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Everything posted by Barnack

  1. DId they did the same for IT (moved it a little bit after overwhelming first reaction ?), that one felt tracking must have been so good they decided to not do anything too. I would imagined that once your movie play in Canne it would have been the norm to let critics, critic it, that it was even more special to have an embargo continue.
  2. SPecially for WB right ? WW, Fury Road, It, I think they have a long list of well received release with an extreme late review embargo
  3. I would imagine but that would be I feel that would be quite the useless metric, how much it will kill this year, % that get it that die the first few days, spreading rate, etc... is the metric that feel mean something, absolute death of something that just started to spread versus a total season of an other....
  4. The expression killing annually for a new version of the Corona brand type of virus is a bit strange of a strange one no ? Or it is about the average annual killed by corona type of virus we always have in circulation ?
  5. It depend how much admissions went more to top heavy title versus being a year with a special number of admissions, the former being irrelevant for that particular metric. 2019 was not a bigger jump versus the year before than 2017 was to 2016, 2012 to 2011 or 2015 to 2014 global box office 2019 : 42.5 billion 2018 : 41.1 billion 2017 : 40.5 billion 2016 : 38.8 billion Making 2.8 billion in 2018 instead of 2019: 6.81% vs 6.59% of the global box office. Very though year to crack the to 5 for a movie, but not necessarily particularly harsher in % of global take.
  6. One is a somewhat popular franchise offering an really commercial proposition that tried to take the least risk as possible, that got a nice marketing push. The other is a darker take that require to be good to be enjoyed in any way that got a 20-25M domestic P&A dump on the superbowl weekend.
  7. That a generous intl multiplier for Bad Boys 3. Is it not where still most of the revenues come from ? It is not really taking care, it is where most of the money tend to be in that genre of title/box office performance. For example Liongates in 2019 (http://investors.lionsgate.com/~/media/Files/L/LionsGate-IR/annual-reports/2019-annual-report.pdf), there feature film divisions revenues breakdown looked like this Theatrical: 14.7% Home ent: 40.4% Television: 18.7% Intl sale: 23.3% Other: 2.8% Domestic alone would look like: Theatrical: 19.15% Home ent: 52.7% TV: 24.38% Other: 3.6% (excluding the direct to dvd or acquired for home video release).look like this Theatrical: 164.5M (17.5%) Home Ent: 265.6M TV: 209M intl; 260.8M Other: 36M They are domestic alone, other studio that have box office in market with lower home ent. business will probably be more in the 35% type of range, but a 100M movie depending on how much bonus it give away will tend to need to generate about 250-275M to break even (75 to 110M PA + other cost) If it make 35% of it's revenues from theater (for something strong domestic like Bad Boys), it can reach it by grossing 88M to 96M in theatrical revenues, 110M if post theatrical do not go well, with a 53% domestic, 38% intl, 22% from china, with a strong domestic and not reliance on China, you can reach that with a 200M BO (thus the double your budget rules). Obviously if the cast got $60M in bonus and upped the actual budget to $160M if change the formula quite a bit.
  8. Hugely depend of the nature of both leads deal. That made a little bit of money: https://www.boxofficemojo.com/release/rl2907801089/ Under 300M, international heavy with no $100m domestic bonus kicking in, net budget over 120M. If $100M budget movie need $350M at the box office, how much Once Upon a Time in Hollywood giving 25-30% of the gross need, around 525m ? 800M to make a good profit ?
  9. I imagine you mean subjective here. In sport it tend to be way clearer what people mean by overrated, usually that an athlete is perceived (either by the teams, journalist, fans or a mix) to be better at helping a team win because of a spectacular style of play or proficiency in tracked and overrated stats than in reality (think a baseball player in the 90s with big base stealing, batting average or a closer with a lot of protecting win versus better player but good in less popular and understood stats). In movies that exactly that yes, you subjectively claim that the film isn't as great as other claims and unlike seeing Alien and not liking it as much as other, in your claim it is not a taste thing, you think you have some arguments about why that would be the case. People that find it great have not seen the much better version of it that already exist, felt great watching the movie for the some reason the cover of a song we like sound greater than it is (they loved the movie because of element outside of it that were simply use without much merit) . Someone that really believe being right about it, is indeed having a really strange and high opinion of themselve, but it is for most I would imagine shitposting. I would also go with John Wick here I think
  10. Maybe Anna 3.6M domestic OW had nothing to do with Besson controversy after all. You need that around 80% RT, with an impressive set piece moment in the trailer and cast like Atomic Blonde to almost reach $100M in that genre to almost double that Rythm Section budget at the BO, there is really little room and small landing strip that do not allows for bad reviews. Hardy Child 44 did 1.4M total (but that didn't had the support of a studio)
  11. California annual report and there up to date list: http://film.ca.gov/wp-content/uploads/2.0-CFC-Approved-Projects-List-12.16.19.pdf 2018-2019 Birds of Prey WB Studio Enterprises Inc. Feature Film Non-Indie 63 4550 150 93 $ 62,998,000 $ 12,615,000 Almost all movies get some incentive, this one in particular is for the spending in California.
  12. That make it probably much easier to get theater than the other way around, there is almost never anything big released that weekend.
  13. I think they could make just long trailers from now on, they are awesome.
  14. How much information come about movies before the decisions, (people can have seen easily 3 trailers for example) versus picking from movie poster or a DVD box, do change a lot how star powers work yes, in the top 5 decisions it is now way lower that it was at certain time. But now star can still rapidly send a lot of information about a movie and still play an impact (say you see Kevin Hart-Dwayne Johnson on a movie that do speak a lot, same for Pitt-DiCaprio first time on screen) and still do.
  15. And it was fully type cast and more than having Arnold in it (or Read Heat- Running Man would have made as much), Prime Arnold was solid but he really could not have carried everything like peak Will Smith could. Look at prime Sylvester Stallone or Julia Roberts, incredible good, but Stallone was batting about 50% at best outside is 2 franchise and Roberts could still go wide and open under $6M and under 15M dom total https://www.the-numbers.com/movie/Mary-Reilly#tab=summary, inbetween 5 blockbuster success.
  16. Not sure what you mean, but if Denis make a good movie that would probably destroy him. In is documentary he speak how hurt he got when someone as good as Lynch was making one and how relived he was when he saw it in theater that it was absolute shit.
  17. I almost feel Titanic is more great than it is good in a sense. Like everything that James Cameron do you need resistance to the dialogue style, but they are better than an Alien 2 imo and a lot of is stuff.
  18. I really doubt it, her giant contacts network built and that excellent last 10 year's (and arguably always growing as an actress) https://www.the-numbers.com/person/86530401-Blake-Lively#tab=acting Probably still near the top of the chain food for certain casting type even if this fail (specially considering the releasing strategy it got).
  19. I did an opening weekend chart / book sales ratio chart at one time and tried to predict Inferno OW with it considering the drops and it got really close. Studio do pay good price for book sales stats by markets and their update ramping up to the release. That said yes it must be more relevant for a Girl on a Train than for a book (good example of the quite mediocre movie doing really well because of the book sales) from a long time ago and it is a bit more complicated than some 1:1 affair (or bible based book would beat the avengers) Domestic Book sales / OW, Ratio DaVinci Code: 25M / 77M, 3.08x A&D: 15M / 46M, 3.066x Inferno: 6M / 15M, 2.5x Between popular YA adult title the ratio tended to be in the same ball parks as well, if you have nice comparables, book sales (and the book sales T-90 days of release) are probably not a bad reference.
  20. Those are a lot of hindsight (that I imagine the post was talking about), Universal would have never greenlighted that movie with that trailer.
  21. Depending of when those prediction were made, you had the trailers, ultra late review embargo, etc.... How many predicted under $30M 4 days holiday weekend when it was announced ?
  22. Ok thanks, the word debut seem to have been added by the article and their interpretation, Netflix seem to say tracking to be the biggest season when using the choosing metric (and I am confident they are comparing with how many people choose the others and not watched them as well has they go back and talk how many people did choose The Crown over time, to make it fair in that sense). To give an example of how high the numbers using their new metric: Witcher season 1: 76M first four weeks. You season 2: 54M first 4 weeks (71% of Witcher) That put 76m in perspective if a S2 of a show like You can do 54M.
  23. The article seem to be quite clear that it is about the season 1 debut: Netflix’s best season 1 original debut I really not sure what would be close (is there ever a show that got big right away season 1 before on Netflix ? Many of the big where when Netflix was much much smaller and other where a bit of a word of mouth ramp up) in term of debut and must be true, debut does not mean biggest 1st season or the debut that something that the article added and their interpretation, do we have the actual Netflix statement ?
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