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Everything posted by JB33

  1. Yeah, true. Upon reflection my statement was a bit of an odd one. The audience for the this movie is going to see it regardless.
  2. So the numbers are in.... And this bombed beyond my wildest imaginations! $656,530 opening weekend for Playmobil: The Movie. The film played in 2,337 theatres for a whopping $231 PTA!
  3. So....did anyone end up seeing this over the weekend? I'm visiting my dad in Vancouver right now and it's playing at one of the theatres here downtown. Thinking of catching a matinee.
  4. Saturday increase and Sunday drop are pretty standard (Saturday bump being a bit below standard I guess) but that low Friday bump set the tone for the weekend. Anywhere between 220% and 240% would have been a more standard bump. Oh well, hopefully the legs are amazing from here on out.
  5. DC's upcoming slate may well be very, very good - and it certainly features more popular and well known characters - but I can't pretend I'm more excited for it than Marvel's coming slate (well, maybe with the exception of Batman, because he's my favourite CB character of all time and it's NOT DCEU). Marvel's upcoming slate features less popular characters but they're coming as next chapters of a successful running cinematic universe so I'm just automatically invested. Yeah, I admit it, they got me. If WB succeeded with their universe it would be the same for their movies, which I'm sure will be great.
  6. Well deserved, all those nominations. Still thinking about the movie. What a fun time at the theatre!
  7. I'm thinking mid-April. That's when the first trailers for Doctor Strange and Thor: Ragnarok dropped. Depends, though. If Marvel intends for this to be an even bigger event than we think it might be earlier. But mid-April is my guess as of now.
  8. Nothing "happened" per se. The last one was lightning in a bottle defined. The reaction to TLJ was so toxic that a huge amount of people just started migrating to Jumanji as their go-to holiday movie. Weren't there some here who thought Jumanji would actually TOP Star Wars this year? LOL nope. This is like in sports when a really good team loses and people jump off the bandwagon en masse to the other flavour of the week team.
  9. Funny, I was just thinking about this movie the other day, wondering about any new developments. I also agree: very awkward subtitle. The Conjuring 3 would have sufficed.
  10. I really really wish I was following box office at that time. That would have been a hoot.
  11. Ouch. So I OVERestimated Playmobil by a lot when I predicted $4M+. But hey, this is exactly what I was referring to when I said I was weirdly looking forward to this weekend! Wanted to see just how low it would go and so far it's not disappointing me.
  12. If WW1984 is anything at all like Schumacher's Batman than I'm going to be pretty damn disappointed, especially when following up on such a great first entry that you can take seriously.
  13. That's just nuts. I figured Jumanji: WttJ captured lightning in a bottle but I also figured the sequel would still be a smash. For TRoS sake, I hope it does to Jumanji what its predecessor did to TLJ.
  14. In light of My Spy moving dates, I figured I'd mention this too. It hasn't moved but I do wonder if it will. There's been absolute radio silence regarding this movie. Not that it requires some thorough marketing campaign, but if it's indeed ready for January 10 I would have thought we would have at least gotten another trailer by now. I think it looks great, personally. I have no idea why it moved from March then from August again.
  15. How comparable are Jumanji and Into the Spider-Verse for presales and tracking? I know one is an animation but we're talking about a more mature, superhero animation. Not exactly Wreck-it-Ralph or Frozen. Would just be interested to compare the two movies if anyone has data for Spider-Verse. It opened on the same weekend last year (December 14-16) so that's another reason I'd like to compare.
  16. Surprised at that decrease, which is 10% or more. Not surprised as in I didn't see it coming, as you alluded to this drop earlier, but surprised overall. However, it probably lends itself well to an absurd Friday increase. Look for around 220-240%.
  17. I know there's you can't forecast walkups but do you get the feeling personally that walkups could make up for that a bit? I ask because TRoS looks to be more of a crowd pleaser compared to TLJ. If previews end up being lower I wonder if we get a better internal multi.... I guess I'm just really really hoping the OW doesnt come in too far below the $220M mark that TLJ hit.
  18. A constant item of feedback I get from people is that premium showings dont match up with premium prices. That is to say, whatever is premium about their experience is still not worth what you have to pay. This couldn't be more the case than with 3D, where theatres are finally learning that audiences just aren't buying it (literally). I believe lowering prices (both premium and normal) by even a couple bucks would make a huge difference. Especially when you get to things like IMAX. Sure, its definitely a more special experience, but well over $20 worth? Maybe for some people, but unless you're a mega film buff it's a hard sell.
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