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Darth Lehnsherr

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Everything posted by Darth Lehnsherr

  1. Kraven would make sense considering where we left off with Spidey. Just not sure since supposedly Sony is developing a spin-off movie about him.
  2. DreamWorks eventually had to scale back though cause of how many underperformers they had.
  3. Was this the shortest episode of the entire show? Fun and action packed as always but probably the weakest episode to date this season. Ominous signs regarding the Wat Tambor's plans for Echo even though he escaped.
  4. It's not the root of the problem but it seems everytime they do it one underperforms.
  5. Yikes really wanted this to at least clear $500M WW at the start of the year. Disney should stop scheduling 2 Pixar films a year.
  6. I don't think anyone is seriously writing off Pixar with originals. But I think with the major focus on sequels in the last 10 years have meant Pixar originals are no longer must see events. The loyalty of the GA is to the 2000s Pixar films not necessarily Pixar itself anymore.
  7. I am disappointed for the fact that a sub-$50M OW is pretty low for a Pixar film but it is not surprising. Pixar and WDAS use different rendering systems. Hard to deny they look visually far better than say Illumination films. DreamWorks films can look spectacular too but some of their films they've cut costs probably due to the underperformance of a number a films in the last 10 years.
  8. The problem is that with Marvel now doing 4 films a year from 2021 onwards it becomes difficult to move films back now. I think 2020 being a light year is a blessing in disguise for them as they can move Black Widow back without having to move anything else. Though Eternals in December would make a killing.
  9. Pixar just never has any luck doing 2 films a year it seems.
  10. Noticed the baby bump too. Guess Anakin was too distracted by getting to actually talk to her lol. And Obi-Wan man I love how great Anakin and Obi-Wan's friendship is in this show. Clearly he knows something is going on but chooses not to judge or do anything about it (now if he knew they were married probably a different story).
  11. The scene with Anakalin and Padme was cute glad it was added to connect this season more to ROTS. I still can't get over how great the animation is especially how Anakin looks compared to his look in ROTS.
  12. With all the characters gonna be very surprised if we ever see less than a 3 year gap between solo films. Exception would be the Spidey films cause Sony.
  13. Except they clearly stated when Derrickson dropped out that it was due to creatice differences. Considering the amount of times Indy 5 has been delayed it's pretty easy to believe Spielberg's decision to drop out was his own. I like James Mangold but not really interested in a non-Spielberg Indiana Jones.
  14. Actually kinda glad they're not throwing out characters they introduced in Spectre just cause they didn't work. Better try and improve on them instead.
  15. Count me in as someone who loves Ratatoullie. In many ways it's Pixar's most adult film yet as a kid it still was entertaining to me.
  16. The Good Dinosaur surely takes the cake for that. At least Brave is remembered for robbing the Oscar from Wreck It Ralph.
  17. Also B1 Battle Droids continuing to be useless and surprised always amuses me (but of course wouldn't work in live action).
  18. Yeah I remember the main story of The Bad Batch arc but not enough to remember the subtle differences (if there were any) from the reels to the episodes. Anyways great episode and again a reminder why (for me ) this is the best onscreen material for Star Wars besides the OT. Filoni and the animation crew are on top of their game.
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