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Everything posted by Cap

  1. I legit was just talking @Porthos about this tonight. my friend and I went to see Jaws and IMAX last weekend. When we walked out there was an avatar poster in the lobby. She said to me that she had never seen the movie. But she had to watch it, because she was going to Disney World this November and there was a ride there. So she wanted to know about the movie before she went on the ride. She did not say anything about the sequel. And I would say that my friend is a pretty casual movie person. She’s definitely not a film buff. But she still goes to films all the time, and she’s definitely aware of pop culture. But I thought was really interesting, nothing about the seal. Just about the ride. Moreover, I told Porthos that I am officially old. I have been part of an online and convention going fandom for 20 years. And in that 20 years, I can count on my hand the amount of occasions that I have run into Avatar fans. It’s like I said it way long ago during comic con. There is no cosplay. There is no fanfiction. There’s no fanart. There is no fan cam. Does not have a large online presence of people who could come out of the woodwork for this. As some others have said, we almost have to treat this like an original movie. And well I know that people are really excited cause Top Gun Only proved there is a way for an old property to make a butt load of money, there’s also as many examples of ones that haven’t. So I’d be very interested to see how this plays out, and how they are going to build real hype for the movie outside of like film Twitter, or outside of this forum.
  2. Yes I should clarify that before people jump down my throat. I don’t doubt that this movie is going to make a lot of money. I just don’t know where the fever pitch is coming from. Like where is the excitement and passion and anticipation that is going to make the difference between it making like $500 million at the box office and making like $700 million at the box office. It could be something like top gun where the movie was good and you had a lot of repeat viewers, but we don’t know that yet… Because they’re not releasing footage!! I have no doubt James Cameron will deliver a good movie. But I also spent most of my time on the Internet on a film forum, so his name means something to me where might not mean something to a general audience member who is just going because they want to see the blue people again. And those are the people that you need to convince to go back to the movie!!!
  3. Moderation Hey All. We have zero idea how they’re gonna adapt Sabra From the comics to the MCU. And it’s not like they haven’t played fast and loose with canon before. So I would refrain from making comments until we actually have some tangible information. Thank you
  4. It’s almost like they should’ve brought footage to Comic Con. It’s almost like once they start marketing the movie it’s gonna be on the verge of too late. I took my friend to see Jaws. I would say that she is pretty general audience about movies. She’s not a film buff. But she definitely go to the movies, and she watch top gun like five times. When we got out of the movie theater, there was an Avatar poster. She said: like I need to go see that. I have never seen the movie. And I know that there is a ride at animal kingdom and we’re going this winter, so I want to watch it before I go on the ride. She did not say anything about the sequel. Her primary Concern was her trip to Disney World and that there was a ride down there. Also avatar is still not trending on Twitter? At least not in the US? I don’t know if it’s just my algorithm, but my entire thing is college football, Mando, and Marvel. Not releasing the trailer is a huge mistake
  5. I think there are definitely ways to strike a happy medium, but I will say that as someone who’s been in the room a bunch of times during conventions, there is a huge difference and panels where all of the footage is instantly put up online, verse where they hold stuff back. I also think there’s a slight difference in fan conventions where they hold a lottery versus ones where they don’t. So D 23 this year was on a lotto. Which means those people didn’t have to work to get into the room. They just randomly got selected. I know there was also a standby line, but apparently that was a mess and who knows how many of those socks actually got in. Comic Con? That is a battle. That is a place where only the strong survive, and the righteous should be rewarded for the bullshit they put up with to get into that room. 😂😂😂😂😂
  6. Lolol. I actually laughed out loud during the whole thing. Madisynn needs to be an Avenger.
  7. i would say neither cause I hate that musical 😂😂😂😂 But to answer your question, The film was actually shot in both wide screen and Cinemascope https://ascmag.com/articles/simultaneous-production-shooting-in-cinemascope-and-widescreen So I would say it’s what you prefer, but I would Probably take the Cinemascope because the ratio is slightly bigger.
  8. Funny story about this. I didn’t realize that our theater chain was participating. So when I went to buy the tickets for Jaws, and they were only three dollars, I was like oh well that’s cheap! our theater was packed. We had a huge showing for Jaws. It was fun because I went with someone, who like myself hadn’t seen it in years, and then we took someone who had never seen it. When the movie ended, she turned to us and said: well, I see why my mother never wanted to go in the water again after watching this. 😂😂😂 She also said watching old movies with me that she hasn’t seen yet is so weird, because I would get so excited about things and she’s like why?! What is gonna happen now?
  9. I assume they got all the B roll and outside coverage they need and then packed up and left. Seems rude but OK. I hope that doesn’t affect the overall vibe
  10. So we have to stan any show where we properly light the night scenes!!!
  11. I have absolutely no knowledge of Lord of the rings. I didn’t like the movies, I only got through hundred pages of the hobbit before I was bored, I have not seen the hobbit series, but I turned this on because I wanted to see what $1 billion get you. So this is my completely I have no idea what the fuck is going on review: - New Zealand is gorgeous. We need to preserve that to make sure it stays gorgeous. I hope this doesn’t make it overrun with Eco tourism. - The elves kind of seem like assholes. Are they supposed to? Getting that vibe. - Dwarves are good people. - There are so many people and I’m just like OK. I think I might be too high to follow this. - MUSIC GOOD - Again, New Zealand is really really really pretty. The scope of this, and all the city designs are just gorgeous. - I believe I will keep watching, but I don’t necessarily know if I want to do it week to week
  12. Oh, look. We already have the Game of Thrones trifecta: Terrible dark lighting, violence against women, and gratuitous sex. I won’t lie. I am still one of those better fans. And quite frankly, they can all talk a big game, but there is zero reason for me to get invested in this, or be willing to commit to multiple seasons of it for it only to end with the women once again getting screwed.
  13. Uh huh oooh you say. i thought the bathroom scene was so funny and accurate. I also laughed real hard when I was at the point in the episode where if Bruce did not stop talking I was gonna punch him in the face, and she got to the point where she was like if you don’t stop talking I’m gonna punch you in the face. oh no. Wisecracking women. We can’t have that. I wasn’t paying attention to that because we were talking about Steve Rogers in the car.
  14. Lol. This show is such AU fodder. There are like 5 things from our fan fics/could be in our fics in the pilot.
  15. My Letterboxd review from yesterday Style over substance. Shame. This could’ve been pretty neat but it never really clicks. I will say I think I enjoyed the second half more because I started to realize it was basically just a giant MCU What If: Cause Bruce basically gets on a train at the instruction of Nick Fury. He encounters Phastos and Pietro “brother” assassins. (This also works for wanda/pietro, Phastos/Ikaris, Thor/Loki insert) who are trying to return Shang chi to Wenwu. Also them being brothers was garbage. They should’ve let them make out. Anyway. The Wenwu plot is fucked up because Xialang pushed Cassie off a roof and now Scott is trying to kill the person he thinks did it which was on that train too. And Hank Pym is his dad who is pissed at Scott for Cassie getting hurt and he has beef with Wenwu And then Drax shows up on a cameo cause one of the assassins killed his wife and family. And then Natasha shows up as the deadliest assassin And then Thor shows up cameo where he makes a pass at Bruce… Also. I had to go to the dentist today, and I hate going to the dentist, so my THC kicked in about halfway through this movie, and I am still feeling iiiiiiiiit And every movie should have a Japanese cover of Holding Out for a Hero.
  16. The Old Farts List isn’t. 🥳 And thank you @The Panda always always; a fun fun show!
  17. Also, since we're talking about women and action movies, friendly reminder that EVERYONE SHOULD WATCH, AND THE VOTE FOR NEXT TIME:
  18. I *almost* agreed with you in the first part of your statement (when talking about women not having the opportunity to direct big budget action movies), but this sentence still gives off a wiff of not acting like trans woman are woman. They are. They have very different experiences than cis women, but they are women, and we should talk about their achievements while discussing women's filmmaking. I have been VERY patient with this discussion, but we are really at risk of going completely off the track here. We have like five films left. Can we at least wait until AFTER Panda reveals them all before we embark on a fifty page back and forth, only to once again say: trans woman are woman and should be included in the history of women's filmmaking. Also, since sometimes folks need the "MODERATION" post, I am speaking As Forum Admin here. This discussion is tabled until AFTER the list is complete. Full stop.
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