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Everything posted by Barnack

  1. Would that mean by far the biggest pre-sales for a non Star Wars movie ?
  2. Seeing the date of 2008, one automatically think Iron Man, but it is not, so what would it be ?
  3. I disagree here, it does make a good difference who started it (as seen in WW2, if no one start it, no one start it and it is not used, the morals/ethics of the use of the 2 Nukes on Japan would not still be a big debate if they were sent by a nation after receiving Nuke attack themselve)
  4. Rewatched it in theater with the new release, at first not having the German speak Germans is a bit strange and take a little while to adjust, but otherwise that movie is aging beautifully (a bit like Raging Bull, black and white look did not change has much in the last 40 year's, making it quite intemporal and harder to pin point when it was made) with a solid and certain sense it will be one of the few that will travel time has long has people watch movie made in that format. Direction, editing, photography, it is all around extremely solid, over 3 hour of quite the subject and it just pass by with the dynamic of the blocking, the many long shot, the strength of the events. The ending that remind how historically close this all is. https://deadline.com/2018/12/ralph-breaks-the-internet-the-favourite-emma-stone-rachel-weisz-weekend-box-office-1202516270/ No real comps here. Steven Spielberg’s 40th Anniversary re-release of Close Encounters of the Third Kind made $1.7M over the 2017 Labor Day three-day at 901 locations, which was also timed to a DVD re-release. Men over 25 at 42% and Women over 25 at 32% were the biggest draws here, but the re-release is only getting a 63% overall positive. The original movie, when it was released, earned an A+ CinemaScore.
  5. Yeah I think I am officially too old, I didn't knew what youtube rewind was at all, if you talk about 2018 I almost got none of the reference (and thus not was tone deaf in term of missing in it)
  6. Without surprise that a massive (and good idea Imo) budget cut. in 2018 dollar Men in black 3, net production budget: 270M Specially if we consider how little if any first dollar gross this project will have (maybe just Spielberg), MIB 3 had a break even point a budget + participation bonus of 335m, 368m adjusted. This movie could cost a break even point just 40-50% of a prime Will Smith one.
  7. The propaganda of the horror of Germans act during WW1 went very far at the time, soldiers were eating the babies it was the return of the Huns/barbarian conquest of Europe like the olds days and some were real stories did leave a mark for sure, not just WW2 (obviously that really didn't help). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape_of_Belgium The start of chemicals warfare in the conflict, submarine that destroyed marine warfare long "gentleman" practice.
  8. It is a double appreciation, Mortensen gained a good 40-50 pounds from Captain Fantastic for this one.
  9. Or not, it is a really well directed solid script movie (that won film festival audience price and A+ cinemascore for reason), specially in a post diversity obtain world where it would not be a sensitive issue anymore, take the french mega success The Intouchables, it is the exact same movie than Green Book and was really well received. The HFPA is one of the most diverse group has a jury out there: https://www.vulture.com/2015/01/who-exactly-picks-the-golden-globes-winners.html The small memberships is from Brazil, Columbia, Mexico, Canada, Spain, Malaysia, Germany, Italy, Dominican Republic, France, Denmark, Portugal, New-Zealand, Japan, Poland, Ireland, Greece, India, UK, Egypt, South Africa, etc... and it got 5 nominations there.
  10. How much of it is the size of the talent pool too ? Public movie discourse can be quite toxic, I imagine newcomer would always be required to have an online presence and being a woman online even at a very low level seem to be quite an ordeal. Would not surprise me, if there is more male applicant for the jobs than female one. If we look at platform with no one hiring/no gatekeeper platform (home made podcast/youtube) movie critics scene will we see a near 50/50 representation among woman and men there between gender showing that the difference at the outlet level is mostly due to sexism by them ? Different output does not imply huge sexism at the gatekeeper level, there is no judging or any subjectivity in chess and a lot of online gaming is anonymous, 98-99% of the top 100 players are male the gap being big enough to have woman only chess tournament, difference in interest, ability desire to completely give away your best years into something useless like movies (or chess) can differ between gender, either for natural reason or sexism/heteronormative force that occur before the hiring session/gatekeeper level that can sometime explain most of the gap we see.
  11. Sadly that must be getting true for getting hire by a powerful newspapers/magazine/radio station that pay a movie critics a good living also old ways, a lot of them must be freelancers never hired not making more than the popular youtuber/podcaster
  12. I would think the Jeremy Jahns and Stuckman make good money from youtube nowaday. With over 500m views on one and above 350m views for the others, if they pay just 1 cent by monetized view (money from the views, ads click and product placement) they made millions. The doors is now fully open for reviewer with showmanship to make a living without ever being hired I imagine (for better and worst, not being paid by an powerful outlet that do not care about the movie industry much is very important for independent critics that do not need to liked by fans and the movie industry) Has for the comments Larson made it is quite common and something that make a lot of sense to me, a bit like saying it would be nice to have an RT score from Horror critics for an horror movie for horror fans to look at or what kids themselves thought of the movie for a movie targeting them being a common thought and something critic if they saw the kids movie in a crowd with kids often mentioning if they seamed to enjoy it or not.
  13. That make sense, people voting on video is a strange tiny minority (less than 5%) with an agenda usually on YouTube (why would you vote ? specially for something made by a giant corporation that do not need your help for the algos), people commenting is by now (particularly on toxic popular video) an even stranger bunch of people, completely unrepresentative of the mass, who by now want to ever engage in a comment section, specially one of those ? Pretty much only the kind that leave negative comments on a movie like that.
  14. Not sure the rights owner participation share could be higher on Rhapsody, according to IMDB. Bohemian: Production Companies GK Films New Regency Pictures Queen Films Ltd. Regency Enterprises Tribeca Productions Venom: Production Companies Avi Arad Productions Columbia Pictures Corporation Marvel Entertainment (in association with) (as Marvel) Matt Tolmach Productions Pascal Pictures Sony Pictures Entertainment (SPE) Tencent Pictures In both case production budget will be a minority of those movies total cost from the studio point of view, how much they actually own the movie will matter a lot, Venom seem a bit more in house, we will obviously never know.
  15. Hart with cameos of Dwayne Johnson being probably the dream team pick for them.
  16. 23 is a common over/under age in soccer and other sports I think. And by 25 for actress you are starting to get a lot of Oscar nominated people already.
  17. That make them sound a bit like the Pirates of the Caribbean 3 of the 2010's
  18. I imagine that to be true, but I am not sure it is relevant, people didn't say "Oh hey, that a John Williams score, I have to see this now", but I did help many movies box office a big way. Everything that is feature in a trailer can help an OW and obviously anything in a movie can help legs and anything that change between markets can participate into changing how popular a movie is in them, one supposed that Lego was a small franchise overseas and a giant one domestic explaining the Lego movie being domestic heavy. I speculate that it is extremely common for comedy to play 60-80% domestic, those one not being particularly domestic heavy for a comedy but still heavy isn't necessarily because of the weakness of the Lego brand worldwide but a lot for being that type of comedy and maybe the dubbed versions not being as good (voice acting, text, etc... they are not always easy to translate and there is often less resources, less test screenings, etc.... made). Lego being the biggest worldwide toy brand making the original statement suspicious to me. I could be obviously all wrong about Lego popularity oversea.
  19. well: That is quite the exaggeration, the heist footage is not long but you need to ad the planning of it as about the heist moment also. Maybe, maybe not, look at this movie for example: The most recent non-franchise assemble heist movie I can think of, would you say the movie was not about the heist, that the cast didn't had chemistry or non likable ? Total Lifetime Grosses Domestic: $27,780,977 57.3% + Foreign: $20,672,628 42.7% = Worldwide: $48,453,605 Heist, crime drama/comedy is a genre that be less easy to sell and way less mainstream that we tend to think, same would go for Kiss Kiss Bang Bang / The Nice Guys, it is a type of movies many including me tend to overrate their mainstream appeal quite a lot, there is a reason they redo Ocean 11s again and again and again and again.
  20. But I doubt anyone would place a electricity heavy industry/research building there, specially with so small amount of employee (making it really easy to move anywhere else), those movies usually never make much sense of those aspects. It is a bit like James Bond villains. You need to embrace the non-sense, specially when it is self-aware and playing with it in Venom or Austin Powers.
  21. A bit like Spider Man 2 had a searcher making electricity heavy experiment in the middle of Manhattan for no reason and paying 30 cent a KWhours doing so. Isn't the point and something wanted in the SuperHeroes genre atheistic those really strange scientific doing those crazy choice that make people cringe ? A bit like the walking backward in the dark horror movie tropes ?
  22. Yep animation and it is not the dreamwork/pixar established animation that attract family audience look either. Not being a full on SpiderMan movie and a bit confusing proposition of having many of them could also be a factor among many audience, "easier" to skip. There isn't much link between Lego movies and this (not sure were it started from, was probably talking about Dom/Oversea ratio prediction)
  23. If that rumors is truth that show quite the evolution in cost for those in the last 10 year's, the first Cloudy movie was around 136M-140M net budget in 2018 dollars.
  24. Disney does not need it, but again you are not going against my point at all Zootopia didn't do specially high domestic versus the rest of the world, didn't had a famous cast. The point I was trying to make: Lego high domestic % is not necessarily due to the Lego being a much bigger franchise US than foreign, there was many element of those movie that tend to make them biggest domestic than foreign. I was not saying 2014 Pratt or Arnett are giant famous factor, simply speculating that they did a better job in English (were they overperformed) than the dubbed version and that those 2 movies were in part sold on the lead comedic performance, like it is really common with that type of comedies. Obviously nothing about any of this (talking on the Internet) never change anything.....
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