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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. I think our point is that just because he doesn’t know what it is yet doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.
  2. Yeah, it’s just too soon to judge the mystery box at this point imo. The first 3 episodes have been good, but it will depend on how they stick the landing.
  3. Feel good for another 25M or so current markets, maybe 10M+ in SK (if reception is good). Given markets to come, #2 WW looks pretty easy. #1 still probably hinges on a China release.
  4. My gut says this is taking down Tenet for top pandemic movie. My head says it’ll fall a couple M short.
  5. I guess DS hourlies will be impossible for the first week
  6. Dipped to just 2.06, and a 49% CGV, for 131k day. Pretty solid. Sun CGV PS 27k, PSm and CGV % should be basically flat, so call it ~115k Sun and a 5-day cume around 400k. Demon Slayer was in 2nd today with 5k in sneaks. If it does similar tomorrow then the overall PS are looking pretty healthy, not super crazy or anything. Normally I would expect Soul to increase next weekend, but DS+covid conditions may prevent that.
  7. Yeah, highly serialized+25 minutes of actual content is a painful combo as a viewer. I think She-Hulk and WhatIf will be more episodic, and rest should be 45 minutes or so of real content.
  8. More likely it’s like Black Widow where it’s an indication that Disney is correctly expecting to able to release movies theatrically in May.
  9. So it is. Sat PS at 31k, ~ tripling from Fri is pretty typical but still like to see it. Going to guess PSm dips to about 1.9 for a 115k day or so. 5-day looking at roughly 60+43+47+115+115 for 380. Not very big, but maybe about as big as you can get under these conditions? The big question will be how it and Demon Slayer share grosses over the next couple weekends.
  10. Smart WandaLegion Dumb WandaLegion How is Soul doing?
  11. How in the world has this “become clear?” If anything, the opposite has become clear — business will bounce back very fast once the pandemic has calmed down.
  12. Cineworld now waiting on AQP/BW. This is one of the better fall dates, should prove final. Curious whether MI7 moves or stays.
  13. Oh yeah, very much should have been 2021. Releasing movies in May of 2020 would have been a complete disaster, iirc the market was like 3% open or something 😂
  14. Yes, there would be. The pitiful releases from Aug 2020-April 2020 aren’t really keeping anything afloat. Blockbusters from other studios starting in May 2020 are what will actually rescue the industry.
  15. The problem with the max plan was never the Jan-May movies. It’s the Aug-Dec movies.
  16. If they decide to delay BW, it’s very easy to do without disturbing the dates of any series or of any movie from Eternals forward. It would just go to late May or June of July or something, and then Shang-Chi has space in Aug/Sep.
  17. If F9 moves I wouldn’t be surprised to see this Move to May 14/21/28 though, just to be safe.
  18. They won’t have to swallow their pride with a hybrid release or delay. They’re just waiting to confirm that it works to keep plans as is.
  19. The older actors really seem convinced this is coming in 2022: https://www.instagram.com/p/CKT_DqeMobb/?utm_source=ig_embed That would make sense given the production start honestly. Maybe 2022 will be DS2, Thor4, BP2, AM&tW2, and CM2 with Blade waiting for 2023. Or maybe they’ll just shove 6 movies into 2022 🤣 Former more likely imo.
  20. Maoyan currently forecasting an increase for Soul this weekend. Doesn’t seem too outlandish based on PS. Wish Dragon only has 9.1 Maoyan, but it increased every weekday, with Th about +15% from Mon. Openers have PS of just 1.7 and 1.5, 12.5% screen share each. Looks like another weekend on top for ALRF but with just $9M or so.
  21. 1 billion is very much on the bullish end, I would go for maybe 800 if there were high stakes. But it won’t necessarily do less than it would have normally. Covid will obviously be a negative factor to some degree but pent-up demand and lack of competition may be positive factors (especially if other studios vacate April/May but Disney holds firm). If covid is still imposing like a 40% drag then it will definitely end up net down, but if it’s like a 20% drag at that point, less clear.
  22. Really not. I guess we might not see one until December though, if things go poorly.
  23. 2.2 PSm, 51% CGV, 43k day. Fri PS flat at 10k, expecting PSm to bump to maybe 2.4ish for a 47k day or so, but we’ll see.
  24. The virus won’t be wrecking much havoc, and the hype isn’t gone. Just wait and see.
  25. Boring? We haven’t had a movie do close to that since TROS, I think it would be pretty exciting to get some good numbers again.
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