these times!
  5. I will admit, there's a lot of growing curiosity about this film among my circles. Mostly it's the whole "based on a famous stage musical" angle though. I'm guessing that alone will make it an element of prestige to the movie, even if it's a minuscule element.
  6. Wow, is it just me or is that a LONG time away from the theatre for you and your family?
  7. Not too long ago I figured a $15M OW was agiven this. Now it's looking like it'll very likely come in under $10M. Seems like it's going to be a stinker.
  8. Another January masterpiece. January and Paramount are like....liver and onions. Best illustration I could think of.
  9. I have a mature, thoughtful response to that but we'll save it for another thread or dismiss the conversation entirely. I'm good with either. Most of us are united in looking the hell forward to this movie, so there's that. Only 11 months is right.....
  10. It most certainly will not affect the box office much. There'll be the usual crap on social media like with Captain Marvel but it's shaping up to be an amazing film and yet another exciting new direction in the MCU, and that's the most important thing. With some really great trailers this could absolutely blow up to be a #1 WW contender for 2020.
  11. Probably. Unlike an Unplanned situation, where the shoe was on the other foot except those who were opposed sent death threats to theatres showing it. You're only allowed to have one way of thinking, right?
  12. Oh there will undoubtedly be a very positive reaction to it. There probably already has! However you know there will be a section of people who aren't okay with it, and that's okay too. One thing I wish we were all better at is accepting that others have different opinions.
  13. Just checked. Wow, I stand corrected. I'm pretty shocked actually. For some reason I thought it was an unverified report. It'll certainly be interesting to see the reaction to it.
  14. Everyone is quick to believe everything they read or hear in the media. Bad idea. I can almost guarantee this film won't feature one of its main characters in a gay marriage with a family. Disney/Marvel are not going to open that can of worms.
  15. That it is. In fact, I've been pondering for awhile now making a "June 2021 will be the biggest month ever" club once we get closer to the time. Jurassic World 3 Untitled Pixar The Batman ^Potential for a massive month there!
  16. Cool! Deserved. I'm hoping the wide expansion on January 10 ends up being one of the biggest January weekends of all time, kind of like a mini American Sniper.
  17. Yup, that would be a perfectly fine scenario. It's sort of what I envisioned originally. We'll see how it shakes out.
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