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Everything posted by Barnack

  1. That is a movie that got reevaluated fairly quickly: http://www.theyshootpictures.com/21stcentury_allfilms_table.php Already in the top 50 of the most acclaimed movie of the 21th century.
  2. 19 42 The Shape of Water Fox Searchlight 158 +117 +285.4% - - - - 3 http://www.boxofficemojo.com/counts/chart/?yr=2017&wk=50&p=.htm
  3. Solo appeal without a young Ford playing it, is certainly less obvious, it became appealing with the director team and went back to need a trailer to be exciting when they got fired.
  4. I am often surprised by rating date, it feel like many movie get a rating early to know what to expect (did they achieved the R or if PG-13 Pg-13) and continue to work on the movie after and make the mpaa re-rate the finished product, to not have surprise (and if the change are minor like finishing SFX, sound edit, etc... it seem almost like they do not have too go throught re-rate with testimony of movie being work on until the very last day of release for movies that are 100% digitally distributed opening night). Could be wrong, but sometime it give that impression.
  5. Can you explain why they stopped doing movies with Disney and all stopped Dreamworks and so on partnership if they needed content ? New reality because of the streaming platform ?
  6. And spending billion buying studios that could have, Marvel, Lucas Art, Pixar.... now Fox. Most of those Disney release using those spot will come from recently acquired studio's.
  7. Those complex name and picture non-matching feel like a strategy so we will look at the poster the longest, trying to match people name and face.
  8. I am a bit surprised if true: https://editorial.rottentomatoes.com/article/tommy-wiseaus-five-favorite-films/ CITIZEN KANE (1941) 100% GIANT (1956) 95% SONNY (2002) 23% CASABLANCA (1942) 97% A STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE (1951) 98%
  9. I am not sure what you are suggesting I am saying or projecting on what I am saying. My statement: A movie that can sell toys, merchandise, pijamas, sequels, etc... is a better one for a studio even if the audience like an other movie as much, even if they like an other movie significantly more. Creating a bias for studios toward project that can have sequels vs those who cannot, toward project that can sell merchandise vs those who cannot, do you disagree with this ? It is more a positive bias toward that type of movie than a bias against the others, how many people will like the movie if they see it, is far from being the only metric used to greenlight project and far to be the only metric that determine a movie commercial success either (how many people will like the trailers is often a better question) The last turtle movie did 82 million with better reviews than the first one, there is 340+m people in the domestic market, suggesting that a good movie like Whiplash could bring 3% of the population in with that kind of giant marketing campaign is not that crazy, I am still saying that giant majority of the population would have had no interest in it. But I was more saying that if you would have picked a random 1,000 people among movie goers to see both movie it is not certain that the 2014 Turtles movies would have been the favorite and it is not the reason it made more money.
  10. Planet of the Apes also I think, The Simpsons, X-men developed they own foot print in some market that is not linked to being Marvel/MCU I suspect, like in China, for that one is a bit more than simply expending (like if they would have got rights for property that never had successful movies, like the Fan 4) Smaller one but still make a franchise only year of release even easier than before: How to Train Your Dragon, Kung Fu Panda Madagascar Alien Die Hard X-Files Predator etc...
  11. Everytime the movie ask us to believe the young guy is an highly respected, highly ranked in the military person, it is asking a lot from us.
  12. Yes and, this is coming from the most anti-diverting of subject person on this board, the because something else is bad does not mean you people should evade that negative aspect of something, do not talk about something that kill 100 times more people that terrorism getting less effort to get fix because that does not comfort family of victims and diminish is importance. Now going around saying: This is not as worst than net-neutrality getting away Globalization and jobs outsourcing Some studio close section even without being acquired in cost saving synergy move... Can I ask about your total 180 on this subject versus most others, is it simple (and good for some people to have) contrarian reflex ? Or is there something else here ?
  13. They did try to minimize any part of the deal that would go against them, they will not acquire the network or the national sports coverage to not create conflict with NBC or espn, will not acquire the news division, it could go through.
  14. When it is one of the top 10 most loved company on america (and that the main feeling creating the main storyline about it), if Disney was an hated company without any emotional love, the reaction could be different (imagine if it was comcast pushing the net non-neutrality and this at the same time....)
  15. They are hard group to follow one day it feel like a group ultra pro first 2 amendments, people should have right to even physically manifest in streets with torch at night because in some ways it could infringe on the 1st, write and say anything online, the next they sound ok to close down CNN and stop the press of the Washington Post. Could be because it is a lot about playing on a team and following anything a very following is current thought on how he feel without any principle leader.
  16. One would have thought of them to be in the most net neutral supporter people of them all.
  17. What kind of strawmen is this, do you really believe any of what you just wrote, that people writing possible negative future consequence of this deal does not know about Samsung, Google, Coca Cola, Oracle, Toyota, Shell, Goldman Sachs and many others sector (many worst, Neon making is tight 3 player oligopoly were I am from, snow removal for cities for example was much worst in term of corruption and controls just not as fun one to talk about). People happen to speak about this situation and not other because it is currently happening and because it is a movie message boards. Serious question, are you just trolling or really believing anything you just wrote would be eye opening to anyone reading ?
  18. Talking about the 2014 ? one, was it more watched because audience love it more than Whiplash or because it was a franchise movie with a giant marketing budget ? Is the percentage of people that watched Ninja Turtle and loved it higher than for Whiplash and the reason it made more ? Or it made more because of an higher first weekend because it had more screen and eyeballs before anyone saw the actual products ? The merchandises sales, sequels possible, China screens because their government say ok to them, movie universe start up possible are also variable that studio's consider, not purely what people want to watch and studios will have advantage to push movies that make those possible over movies that people would prefer, because they would still be more profitable overall.
  19. If Disney is a monopoly, what would be an oligopoly ?
  20. If Searchlight are now the normal movies and not called the specialty small movies (and that perception is getting true, I heard mid budget talk about Logan Lucky (with an under 30m price tags), that just show how far we got into that new reality.
  21. That market response is in part right, but also in part not fully in force here. 1) Movies are not making revenues only from the movie, 2 equally loved by audience movies, some studio would still prefer the one that generate toys/video games to sales between the 2 2) Between 2 movie that are has loved the one that can generate a sequel will be the one a studio exec prefer. 3) International, intl business is a big part of the pie, between 2 movie has loved by a big part of audience, the one that can appeal (and pass the local government censorship) a studio exec will prefer the one that can play everywhere. There is some force in play here outside what people like to watch when they actually watch it. I doubt the percentage of people that actually watched Whiplash and liked it is particularly lower than the first Ninga Turtle movie for example.
  22. Went away in good part due to a destruction of value and price reduction, if they would try to make CD money from streaming piracy would still be going on: Adjusted for inflation the drop was spectacular, 28.6 b to 10.7 billion, a 65% drop. You can fully pirate the CD experience of musics, you can fully pirates the streaming experience (and will be if it is not kept to a really low price, like music did and now Netflix do), you cannot pirate fully the theatrical experience (or the live music show) and if you try to do the current windows money just from streaming, piracy would probably still be going on because of the price point you would need to charge for it.
  23. I am not sure they really exists, some are saying that just because they shifted into a fighting debate mode, the rational part of the brain tend to close, they feel attacked about what they prefer and say stuff like we need less of them because they heard people saying we need less superheroes movies taking all the screens and resources, without really thinking or caring about and really wanting less 50 to 80 million movies made in 2020.
  24. Did it ?: http://www.latimes.com/business/hollywood/la-fi-ct-super-bowl-ratings-20170206-story.html Super Bowl's TV ratings slip for the second straight year When was that ? In 1983 for example, most were making 0$ post award ceremony: http://www.boxofficemojo.com/oscar/chart/?yr=1983&p=.htm 2017, post noms/ceremony boost does not seem smaller: http://www.boxofficemojo.com/oscar/chart/?yr=2016&view=fulldetail&p=.htm They got the date much closer in modern time to help movies, in the past the award was so late that it could not do much, when Lords of the rings broke Oscar records, it did less than 4% of is box office after that.
  25. Who is talking about blaming Disney, they would do the best opportunities they have in front of them and you cannot expect them not to do so, I am not sure why people are talking about blaming either corporation here. It is more blaming the situation that has a long list of variable.
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