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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. There was a time when there was enough uncertainty about the virus and the US response to hope for the Jul 17 date. But it should have been kicked to Aug 12 when they announced July 31, and moved to Oct or so at the time they announced Aug 12. The delusional scheduling choices have indeed been net bad for exhibitors, as we’ve seen with many other businesses in the “close, reopen, close, reopen, close...” cycle that’s created when people can’t face facts and try to rush “the economy” without regard for the public health conditions.
  2. Ran pretty okay at night, looks like 266k for Fri. Sat CGV PS of 86k, thinking it’ll run to 460ish.
  3. KOBIS PS look really weak heading into FSS. If we get 350 OD+220 Th, 5-day will miss 2M. Maybe 1.7ish? Then final will be maybe ~3 with this reception (also pretty rough estimate for now).
  4. 25% better than we realized from KOBIS, that’s quite a boost. Thanks for the clarification. So CGV share is a pretty normal 53%ish then. Today probably going for about 120 final CGV, so 220ish full day.
  5. 33k CGV PS for Th, should take it to about 175 full day (+-25). Let’s see how it runs.
  6. Initial KOBIS reading is 277, should settle in 280s if I remember the update pattern correctly. ~65% CGV share looks like.
  7. Seems plausible. Golden Egg is now even worse at so legs may not be great even with the lack of competition. I’m going to bed, but the 15:20 reading is pointing to a final CGV of about 180-190. See what the CGV ratio is when I wake up.
  8. Heh, I was going to say pretty much the exact same stuff when the noon numbers came in. It’s an interesting coincidence that the CGV numbers are so close to TLK which was the same weekend last year. In normal circumstances Peninsula should do better night business than TLK if matching the morning pace, due to adult vs family movie. So was going to guess 160-175ish final CGV. There’s a new egg feature of “pre egg” where it scored 97% — but initial golden egg is just 80. It’s super early, and GA audience could diverge a bit from those attending preview and OD morning shows, but definitely a bad start. Perhaps @imbruglia can shed some more light on exactly what the Pre Egg is and how it works.
  9. Yeah, that’s my hunch. Low end/low end on my very wide ranges would be 60%, high/high 62.5. But maybe it will even come in at like, 70 🤷‍♂️ After OD everything runs predictably but on OD it’s a crapshoot Also I guess it’s possible that reduced capacity deflates the CGV PSm from normal. Doomsday scenario would be like 120 final CGV, 180 day, but seems very unlikely for now.
  10. I wouldn’t be that shocked, depending on the state of the two markets whenever they actually go forward.
  11. Overall final PS are 199k at 1AM, indeed juuuuust shy of 200. OD CGV PS clocking in at 70k. TLK took 72k last year to an OD of 305k, but I haven’t been paying enough attention to CGV hourlies to know if covid affected the CGV share much so I’m not going to really predict anything. I guess CGV final should be 150-200 for OD of like 250-400 😛
  12. D-01 PS at 132k, ‘bout what I expected. Doesn’t look headed for a huge OD, but should easily be the biggest since covid. Weekdays and 2nd weekend hold will be where the real action happens imo.
  13. Covid confirmed to last for 3 years. If only Russos had gone with a smaller time skip
  14. It’s kind of cosmically amusing that the covid delay perfectly separates the Infinity Saga from what comes next. If it was Endgame getting kicked back a year people would be losing their mind, but this is just such a perfect point to pause that I find myself surprisingly chill with the delay.
  15. Production timelines on the D+ and later movies could also be a big factor.
  16. I am starting to come around to what @Eric Skywalker is saying — but it probably hinges on Beijing. Opening with one of the biggest markets out of commission is a much easier lift than opening without *both* of the two biggest markets.
  17. I’ve been eyeing this as a pretty possible endgame since March. Depending on 2nd wave and vaccine timeline the might try pretty hard to get Eternals in May and Black Widow a couple months before that though.
  18. PS for Peninsula have less than doubled from D-06 to D-02, D-0 may fall short of 200k. Could be capacity ceiling coming into play. Very interested to see egg and legs.
  19. What is the upside for spending money on trailers 4 months before a release date that you don’t even know if you can hit????
  20. Super excited for Indonesia in the 2020s. Probably more than any other market.
  21. Friday numbers from deadline. Seeing ESB at 1, Black Panther and Inside Out next https://deadline.com/2020/07/star-wars-empire-strikes-back-tops-weekend-box-office-drive-ins-coronavirus-1202983364/
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