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Joyous Legion

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Everything posted by Joyous Legion

  1. 2.5+4.3+2.8 is 9.6 Those daily numbers look look pretty good to me though. I guess my forecast would be something like: 1.2 1.2 2.5 4 2.7 which would still be 9.2.
  2. BP and Frozen are both better than TDKR, so nice to see that both will beat it OS in addition to WW.
  3. Wow, really sad to see that Black Panther has only made $2,018 unadjusted. Just benefitting from some really crazy inflation, I guess.
  4. Not sure this will really happen before BP’s run is essentially over. Also, I wonder if BP can snag the number 2 spot on Tuesday.
  5. Ahh, I see. Rather annoying that BOM market specific numbers and total international figure are totally desynced like that, but I guess I can see how it would be a bother for them to keep everything updated and in correspondence.
  6. The 780 is with an outdated japan figure though, right? BOM currently shows 780 with 15.9 from Japan, so the actual figure after this weekend should be 790 and only 10 more needed.
  7. Well, yeah. Picked it precisely to make a stark comparison, weakest in recent history. Still crazy to me that the same amount of money can be 3rd vs 13th so close to each other.
  8. It only needs 36M or so from Japan to pass 800, right? Seem quite likely. That would give 2017 11 movies at 800+, clobbering the previous record (2016, with 8). Funny that just 3 years earlier GotG made worldwide top 3 with 773, and in 2017 that would only get you 13th O.O
  9. That 690-700M range keeps looking more and more like Panther’s final resting point. With these numbers, 95% confidence in 680-705 or so.
  10. BoxOfficePro has Acrimony projected at 17, BoxOfficeMojo at 15.5, but Deadline currently has it at 10-15. I think BP’s chances at number 2 are down in the single digits, but that’s enough to be an exciting outside shot for me at least until we see Friday numbers.
  11. Starting to wonder of BP can pull a #2 for this weekend. Beating PRU and ICOI looks pretty doable, with the biggest spanner in the works being how high Acrimony opens. If it does snag #2, I believe we will have 2/3 of the films this millennia with at least 7 weeks in the top 2 playing in theaters concurrently
  12. This is pretty much where I’m at, and it puts 700 back on the table (not favored though, might give it a 35% chance if the next 5 days unfold like this).
  13. BOOM, great Tuesday number. Over 35% increase is the best Tuesday increase of its run so far, and down a mere 13% week to week.
  14. Black Panther median Tuesday increase on weeks without a holiday monday is 28.8, which would give 2.34 today, so I’m looking at above 2.35 or so as better than expected and below 2.3 as worse than expected.
  15. 690 is very doable, that last 10M is probably a bridge too far. Off a 10M weekend it would need a 6x 7th weekend multiplier, which is a huge ask. Off a 12M weekend it would only need a 5x multiplier, which is a lot more possible. I think it’ll be around 11M, need a 5.5 multiplier off that weekend, and miss. I guess we we could have a situation where it’s going to make like 698 “naturally” and Disney just leaves it in theaters forever and uses some IW double features to try to drag it over, but they don’t seem to be too concerned about that sort of thing.
  16. Not Wrath of Han, but no, it won’t. Best Tuesday increase it’s had (+32%) gets it a 2.4 Tues, then best Wednesday drop (-25%) a 1.8 W, then best Thursday increase (8%) a slightly under 2 Thursday for a bit under 6.2 from the remaining weekdays and a Thurs total of about 639.3. Then it would need a 13M weekend (spectacular 24% drop) to pass JW. More realistically we should be at 639 after Thursday, 11-12 weekend gets to 650-651, pass JW next Tuesday or Wednesday.
  17. BP starting to pull ahead of TDK adjusted in the dailies more decisively now. Hard to see it below 680 for me.
  18. With 17.1M, BP has the 4th best 6th weekend ever, and could drop 30% and still remain in the top 5 weekends. It couldn’t afford to drop much more than that though, with the current 5th best 7th weekend being The Blind Side at 11.91.
  19. 9 days into IW presales. 32 days to go. It’s in third place.
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