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Premium George

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Everything posted by Premium George

  1. Then those people are stupid, lego movies and lego toy brand are different things.
  2. They just need to bring back voldemort to fight against Grindelwald and dumbeldor. Lore and continuity can fuck off. Name it fantastic beasts and the rogue one.
  3. None of them are comparable. Animation is big, has been since 100 years. Point is animated film of a property that already has a live action movie.
  4. There are some many big difference. First unlike LBM, this is very close to live action spidey. First lego movie was also less than average OS. By that point batman brand took a big hit, while spidey brand is back on good terms. Still when a animated movie already have a live action counterpart, it is difficult to match a original animated property. Only reason I am banking on this to do $500m WW is word of mouth.
  5. He is just predicting, and using a movie that he thinks is the best comp. Stop calling him fool or hater. I do think that one big difference b/w lego bm and this is the critics reception.
  6. Keep fighting Panda, I am with you. This people still don't understand the power of Pika-Pika.
  7. Religion has gone well beyond that simple faith since millenia. It's a system with it's own rules. And if you don't follow those rules, you face reprucusions. Maybe not in US but very much in India. Then, you have to attack that faith as it's no more harmless. It's much more to attack their other parts of faith then the existence of god. Attacking the cornerstone to bring down another part of the building.
  8. Kids have cancer. 2 year old kids have incurable diseases. This leads to three things, either god is satan, or god doesn't exist. Or god doesn't care. TEDxTalk
  9. Lucasfilm went through the same problem pixar did. Ordering them to shift the release of TFA by 2 years earlier. Not that lucasfilm is completely innocent. They should have jj plan the whole triology.
  10. Here, in Hinduism, there is caste and then sub caste. So, I am a mudgal brahmin hindu. My family wanted me to marry a mudgal brahmin hindu girl. I eneded up marrying a muslim girl. They are still not very happy about it.
  11. I meant chinese made. Other than monkey king, I don't think any other movie has done more than 600m yuan.
  12. That's actually a good point. MCU is big in emerging plus asian markets but not so much in europe and japan. Avatar may become their every market hit franchise.
  13. Duh. Box office and rt score are not in some equation. Doesn't make one side wrong or right, if they are different.
  14. Can be have some kind of expectations based on these numbers. Do we have an idea what these numbers can translate for 5-day opening? That BP post gave us lot of idea, what to expect. Here, I am like, this good, that bad, and nothing more. I am not complaining, thankful that DW is providing some numbers.
  15. Holy fuck, conspiracy. 300 critics are part of some underground cult that decides which movie gets good rating.
  16. Have seen more than 20 videos of tianjin explosions. Simply horrifying.
  17. Not only that, but 3 punch of homecoming, Ragnarok, and BP (a close to oscar contender), all are above 90%. Critics love MCU, with winter soldier and GotG being the "annual-fantasy-superhero movie for critics" in 2014 too. Iron man may be overshadowed by TDK but it was highly praised by everyone.
  18. Still don't know why futurist is so triggered. 'cos this is sony and not mcu?
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