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Everything posted by Barnack

  1. Would a mix of the Batman lego movie be a somewhat relevant comp for the maximum ceiling ? I would expect this to be a less domestic heavy output (well it is not an Peter Parker spider man so I do not know how much of the giant intl appeal SpiderMan has need him to work) That did 175 dbo / 136 intl. I could see this closer to 125 /185 (same total but shifting 50m around) Cloudy 2 did 120 / 155, for an other source of Lord-Miller/Sony animated output.
  2. Do you really do not know what pixel and resolution are ? You were probably looking for a cell-shaded look and not pixelization. Your impression will probably be common among the general audience, is any computer style animated movie that didn't follow the early dreamwork/pixar style ever did well at the box office ?
  3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HBO_Go WB have been in the OTT business for a while now, since 2010. Well HBO on broadband started in 2008. And since 2014 it is completely like a Netflix, no need for a cable deal to go with it.
  4. I imagine it will be everything almost all AT&T own using HBO go structure and brand by expending it. Warner already having that direct to consumer popular platform (HBO has still more clients than Netflix I think, with 142 millions) make it quite natural.
  5. We still always had too no ?, except for watching old already monetized stuff.
  6. After your comments about pop music and this, you're zen: People are pasisonate, that is how we are wired. There is no need to be all condescendant about what people are passionate about. Goes away real fast when it is stuff you do not like (but still feel the need to watch in theater and go online talk about it)
  7. No way Vice is just 40m right ? http://film.ca.gov/wp-content/uploads/2.0-Website-Approved-Projects-List-Online-07.23.2018.pdf https://www.thewrap.com/annapurna-upheaval-megan-ellison-reevaluating-film-division/ The studio’s anticipated December release “Vice,” about Dick Cheney, cost a bloated $60 million to produce. 60M is pretty inline with that California qualited expense.
  8. Not 100% sure they will go for a Disney-Fox brand and not go pure Fox Searchlight / Fox 2000 / Century Fox, etc... for the adult product. Did Disney name showed up back in the days in any ostensible way on the Touchstone brand release ? It could be wise to not have Disney brand/name show up in any way if it is adult oriented, to not create any brand confusion. Keeping the century fox fanfanre do make a lot of sense.
  9. Century Fox head out, with Searchlight & Fox 2000 heads staying in goes has what I expected, specialty arm being much more safe than the main studio, movie wise.
  10. No way Vice is just 40m right ? http://film.ca.gov/wp-content/uploads/2.0-Website-Approved-Projects-List-Online-07.23.2018.pdf Is codeName was Backseat, and it spent 40m in qualified expenditure alone according to the California film commission. If it is just 40m (say just 44m and a bit rounded down) because of some extraordinary no above the line cost, out of state cost, etc... with everyone owning the movie and sharing the risk, sure it will be almost certainly profitable, but the profit will not go that much to them. The Big Short was 49.5m gross around 43m/44m net budget, while box office mojo is saying 28M https://fastlane.louisianaeconomicdevelopment.com/Film/FilmSearchDetails.aspx?ProjNum=Tbx5pp6EHFz07xsX8FjTww%3d%3d For a comparable and give some idea how off they can be.
  11. They have been more a producer than a distributor. I imagine some made money, for sure Zero Dark thirty (Sony didn't seem to have any skin in the game here producers paid both budget and domestic P&A while world was pre-sold), Spring Breaker, American Hustle (they got a 80m paycheck on that one after paying for half the rather small domestic expense net of world sales and points toward the talent they probably made an healthy 25m profit on that), Sausage Party maybe Her and or Lawless. Has a distributor maybe Sorry to bother you worked but yeah not a good track record in either field.
  12. Do you not think that having an opinion on who should win before the year is over and you have seen all the movie disqualify it automatically ? At least you do not even try to hide your giant bias.
  13. Phoenix joker is a different time line, one were is already an old men in the 1980s.
  14. I am really unsure woke twitter had a good consensus it was ok to fire Gunn. I am sure I do not want to try to check if that was the case. Just joke, not one story from actual anyone getting ever hurt by him, the nature of people that started the movement anti-Gunn, I would have assumed woke twitter was divided. Middle Finger is going toward the internet frogs Washington/Hollywood are running a big pedophile ring crowd more imo.
  15. Giant OW, Big previews + inflated Sunday, significantly less than 60% would be good but feel possible.
  16. Feel like something I would be ready to pay 3M for the script, 1M a production credit, 8 to 10M to direct with points if I was Warner Brother. The obvious match is obvious, property he will be able to fill with bad taste joke !
  17. Looking at thursday fan night event/friday night audience cinemascore will give a more male heavy and not has family (and not has elderly) statistics than a movie complete run or just taking the saturday/sunday days into account. I think it was already down to 59% male by the end of the weekend and 64% under 25. But you are right it is far from a clean 4 quadrant or a 35% family audience like a Tomorrowland, but it is a giant 80M OW, it does not require that big of a percentage to have had a bigger family audience than Wrinkle in Time family audience size. And it is compared to one of the movie that played the oldest for a big weekend ever in Star is Born. Under 25 audience ASIB: 14% (and not much of that 14% was under 18) Venom: 64%
  18. That not uncommon for Ellison to walk out of a project, even if it is a bit last minute, on Downsizing: https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/features/making-downsizing-how-alexander-payne-poached-matt-damon-manchester-by-sea-1068760 But even as the budget was being miniaturized, Ellison started getting cold feet. Although she never officially backed out
 of the production, she stopped returning phone calls from Brad Grey, who was running Paramount at the time (he died this year). Grey decided to go ahead and greenlight the movie 
in early fall 2015 without Ellison, footing the entire budget. Steve jobs: https://mashable.com/2014/12/11/steve-jobs-sony-email-hack/#iZOXbMN9wEqh On Nov. 13, 2014, Megan Ellison and Annapurna backed out of the project. In less than a month, Ellison went from literally begging to be involved in the project in any way possible to writing, "I'm having a hard time moving forward on Jobs. I can't help but not feel great about the way things played out until now and the level of investment has only become much more significant." If the budget moved during the pre-production, that could be the reason.
  19. A star is born is the R rated movie with like an over 80% of it's audience that is over 25 year's old.
  20. Family movie vs r rated will have a very different monday drop usually.
  21. How this goes against the 70m OW minimum for that 10m preview you are quoting ? Now sure to follow here.
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