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Everything posted by Barnack

  1. I remember that element on the first one, but in this trailer it does not look like it is mentally heavy and it make it look like they do not show what the second pilot is doing on purpose. Being hit does not seem to hurt them much either, not sure that trailer at least communicate the concept of what is going on here.
  2. Blumhouse/Universal horror with the really easy to sell high concept in the title always as some chance imo.
  3. Isn't it considered a Chinese movie ? Filmed in part there: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2557478/locations Produced by Chinese company: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2557478/companycredits Certainly not sold as a character study or anything else than look at the spectacle of giant robots fighting. From the footage shown I do not even get were the pilots are and why there is 2 of them.
  4. China market is probably too important for any Netflix only movie type. A China theatrical, Netflix rest of the world maybe ? But it is sold so much on gran spectacle that it would have been a bit strange.
  5. The : -If I tell you, you won't say a word about it ? -Or course not. Followed by posting a screenshot. What kind of advance conniving and film Internet bitchiness..... I would imagine it is not necessarily real, look a lot like a joke.
  6. In term of youtube video watching habbit of the target audience, maybe Jungle Book would be a better comparable in some market here (like domestic), beauty and the beast was really an Internet hype machine in comparison to those 2 I would (maybe wrongly) assume.
  7. A bit similar why gym for female create less fit than a white only gym membership. The motivations for a group of woman that want to train or tan at the beach (and get trunk without worrying about their glasses) without the male gaze are quite different than not wanting someone with a certain level of melanin.
  8. Really curious how they will approach it in the current better not have a state as the enemy to hurt some market but they are the only one with jet fighter challenge.
  9. What is your browser, if it is Chrome consider installing uBlock origin: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/search/ublock?hl=en It will completely remove ads before youtube video...
  10. Just use an ad blocker, I imagine almost no one watch youtube ads at all now aday.
  11. That why the outside Christmas season bit, competition to Avatar did really well, competition to Star Wars also, there is quite the room for legs around that time.
  12. Was old timey Europe all white ? Romans conquered region at least were a bit diverse, their army made from a diverse range of province toward the end. They are not completely out of say Britain middle age history: https://www.historytoday.com/paul-edwards/history-black-people-britain http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/british/empire_seapower/black_britons_01.shtml Black Vikings were even apparently a real thing.
  13. Ahhhhhhhhh. in that sense. I am not 100% sure about that, it does not seem to hinder Game of Thrones at the Emmy, SAG and industry award in general and Lords of the Rings has much more gravitas/respected as a piece of world literature to overcome any think piece. Fury Road had a bit of those white post apocalypse thinkpiece wrote about it (even thought Australia is well, over 90% white) and that didn't stop it at the Oscar, it is a group that nominated a group of 100% white actor the year of the oscarsowhite scandal, old people tend to not like to be told what to do very much. But I imagine a 2015 made Lord of the Rings would be a bit more diverse, the story (fantastic, multiple place) make it so easy to do.
  14. If it does stay April 20 in the US, would it be the biggest head to head against at SH blockbuster type movie release outside the Christmas season ? Does not seem that obvious counter programming wise.
  15. Why ? If MadMax 4 can get in, why would Lord of the ring could not ? There is almost no good movie making big box office that does not get in best picture, Gravity, MadMax, American Sniper, Blind Side, Avatar, Dunkirk, Inception, King Speech, Help, Hidden Figures, etc... if you do big box office and you can be interesting to 65 year's old (and can follow what is going on sequel wise), you just need to be good enough and you are in almost 100% of the time. Why would Lords of the Ring be an rare exception ?
  16. I think it can, SH movie got guild nominated quite a bit recently, Guardian of the Galaxy, Wonder Woman, Logan, with a strong below the line to make sure it stay alive.
  17. ABC being Disney own, that is a bit of a non obvious distinction here a little bit.
  18. http://assets.uscannenberg.org/docs/inclusion-in-the-directors-chair-2007-2017.pdf Around 4% for studio / big movies, vs a bit over 50% of the adult population. There is more black male director (around 6-6.5% of the US population, I would imagine less than 3% of the director talent pool) than female all races (50% of the population) director for studio output.
  19. Considering that the last 5 best director winner are named Lee, Cuarón, Iñárritu, Chazelle, Del Toro a bit of a strange hang up..... specially in the context of being an obvious call back to Portman. And even thought black director are under represented in studio movies, I am not sure it is the case for black male director, about 5.5% of the studio movies are made by black male vs around 6-6.5% of the US population and a smaller percentage of the studio director talent pool (Canada, Europe, Mexico, Asia) it is black female that are under represented behind the camera.
  20. 2017 was so close to lowest ratings that it is probable yes, if it follow Superbowl drop it will go around 30.5m The globes scored better in 2018 than all the year since the big 2014 in market share too: https://www.statista.com/statistics/289834/tv-ratings-golden-globes/ So I guess it could have maintained (at least percentage of people still watching tv wise).
  21. I doubt they know... a bit like sound for Baby Driver, pretty likely that only PwC know the winners, a nearly 40b in revenues company that value reputation a lot and do the Oscar gig only for that should not take the chance of being lying about the process. I think it was presented like that because it is the most popular song of the bunch that fit that kind of presentation.
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