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Everything posted by WittyUsername

  1. Just for the record, I’m by no means taking that article as an indication that this movie was in trouble. Just that it seems to be getting the same kinds of “I don’t know about this one, guys” takes from journalists and random people on the Internet that the first movie had.
  2. Well, if nothing else, this movie seems to have the same kind of public skepticism that the first one had.
  3. I can’t believe I’m in the position where I have to root for a Disney live action remake to succeed, just because the usual suspects decided to make this the next victim in their culture war nonsense. Don’t these people ever get tired?
  4. I’m guessing we’ll have to wait until the official teaser drops for the title reveal?
  5. Well, that was a whole lot of hoopla for nothing. They couldn’t even bother announcing what the February 2024 and July 2025 Marvel movies are going to be.
  6. This sounds about as exciting as one of those direct to video sequels that Disney loved to crank out back in the day.
  7. I’ll give this movie two things; the costumes look good and it clearly isn’t afraid of showing off the powers of these characters. If this had come out several years earlier, I actually do think it could’ve done pretty well. I’m just not sure if there’s much of an appetite for something like this in the 2020s.
  8. If they haven’t started on the VFX yet, they probably shouldn’t move the movie ahead an entire year.
  9. I can’t keep track of all the movies that have “early access screenings” these days. Should it just be assumed that every studio movie from now on will have them?
  10. Is there really any proof that Florence Pugh actually had problems with LaBeouf? The receipts would seem to contradict that.
  11. A sequel to Inside Out? I can’t say I was expecting that. Come to think of it, I wonder what’s been taking them so long to do a sequel to Zootopia.
  12. In terms of non-Marvel news (because that’s probably going to be treated as the main event) I’m expecting a title reveal for Indy 5, an official announcement for Frozen III and probably some more news about that new Planet of the Apes movie. I’m assuming they’ll wait to attach the trailer for The Way of Water with the re-release of the first movie.
  13. Are we really still going on about Olivia Wilde’s love life? Honestly, who cares?
  14. If this has an even halfway decent OW at this point, it will be due to all the bizarre drama surrounding it. Of course, that would also mean it would likely have pretty bad legs.
  15. From what I recall, her DC sources are pretty questionable at best, and she has a tendency to say things the Snyder fans want to hear.
  16. I think Zendaya might be a more fitting candidate for the current Hollywood it girl than Florence Pugh. Anyway, it looks like this movie wasn’t even worth all the drama surrounding it. Oh well.
  17. I admit that I’m partially speaking from a place of bias, because at this point, I actively want WBD to fail, so Zaslav will be put out of a job, and maybe DC can be sold off to some other company like Apple or something.
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