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Everything posted by Barnack

  1. Either the lockdown in the USA were quite different or brick and mortar sales were irrelevant for dvd sales and all transfered to the Amazon of the world. Because I find surprising that the fact that people for months would never go to a rental place that sales dvds or store would not be considered in the factor for why they would decline. Closing of in person business, make a bit obvious why DvD rentals would decline and the rise in decline in sales is almost the sames than for rentals. The idea that the small boost we saw was due to the long line with people waiting from a long time in front on small dvd bin (the fact the boost was dvd only and not dvd/bluray would point to that) in grocery stores/walmart/target during the reserve making buying frenzy was probably the good one.
  2. I am a bit surprised that anyone has expectation in streamed minute watched for movies.
  3. 7 days I think December 21 to 27. Edit: 21 to 27 is the range calculated but movies in question released only on the 25, so your right about the 3 days. I am a bit curious how to you judge that (what would have been small), for example now that the timeframe is more than twice of what you thought, does that put them from huge to good, mediocre, bad ?
  4. I am not sure I follow you, it is you that put qualifier (HBOMAX has less subs, movie was available in theater, etc....) to say that it blew everything out of water despite being less seen on streaming. Yes there is always qualifiers to everything and create an argument for being the most impressive numbers here despite the smaller views, but the did it blew everything out of water despite being lower is a legit question and we can add qualifiers to claim that case.
  5. Did it ? 2.252 billions minutes for a 155 minutes movie is about 14.5 millions "views" 1.667 billions minutes of Soul for a 107 minutes movies is about 15.58 millions "views" Fairly close. Using minutes could be a nice ways to compare tv series, specially sitcoms between each other, but between movies would be arguably a bit of a strange ways. In the context of needing to gain viewer at a much higher price point to do those figure, it can be seen has the most impressive performance, not sure about blowing it out of the water. In 2020, to give some scale: The office: 57.1 billion Ozark: 30.4 billion Tiger King: 15.6 billion (43 millions views of the full series equivalent) Frozen 2: 14.9 billion (144 millions views) Moana: 10.5 billion Onward: 8.3 billion Hamilton: 6.1 billion (38 millions views) Would be interesting to seem how frontloaded high profile movie end up being on those platform. Outside of rewatchable sitcom, I imagine kids rewatching the same movies all the time type of title will dominated those list big time.
  6. Until there is a (and I imagine watch out for what we which for) a system reliable that look at how many people are watching the movie in the living room and price accordingly, giant family movie almost have to price out all single viewer for sure to make economical sense.
  7. Mulan from what I remember didn't release day-and-date in many market https://www.the-numbers.com/movie/Mulan-(2020)#tab=summary Domestic Box Office: n/a 70 millions at the Box office WW (mostly from China and Soul did a little more there I think) is a bit of paper release theatrically speaking for a movie like that, it was almost exclusively a D+ affair. There is many reason why a company would want to charge people $30 to watch a movie, to have revenues from blockbuster. That is hard to know, less theatrical release (and that because of terrible timing for it) maybe even none when it released on D+ could be a factor, you cannot tell theater to open for that the movie is direct on D+ I imagine. Could part be experiment, trying to access how many new subscribers do you lose in any if you put a $30 tag on your flagship new product versus included in the D+ membership. Hamilton they charged nothing but removed the free month trial timed for people needing to actually pay for D+ to watch it, I think has of now there was a little something different for every major release attempted by Disney, probably trying to figure out the best ways of this new windowing. And has it mature attracting new member is less and less the goal, like it still was in the USA for Hamilton days.
  8. This is really a small sample size and 3 different release USA wise Mulan: No theatrical, only DIsney+, $30 rental than $0 rental with Disney+ after a month Soul: No theatrical, available on D+ Raya: Theatrical and Disney+ $30 day and date 3 different release model, Disney trying I do not think there is any possible conclusion to make from it. Outside that the $30 price tag was not judged catastrophic. I imagine that those 3 dates will have a different numbers of theater open. Onward getting free on D+ so fast indicate maybe a distinction between Disney/Pixar brand as well, but that is a very small sample size and against Onward is a 4th different release than those 3, having played in theater only for a while before reaching D+
  9. DOes not look to be the Godzilla from the 2014 movie or kong from the previous movie either, anyway it does look like giant non sense a la Transformer. Let's go for it ! Could be missing from Statham type going on for it to achieve total non sense success.
  10. That already seem in direct contradiction with the statement that he had to be in WW84. Now a contract for that type of actor in that type of roles (specially with the script of the first movie if there was one when he signed) that would have been for multiple movies (and not options) that could have make him able to force WB to put him in them ? The Wrap seem to also say that it is rumored contract was about having options on many movies: https://www.thewrap.com/chris-pine-closes-deal-to-star-opposite-gal-gadot-in-wonder-woman-exclusive/ Pine joins the DC Movie Universe in a multi-picture deal that includes sequel options, according to insiders. That does not engage WB to put him in any of them, if they do Pine salary/condition are already planned but if they do not put them in them they are not liable. A bit like Paramount never exercising all the sequels options of Walberg Transformer trilogy. If you meant that it was not some big turnaround move that must have been forced by something, because from the start him to reappear in the DCU was planned as a likely possibility, yes.
  11. That sound like an extraordinary claim to me. People could be lying obviously but apparently the decision was made during the production of the first movie: https://www.ign.com/articles/wonder-woman-1984-how-is-steve-trevor-back-chris-pine-set-visit During the set visit, it also became clear that the decision to bring him back wasn’t dictated by the success of the 2017 flick; director Patty Jenkins came up with Steve’s continuing role in her Wonder Woman movies when she, Pine, and Gadot were filming the first one.
  12. That rolling a dice, that face/smile and that statuesque SH person was maybe part of what made it work, same goes for Aquaman casting. It is not in the same way Phoenix made the Joker work, but physicality is a lot of job of someone being photographed and that exuding charisma a big part of the movie star that take giant portion of the big screen for big part of a film.
  13. For a major sequel after buying all your points, the original deal was probably between 7-9 million + points they had to buy. To give a range Edgar Wright starting point of what he was asking to make is own high risk dream movie Baby Driver was asking: $4.5MM v. 3.5% FDG, escal to 5%GP @ CB0%, escal to 7.5%GP @ CB5%, escal to 10%GP @ CB15% --> but WT has only budgeted $2.5MM for Wrights' director fee and expects his contractual fee will be renegotiated down to budgeted amount. If he achieved a deal that ramp up to 10% after a point, maybe he made 8 figure on that one. Paul Feig made around that on Ghostbuster once you put writing and directing fee: Feig on GB3: Fee: Directing: 8 mil escalates to 8.5 if spy 150dbo/300wbo escalates further to 9 if spy 175/350 OK Producing: 500K Writing: 2 million for one draft and one rework, 350K for rework after that and 100k by polishing pass Backend: 12 reducible to hard 10 of cb0, with video going to 35% instead of 20% pass breakeven The Russo to direct and write The Gray Man asked: WRITING AND DIRECTING 7 v 7 8 v 8 at CA3 800m 9 v 9 at CA3 1b Would it have released in theater and been a success, she would have made probably a good amount more than $13M, it seem quite standard for a giant sequel.
  14. Alternative world would be really different than something set in the MCU in which Thor played by someone already existed, no ? Oh my....: Marvel announced that in October 2014 there will be a new Thor who is female.[4][5] As revealed in the aftermath of the Original Sin storyline, Thor lost his ability to wield Mjolnir, which was later found by Jane Foster who obtains Thor's power and his name.[6] Thor, unaware of his successor's identity and believing Jane Foster would not be able to use Mjolnir due to her cancer, used the battle axe Jarnbjorn.
  15. aaaaaaaaa, my bad, I can see that they had interesting exposition method used, like visiting his own museum scene.
  16. Is it, that much ? 8.0 on IMDB, 91% on RT https://www.rottentomatoes.com/franchise/marvel_cinematic_universe right with the first Guardians and just above Winter Soldier https://www.theyshootpictures.com/21stcentury_allfilms_table.php Ranked as the 591 best movies of the 21th century by world critics, climbing fast, only Black Panther being ranked above from the MCU I think. 1.6 billions at the box office, would be curious how it was not only underrated but really underrated (or maybe among which people).
  17. I think many were giant drop like GodFather 2, Empire Strike Back, Grease 2, Sting 2, American Graffiti 2, exorcist 2 but in a era where sequels have big drop was more the norm that make them hard for someone not from that era too judge them. Some were big modern drop but with product/proposition that would have an hard time causing deception to anyone not involved in the projects themselves, like Blair Witch 2/Speed 2/Basic Instinct 2/Dumb and Dumber 2, people didn't care for those doing well or not and could not be disappointed, they would have not mind if the movie were never made to start with. That make BvS a good candidate, considering the stakes, the amount of people rooting for it, the giant launch at the start of the OW and it was in a time when SH movies adding SH in them could grow a lot. Some canvas about it about it is a sequel of which movie exactly ? (If it is Man of Steel and in that case 200M more) and so on, but still, it's own debut proved how much it was a dunk 1.1-1.2 billion movie a la Aquaman (but more domestic) for sure with a good reception and when down under 900M. Far from the worst performing sequel, but disappointing maybe.
  18. I think there is a bit of talking over each other heads, are the claim that he like to talk about it (and send DM about it) true versus did he actually engage in cannibalistic practice.
  19. That said good year for thoses (like last year) to have a shot at real competitive award (i.e. best picture), but if you start breaking down best picture in sub category (best animated), may as well have those.
  20. I would not put taboo around cannibalism or rape has something the PC culture starting in the late 80s to now brought, that something that was fraught from most time and most place, that does not goes well with old school conservator either or most laws (after a check cannibalism is perfectly legal, i.e. you can eat yourself, a bit like in many state where prostitution is perfectly legal just activity around it than to be made illegal). That said has far has we known it is a mix of really kink sexting and roleplay that is being alleged, with infidelity of having occurred right, there is no mention of any of this actually occurring ? In that sense (if that what it is), making a big out of that would feel a bit like some renewed puritanism. It does seem of a case to either go in prison (not just kink, but actual rape or forced cannibalism act occurred) or not (just fun kink between consenting adult) more than a faux-pas that hurt your movie career here.
  21. One selling it to the other is also a scenario (for Sony studio parts that what the talk tend to be about). I think in media it will tend to be like hulu (without a good example of complete world multi faceted studios, with tv, movies, games, parks like those 2): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viacom_18 ESPN is a joint venture but with Disney having 80% vs just 20% by Hearst it is probably well under majority control of Disney, unlike A&E where it is 50-50 with Disney
  22. 2019 Comcast Revenue: 109 billion Asset: 263 billion Equity: 71.5 billion Employees: 190,000 AT&T Revenue: 181.2 billion Asset: 551 billion Employees: 243,000 In 2016 21st Century Fox was about 30 billion revenues, 50 billions assets with 20,500 employees, it is a completely different scale yes. That why the talk is I feel like about merging NBCUniversal with WarnerMedia and not comcast with AT&T: "Our thoughts about the logical combination of NBCUniversal and WarnerMedia to give the combined companies the needed scale to compete with Disney and Netflix were reinforced by other conversations across town," Nathanson wrote about his check-in with his Hollywood contacts. A big like Sony, they would merge/sell the movie-tv studio part of the company to another studio, not Sony altogether. Disney Revenue: 65 billion asset: 201.5 billion Employees: 223,000
  23. Mother of god....: https://www.the-numbers.com/box-office-chart/weekend/2015/12/25 Point break achieving 2.3 multiplier, Concussion 2.4, Daddy Home 2.42, Joy 2.26 do point out that the other movies this year seem to playing like usual for that scenario legs wise, just much lower in absolute.
  24. It could give some clues, but the next time we have the chance to see a WB movies release and hyped sequel simultaneously on HBO max during the holidays with about 0 competition in theater, could never happen again this decade, please make this situation never happen again. (and Christmas falling out in a not too different ways is a factor as well)
  25. If a movie without thursday previews nor competition would have achieved -54% during the holidays, I am not sure many would have been surprised and calling it extraordinary high hold. News to the world launched at the same time and made 2.4 its OW after the second sunday, Promising Young Woman 2.6, Pinocchio 2.86 not necessarily specially good for the release date in a regular year, but otherwise that would be very solid hold. If we compare with 2009 the latest time Christmas was a friday, it was in that similar windows: Sherlock Holmes was a 2.27 Its complicated 2.67 Tree Idiots 2.9 Chipmunks 3.2 WW was at 1.7, making the HBO Max factor you mention probably a big deal (and a bigger factor, that was not necessarily easy to access it is not like the HBO Max option didn't depress the OW itself as well).
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