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Everything posted by Barnack

  1. I love War of the world remake of The Searchers ending (Cruise character is a lot Ethan in this), it is sad that movie loose steam in that basement.
  2. I doubt many director would have cut Kubrick ending from A.I. Can you imagine the guts it would have needed to fundamentally change Kubrick last posthumous movie to that point, to remove the very concept of circularity like that from it. Maybe a Jodorowsky's type of director would have, but I imagine for the vast majority it stay there if they have the money for it.
  3. Was not expecting you were going with a Fast and Furious reference all this time.
  4. This imo, the movies were not just that good (except for mother! where it is a different story, but many critics were really positive on that one also). It is not like audience disagreed with critics that much on any of those (except for mother! but again different story). The industry wanted to like Passenger very much I think, most just want for those big non franchise movies to work from time to time, even nominated it to a couple of Oscar. Lot of think piece written and a bit how some reviews are written are due to how much traffic you can generate with an angle that talk about her and has her in the title sure, but those movies were fairly reviewed imo.
  5. One would imagine that the answer would be no, but I think I am in the minority when I felt that Force Awaken was really good until an old really depressing to see 77 year's old Han Solo still getting in youth trouble show up. Regardless of what we think, world audience seem to have loved Force Awaken and is old Solo and an old professor should be easier to pull off.
  6. Only in non-theatrical market around 17 days post US release as expected/announced a while back an, having a high quality version available online (I imagine a couple of hours after it hit Netflix) could hurt the rest of the run a little bit but probably not by much.
  7. They could even make an event out of it, say a streaming show were after waiting for enough reviews they reveal the score. We should contact them with this idea.
  8. Well will see while watching Ready Player One if you have a strong case (versus say is Minority Report movie), he always bring some extra cheese and ultra obvious crowd pleasing moment in pretty much all is recent movies imo.
  9. The part about Coppola/Palma mocking him and the part about him not caring about audience when making is movies that sound like pure speculation that does not match what he does at all. I would not even be surprised if he play is movies in focus group test screening.
  10. That sound speculation all around, why would be making a movie like RPO and Indiana Jones 5 ? Why everyone that work with him talk about how much commercial success and profitability is a point of conversation when making the movie. The guy is 70, it would be a bit pathetic if he was still doing only movie that appeal to kids, but he is still very much a business men running a studio and with the audience very much in mind for everything that goes into is movies imo.
  11. Not sure how it is called now, but the previously known has Infinity War part 2 ?
  12. I doubt that, everything he do always has box office strongly in mind and has some obsession with efficiency / lowering the budget to make sure is movies are profitable since 1941. In a interview Khan said that a recurring talk they have when they think they are missing something or making a decision is: How many millions more at the box office would that bring to have it. Even with all he did, he does seem to still be legacy obsess.
  13. And now Tuesday rebate days are getting bigger (and we always had the percentage of elderly/kids crowd that has rebate that was not too easy to take into account), I wonder if the gap for city ticket price vs some rural place even outside 3D/PLF didn't get bigger also.
  14. When tracking is low (I imagine same mindset for Red Sparrow last month), may as well take a chance, from what transpire they could have ended quite good, does not seem to be missing much and probably does look very good (making a bit hard to know for people without any distance with it how it will play), probably tested well enough also.
  15. There is few target audience more into RT than for this movie I imagine (Baby Driver being an other example of a target audience extremely into reviews and a rare case of a wide release movie really helped by them)
  16. In average around half of those yes, and for some same would go for the marketing budget being quite lower for this one. But at the same time specially for those Depp involved movie I do not think Wrinkle will perform nearly as well oversea.
  17. Not easy to make 10m in that genre, even a Collet-Sera/Liam Neeson just did 13m with more theaters, same for Death Wish with Willis and really nice buzz around the trailers same for The Foreigner, never easy when you are not a studio either, Entertainment studios 10-11m is there max. Really common for the genre to go below 10m for the complete run, let alone OW: https://www.the-numbers.com/movies/genre/Action
  18. For big success I think it is 15 year's ago yes. They are probably really happy with the people's that decided to buy studio/brand.
  19. And doing pretty much the same as the typical Disney misfire: 58 89 The Good Dinosaur BV $123,087,120 3,749 $39,155,217 3,749 11/25/15 69 300 A Wrinkle in Time BV $33,316,000 3,980 $33,316,000 3,980 3/9/18 70 116 Tomorrowland BV $93,436,322 3,972 $33,028,165 3,972 5/22/15 78 153 John Carter BV $73,078,100 3,749 $30,180,188 3,749 3/9/12 4 126 The Lone Ranger BV $89,302,115 3,904 $29,210,849 3,904 7/3/13 89 144 Alice Through the Looking Glass BV $77,041,381 3,763 $26,858,726 3,763 5/27/16 Others studios would love to have 30m opening considered their misfire..... The King Arthur movie / Valerian / Live By Night, etc... misfire do not do make much more than that in their total run or even world wide, that show how strong the brand is right now.
  20. I do not know I feel like all is 2010 release do significantly less without him as the director except for is Family movie output BFG. Lincoln was a domestic monster and except for BFG they all did very very well in a world that those kind of movies often do not. But that could irrelevant, he may still be a good draw among the older audience not sure it can help a movie like RPO.
  21. I think that a case of critic missing the mark (One what does people that gave it bad critics back then think of it today would be a nice exercise like they did recently for The Big Lebowski). It is now considered one of Spielberg best (top 7) by critics all around the worlds: http://www.theyshootpictures.com/gf1000_all1000films_table.php Even made it in the best 1000 of all times, it is a class in how to do exposition and so many other things so well that aged beautifully.
  22. Edgelost was not suggesting they would be happy with just breaking even, but that is the bright side at least it has a good chance to not flop because it is a mid budget entry. There is a chance for this to do worst than the already not specially good Tomorrowland 1.23 oversea/dom multiplier too, from what I could gather the book was specially popular in the US.
  23. Spielberg top 10 is not an easy one to enter. I imagine most would have Schindler List ET Jurassic Park Saving Private Ryan Jaws Raiders Comfortably above Tintin and after that you have Close Encounter, AI, Catch Me if you can, Munich, Minority Report (really solid top 11 right there), Color Purple, Lincoln, War of the Worlds, Duel, etc... Even the top 14 is not easy to crack in.
  24. Not sure how could say a way or an other on this, non free market are impossible to predict and arbitrary.
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