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Darth Lehnsherr

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Everything posted by Darth Lehnsherr

  1. JC is waiting until inflation is sufficient enough to challenge the original Nah but seriously the level of commitment Cameron has shown to these next 4 films is very admirable. Would love to watch a day in that writers room having everyone plan out the story for all the sequels.
  2. I'd be surprised if WW84 doesn't open to $150M+. But maybe it'll open a bit lower but still have better than expected legs to carry it pass the first one's DOM total. And yeah no Snyder wasn't the reason BvS opened to $166M. The marketing campaign would have had to be complete trash for the first outing of Batman and Superman on film to open below $150M.
  3. Shazam could have perhaps done a better DOM with a better release date but it would still have done poorly OS.
  4. Well it's a disappointing Friday increase (raw number is still very good of course) Gotta hope those Marvel Saturdays come through
  5. Would mean worse legs than Ultron even though worse case scenario its 2nd Weekend Drop is still better. $850M is still closer to the floor.
  6. Deadlines prediction makes some sense based on their Friday number of $40.8M. I still don't think Friday is going that low though.
  7. Luckily I wasn't on this forum back in 2016 cause I may have had some meltdowns over Beyond's floppage
  8. Deadline's range was about as specific as saying Endgame will make money on its 2nd Weekend
  9. So giving it Infinity War increases/deceases for the 2nd Weekend Fri: $43.63M (+102.9%) Sat: $64.75M (+48.4%) Sun: $50.83M (-21.5%) = $159.22M (-55.4%) Almost exactly the same drop as Infinity War
  10. Probably the first "disappointing" drop for Endgame so far in its run. But still $150M+ for 2nd Weekend is easily doable just needs to play close to Infinity War's 2nd Weekend drops
  11. South Korea has been on the MCU train for a while now. Pretty much at maximum potential with Endgame now.
  12. I'm wondering with how Venom, Aquaman and now Endgame (soz Shazam) have done whether we can make the case the superhero genre has gotten more popular in China. I'm so curious how Far From Home does considering Homecoming's meh to bad reception in China.
  13. I think more than the X-Men brand is actually still quite strong in China.
  14. It's cause some people thought Civil War showed signs of a ceiling for the team ups. Clearly Infinity War and Endgame have proven Civil War was a big anomaly.
  15. And I thought I was being optimistic with my $300M DOM prediction for Pikachu (not really sticking by that prediction anymore though)
  16. What's the quickest for a film do you think fans went through this process to accept their film failed? Maybe Solo?
  17. Yeah one part of me wants to see Avatar 2 underperform badly just to see the meltdowns on this forum but at the same time I really want it to do amazing partly cause rooting for movies in general is good and also getting really tired of people underestimating it on reddit and Youtube. I hope it's amazing since Cameron spent a decade on it.
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