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Everything posted by WittyUsername

  1. Zaslav’s background is in non-scripted programming. The evidence so far would suggest that he has no clue how running a major Hollywood studio actually works.
  2. The debt that WB is in was only exacerbated by the Discovery purchase. What Zaslav is doing comes off as extremely shortsighted and counterintuitive. How does he expect to turn WB into a powerhouse that can compete with Disney, if he alienates a good chunk of Hollywood?
  3. The odds of Brad Pitt and his team admitting to any misdeeds on his part seem pretty much slim to none. They’ll probably just take a page out of a certain other actor’s playbook, and much of the Internet will rally behind him. As for the movies he’s producing, She Said seems like it only would’ve stood a chance as a pat on the back moment for the Academy. Not sure about Women Talking and Blonde, though.
  4. Serious question; I know WB was struggling quite a bit under AT&T, but compared to the trajectory that WBD seems to be heading in, was the AT&T run really that big of a disaster? The 2021 day and date strategy did manage to sever WB’s long-standing relationship with Christopher Nolan, but that seemed like the only lasting damage the decision had for the studio. In comparison, Zaslav seems to be pissing off just about everybody.
  5. If there was ever an argument to be made for physical media, this would be it.
  6. I don’t remember him ever playing Cyclops, but I do remember him playing Cyborg.
  7. I’ve seen some people on Twitter being really cynical about Miller’s statement, but honestly, that was portably the best thing that Miller or their representatives could have said at this point. It’s pretty clear that Miller does have some serious mental health issues. There’s always been something rather off about them, so seeking treatment might not be a bad idea. Of course, there’s also Miller’s ongoing legal issues, but whatever happens there, hopefully it won’t hinder Miller’s ability to seek help. In any case, their time as the Flash is most likely finished.
  8. The Flash movie is much more expensive than the Batgirl movie, and I’m pretty sure they can’t get a tax write off if they cancel it, so I doubt Zaslav is going to do it, unless Ezra Miller goes on a mass killing spree. The movie has also supposedly been testing much better than Batgirl, so there’s that. The big awkward thing about this situation will be having to promote the movie without their lead actor. They’re just going to have to find a different angle to promote it, which will probably be Affleck and Keaton.
  9. I wonder; should Dr. Doom be in this movie? On one hand, he’s already been in every previous Fantastic Four film, and if the MCU Spider-Man trilogy is any indication, Kevin Feige doesn’t seem to like treading on familiar ground. On the other hand, pretty much everyone would agree that Dr. Doom has never been done right on film before, so this would be a good opportunity to actually try and do justice to the character.
  10. Honestly, I don’t get what the people who hate this movie compared to Get Out and Us were expecting. It’s a Jordan Peele movie. Plain and simple.
  11. So, you don’t have any examples to give? Ok then. Also, the person I was responding to was the one who suggested that this movie is irrelevant now, and implied that scrapping it wouldn’t be a big deal.
  12. That’s what insiders have claimed, and Superman’s logo was shown as one of the important WB brands at the shareholder’s meeting last week. I’m not convinced Zaslav has any clue what to do, though.
  13. The thing is that I’m not convinced the news these “scoopers” are breaking is accurate, like the one who claimed that there was a shouting match at a WB board meeting over whether or not to release the Flash movie, or the one that claims that they forgot to shoot 20-25% of the Blue Beetle movie.
  14. It’s annoying how so many of these supposed scoopers have come out of the woodwork these past couple of days, just to pile on to the never ending doom and gloom narrative surrounding DC, even when it’s a movie that someone like Ezra Miller has nothing to do with.
  15. “Scoopers” are going all out with anti-DC news at this point. This is why it’s not worth being a DC fan.
  16. Without getting too much into leaks, they’re gonna need to do more than change a single line of dialogue. As for Ezra Miller, a lot of people were saying that keeping them around was a bad idea, at least as far back as the Iceland video.
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