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Everything posted by Barnack

  1. How does those 2 element not helping the movies (I would add the trailer reception to that list) ? I would imagine those voice actor are paid millions on those movies for a reason.
  2. Well yes that is exactly my point. There is reasons why those movie played domestic heavy that is not necessarily due to the Lego franchise being a weak one worldwide and I am speculating on some, for example if the voice acting helped the movie performance it was only in the US, comedy of that style (filled with pop culture reference) often do not travel that well, Batman is specially popular domestic and so on.
  3. We do not know California production budget, but we know California qualified expenditure cost for them (basically below the line spending in CA) http://film.ca.gov/wp-content/uploads/2.0-Website-Approved-Projects-List-Online-11.19.18.pdf They spent $85M gross below the line in CA, $67M net of tax credit (imagining they can use them), add New Zealand shooting and all above the lines cost, 110-125m ?
  4. Which is ?, for which reason the Bush (for what they did when in office, there some aids campaign in Africa and other stuff outside of it) should be more honored than scorned ? Maybe you have a point, could you make it ? Not so much off topic in a very political movie about the very subject and I am not sure what can be so long about it, literally US get less oil from Irak now than before 2003. Why the people driving around in the US are able to do it in significant part because of W. Bush military intervention ? With the shale oil boom only 35% of the consumed crude oil in the US is foreign and come mostly from Canada, Saudi, Mexico, Venezuela and Columbia, almost nothing from Irak, if anything was done it was more for the rest of the world energy stability than the US. Without a big explanation a short resume of what you meant would do. Has for the movie being sci-fi, the amount of judgement you make about movies you have not even seen is extraordinary.
  5. I guess we will never know like usual..... (or some statement are not literal)
  6. Why are you saying that, has yet to open in most markets but it is doing really well in those it did (strong OW and dropped only 36% in the non China markets this weekend)
  7. Would like explanation for that statement ? That the typical source of OIL in the US: Just foreign source: What did the Bush have to do with any relevant source of Oil ? Look at the US import of Oil from IRAK for an example (if this is what you have in mind): https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/hist/LeafHandler.ashx?n=PET&s=MTTIMIZ1&f=M They were higher in 2002 before the conflict than after..... That would make more sense if they invaded Canada or Mexico... How does any action made by Bush provided more/better price of Oil for american citizen (specially compared to that tax dollar they spent on it ?) What retrieved even mean in that paragraph ? That Irak war was for stealing oil to go in the US economy and they stole some oil narrative do need some supporting evidence considering how little oil is imported by the US from Irak and it is a good part by a state run Irak company, it sound like what teenagers said about it at the time, if that was the plan it didn't work. Is this statement something you actually looked for yourself that you could explain ? Or some stuff you heard other teenagers friends at the time say you are repeating since without ever questioning it ?
  8. That was the point, popular in the US and possibly a factor, not in the rest of the markets. Animated movie can do well, but there is a certain type of comedy where it is not obvious, the cloudy with a meatball didn't do spectacular (sausage party either, if they get closer to a typical comedy): Rank Title (click to view) Studio Worldwide Domestic / % Overseas / % Year 1 Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 Sony $274.3 $119.8 43.7% $154.5 56.3% 2013 2 Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs Sony $243.0 $124.9 51.4% $118.1 48.6% 2009
  9. that statement is still a bit of a strange one: LEGO isn’t a big brand OS Lego is a giant brand OS with some year's the world biggest revenues for a Toy company above a giant toy conglomerate like Mattel and way bigger than any individual toy brand What make you say that Lego isn,t big OS ? If it is looking at movies box office, that can be misleading a Chris Pratt Comedy or a Will Arnett Batman comedy will tend to play domestic heavy, that quite common for the genre.
  10. A bit like when we saw Beauty and the Beast do not so bad on a Glenn Beck twitter poll in the mist of the oh my god there is gay character in the movies moment, Marry Poppins tying a spider man movie on a box office twitter account population is either a really great sign for it or a bad sign for Spider Man. ( I imagine those 142 voters is skewing very male and under 65 heavy population) To be fair it is a top 1 only affair, click on all your top3 would have probably been different ranking (like no one will go see Deadpool if they can only see one release, but many would still see it).
  11. Really didn't like it much. All the Russian's were presented in such a ridiculous way, probably in a homage way for the original Rockies made in a more cold war/ridiculous moment for blockbuster of the 80s, but still... At least the payoff when they stop being on screen cartoons jokes work well. The very core of the movie, him deciding to take those fights was quite strange, all the people seem to be against it, those same people gain in the time frame between the first and second fight those new information: Drago destroy him He is now a father He is even richer than he was before And from those 2 information (that seem to make the decision to fight him a worst one than before), they change their mind from you should not pick that fight to you should do it and we will encourage you to ? It didn't felt work out in the script at all, it was a bit too obvious they decided from that start what the big set piece would be and than tried to create a movie regardless if they had anything to say, nothing wrong with that and really common but the tricks is to hide it.
  12. (Not only heavy weight champion but from an extremely rich family). I think the movie wanted to go back to use the aesthetic of the very first movie/Rocky champion of the people feeling, but yeah it did feel very forced to have multi-millionaires presented with life like that.
  13. Why would studio hire me ? Has you clearly said many time on the past people do not care much about what is new and truly original (or that those words do not matter much). Appearing has fresh while audience still having a good clue for what they will get from a 30s ads/posters is probably the important balance to achieve and for that execution will be important and not something you can safely know when you green light, in 2018 an Halloween made in a very classic way appeared fresh in a "they do not make it like this anymore" type of way, 10 year's ago would have not necessarily played like that at all. True, but for a 2018 release: YA post apocalypse dystopia SCI-FI.... would probably not be in the top list of the most fresh and original studio propositions of most, specially about the YA product created during the YA craze in a very formulated way.
  14. Cineplex is bad and good at the same time, the installation seem good, but the staff tend to be teenagers that do not care at all, the screen are rarely masked correctly, I would go to say even almost never. Often they do not even try to mask the screen to have the correct ratio making the experience quite similar to watching a 2.35:1 movie on a 16:9 TV and show a complete no fuck will be given to even try, worst often part of the projection is hidden by the masking setup made from a previous projection and there is so much of a complete absence of quality control they will not know it by themselve. Your job is in good part to project a movie and it should have got extremely easy with those digital projection, yet they are terrible at it (maybe not having well paid adults employee being part of it). Guzzo's seem to care much more but tend to not have has good as installation than a giant like Cineplex and are not perfect either.
  15. It is bizarre (same would go for the Dwayne Johnson movie that did look like it had an easy opportunity for double feature with Meg that was really a good match for a nice drive in double feature), when it is not Disney there is always some chance that the domestic distributor is not the same than the people getting the 100M intl TV bonus, but for Disney....? Maybe concerning CR 1) Is more perceived has an publicity for a giant merchandising franchise one of the world biggest, how much it do is important for how good of an ads it is, but how much money the movie do isn't. 2) Movie is already profitable without that bonus unlike say WIT and there is some understanding that they need to choose their time they use that trick, that the people signing those contract with those 25-50-100-200m benchmark do it knowing studio will game it a little bit, but if they do it all the time they will stop.
  16. Somewhere does not need to be from a popular book from a very popular genre that was adapted a lot in the last 10 year's. If Mortal engine flop can easily be used has an argument of people wanting original-fresh stuff and not yet again YA post-apocalypse distopia sci-fi. Widow is a better example I think.
  17. Are you suggesting Mortal Engine isn't a franchise and that YA distopia sci-fi is still original by now ? There is 500 movies released in theater that failed completely that would be better example.
  18. Pretentious ? That is the bar for pretentious now liking the Lord and Millers comedies-family animated movies..... What is going on...... That bunch of pretentions cloudy with meatball and Jumpstreet movies fans.....
  19. In the first deal it worked like that, for the renewed one (the one the Amazing spider-man 1-2 was made on) it was not working like that, Marvel gave $200M and the revenues participation on those movies to Sony in exchange for getting the merchandising rights back. On that deal it was the other way around, Marvel was giving a bit of money to Sony when they were making a SpiderMan movies (it was calculated on the movie box office but around $25M), has a thank you for making an giant toy ads kind of deal. Not sure for the latest one.
  20. One can wonder if they were not put off by the amount of live action that was present in the movie also (was short but quite big in term of moment/importance theme wise).
  21. I thought For animated the distributor propose names that did the most works on the movie and it can be anyone, producers, directors, etc.... Changed all the time and now it is 1 producer and up to 2 directors. If they do not make an exception they will have too chose one.
  22. Teenage audience is getting smaller and smaller (not sure if we will ever again see a bid budget movie targeting them for that reason)
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