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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. Goddamn, I completely forgot about DP3 We are stacked with expected post-phase 4 movies: Blade CM2 AM3 BP2 DP3 FF4 Gotg3 Eternals 2? SM4? Thunderbolts? Young Avengers? other first entries? If things work out with Sony I really think they might target 9 movies.
  2. To be honest, 2022 is a surprise. After DS2 took 5 years, Thor 4 took 4 years, and BP2 took 4 years, I was thinking 2023 for this. Give it more space from BP2, have 2022 be half sequels and half original. I suspect the motivation here is that it needs to be a different year from GOTG3 and 2022 didn't quite work for Gunn. 2022 has 4 currently scheduled Dis MCU slots: Feb 18 -- unknown May 2 -- BP2 July 29 -- unknown Oct 7 -- AM3 should be 2022, historically July would make sense for that but some relatively credible scoopers have been rumbling about Feb for it. 2022 is likely too soon for a sequel to Eternals or Black Widow since the only 2 year turnarounds have been Spider-man for Sony reasons and IM1-IM2 way back in the days of yore. There's a certain school of thought that says to not clump your expected huge sequels together too closely, but the DS2+SM3+Thor4 placement shows that's far from a hard constraint. Previously I had been ruminating on a possible FF4 for 2022, but I don't think that's very compatible with this news. So overall I expect: CM2+BP2+AM3+Blade or AM3+BP2+CM2+Blade With the possibility that Blade waits for 2023 and is replaced by FF4 or another first entry. There's also a muy caliente option But to be clear I consider that highly unlikely, not least because of AQM2.
  3. That's not a cat, that's a flerken! I have to admit the first hasn't aged that well for me. There's a lot I like about Carol, but prequel+amnesia+overpowered makes it hard to get really invested. This one won't have amnesia, probably (hopefully) won't be a prequel, and we'll see what they decide to do in terms of being OP (which is one of the issues making modern Superman tricky, imo). Much like Derrickson I have no grudge with Boden&Fleck but no particular attachment either, let's see what somebody new can do. Will reserve judgement on the writer until I've seen Wandavision, but provisionally excited. Cap 2nd entries have a good history, so let's Winter Soldier this up 😎 Scheduling musings coming soon.
  4. On a more serious note, WTF is this question??? The only ways to answer no are: A) you’re lying B ) you aren’t paying any attention to the questionnaire C) you were born yesterday (hi Vis) D) you’re Amish
  5. Well, whenever somebody quips that arguing about how much money a movie made online has no real world value, now I know where to point them
  6. Pretty strong for BB imo 1 (1) Bad Boys For Life Sony Pictures $6,480,000 -38% 3,775 $1,717 $79,513,944 5
  7. I feel like WB is always super early with the Just Mercy number for some reason. Going to try to keep this first post updated, but also going to try to get back to sleep for a few hours 💤 Full Tues Chart
  8. Monday ATP will likely be a bit different than on a weekday Monday, and MTC share on Mon vs Tues will also be different than usual, so... take everything with a grain of salt. But using normal ratios of 60-70% for Tuesday ATP we get: Dolittle ~40% Mon admits-> 24-28% Mon gross -> ~1.55-1.8M. Very reasonable daily drop for a kids movie looking at recent MLK Tues. BB ~ 82% Mon admits -> 49-57% Mon gross -> ~5.1-6M. Bit better than I would have guessed.
  9. There’s still a couple days left, but so many sales have happened. How possible is it for CNY releases to relocate if the virus continues to spread?
  10. In about a week we’ll have 5 movies in the 500s and 6 in the 600s. For every other hundred range the count is of course way off of 1% the range value, so I’ll enjoy this little coincidence while it lasts. Wonder how long we’ll wait before there are more 500s than 600s, as you’d expect the distribution to be.
  11. Likely missing WWY here, Endgame in SK, and Dory domestically is a rather sad turn of events. Still, between the strong openings, strong Christmas, and solid China+Europe it should spend a decent amount of time in the WW top 10. That’ll have to do.
  12. Maybe Cameron can pump that ATP up a little with revolutionary ULTRA-IMAX
  13. 8wonbi wasn’t the only user here who thought 50+ for the 3-day by the time Thursday ended, but in my experience whenever BOP cites “expectations on a certain popular box office prediction website” it’s only about derby predictions, not comments. Keeps things more on the record, so to speak.
  14. Gotta move into the main forum in June so we can move back to the lot when it’s delayed. This is the way.
  15. Green line But, onto actually relevant matters, the short PS window for DC3 is quite evident in its slope. As I said 2 days ago, should easily finish 2nd in PS only to Endgame. Very curious to see how many days it takes to become the top 2020 release WW (2?) and how long it holds onto the title (until early April?).
  16. Well, it’s about to. Not $5M though. A finish in the 4s is what I was expecting since mid-December, a 40% drop from TLJ.
  17. I mean, it peaked at 36th OS. Certainly there are plenty of movies that would love to match that — your Doctor Strange, Wonder Woman, GotG type midrange movies. But of first entry CBMs released within the same year +-1, the OS performance was worse or on par with 3 (Venom, Captain Marvel, and Aquaman). I would hardly call it “astounding” overall.
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