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Darth Lehnsherr

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Everything posted by Darth Lehnsherr

  1. Agreed I think if they somehow managed to add Son of Dathomir and maybe Crystal Crisis it would have made S7 the best wrap up of the show. One clone centric arc, one Ahsoka centric arc, one villain/Sith arc and then have a classic Anakin/Obi-Wan adventure all leading to the final story in Siege of Mandalore.
  2. It is important we see what happens to Ahsoka between leaving the Jedi and coming back to help in the Siege of Mandalore. That perspective is crucial to her story but also gives another side to the galaxy. I won't argue if the execution isn't doing it for some people though (even though I'm liking it so far).
  3. I think also I've noticed a more willingness to add in the John Williams Star Wars themes. Previous seasons of TCW were very reluctant to even allude to the John Williams music unlike Rebels which did it all the time. Production value is the best part of the season so far.
  4. Started watching this show but with COVID-19 it's become my go to entertainment. Halfway through S3 and it's fantastic so far.
  5. It depends how this arc ties up with Siege of Mandalore which is the end point for this series. One of the interesting parts is that the Bad Batch arc for instance was clearly changed to tie closer to ROTS. We may be seeing the same for this arc. Episode itself was even better than last week.
  6. Damn well I guess this will probably finalise my decision to not watch this in cinemas. The Aussie release seems to still be going ahead though (for now).
  7. I'd never thought it would happen but I would only trust it to work with Filoni's involvement. If anything it'll hopefully bring more exposure to Clone Wars and Rebels.
  8. Seems to be am unpopular opinion that this might have been my favourite episode this season. Honestly very much ok with this episode essentially just getting us reintroduced to Ahsoka and life on the lower levels of Coruscant.
  9. I'll probably only go if Onward is still coming out soon.
  10. I'm sure Disney is taking a careful look at how moving Black Widow would affect the rest of the slate. My guess is they still hope to release Black Widow and Eternals this year. And then there's the Disney+ shows to consider too.
  11. 2020. The year where releasing a movie in January was more viable than releasing a movie in May.
  12. Also was a funny coincidence I started my rewatch of Rebels and I'm on the episode where Hera and Sabine visit a ruined Anaxas. Think we may have an answer as to what happened now.
  13. Really glad they changed the ending from the story feels. Makes more sense regarding certain characters. Would have liked more acknowledgement of what happened to Fives but still hope we somehow see the Bad Batch again. Now on to 8 glorious weeks of the Ahsoka Tano show.
  14. I'd say Aladdin finally broke that curse for Disney. Before it would have been an immovable object meeting an unstoppable force.
  15. https://entertainment.inquirer.net/367682/tom-holland-excited-to-shoot-spider-man-3-says-story-is-absolutely-insane?fbclid=IwAR2eIVzYeNm9-gqy6cENOS7oqD6ATvfJZ0C7lj6qZV7e-cFlsMhXSPOQDT0 Will there be a third Spider-Man movie? And will you, as Spider-Man, appear in other Marvel movies? Yes is the answer to that question. I’m super happy about it. We will be shooting “Spider-Man 3” in July in Atlanta.
  16. I really hope part of why they're taking so long is because they're trying to figure out how moving Black Widow would affect the rest of the Phase 4 MCU Films.
  17. I'd say a tad close for Black Widow but move to Aug or something would work.
  18. Eternals is a franchise starter for them no way they're moving it to Disney+.
  19. Yeah 2nd trailer views were down from what I would expect considering how solid the teaser numbers were. Just move it to July before others move their films.
  20. That's essentially what it comes down to. Disney may have an off-year but the rest of the major studios need to have the slate to match them. 2021 Disney will be back to being dominant again.
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