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Everything posted by WittyUsername

  1. I guess I’ll just go ahead and say for the record that in regards to the alleged feud between Olivia Wilde and Florence Pugh, I don’t think Pugh is a particularly upstanding person herself, and she herself is currently dating a rather questionable man.
  2. All the supposed scoopers are really banking heavily on the idea that Cavill is coming back. I don’t understand why people still care.
  3. Yeesh, now Don’t Worry Darling is getting bad PR that doesn’t just involve Harry Styles stans? Someone must have put a voodoo curse on WB.
  4. First off, can we please stop with the narrative that Batgirl was shelved because it was just that unfathomably bad? Second, Zaslav has been firing a lot of people of color and replacing them with white men, which is where a large part of the controversy is coming from.
  5. Not sure why Wilde needed to apparently lie about the reason Shia LaBeouf wasn’t in the movie. Him dropping out of the film happened before the abuse allegations, so Wilde could’ve simply said that she never would’ve considered him for the film if she was aware of them at the time.
  6. It’s not necessarily saying that they think diversity is bad, but it is a strange statement that wasn’t really necessary. Why is it weird to point out that Zaslav has reportedly been making the company less diverse?
  7. Well, there was a poster who unironically used the phrase “weirdo identity politics,” so there’s that. Also, what is it with you and Jacob Elordi?
  8. I believe it was reported that he’s playing the grandson of John Goodman’s character from Kong: Skull Island.
  9. Well, in lieu of Jason Momoa’s comments, as well as the Deadline article that claimed the Batgirl movie doesn’t fit with Zaslav’s vision for the DCEU, I’m officially convinced that the plan is for Affleck to stick around, while Keaton’s return will be relegated to a one-off.
  10. Even ignoring the day and date stuff, they’ve consistently given their movies shorter theatrical windows than other studios.
  11. I was surprised at first to see how well Sony is apparently doing, but then I remembered that they have other things going for them besides their film division.
  12. It would be funny if they used that World Serpent fan idea for this movie.
  13. I’m not sure why you keep repeating the same thing over and over again, but to the best of my knowledge, AT&T were the ones in debt, and Discovery absorbed about a third of that debt when they agreed to buy Warner Brothers. Furthermore, going by how much WB’s stock has dropped over the past several weeks, it doesn’t seem like Zaslav is off to a very good start.
  14. The thought occurred to me, but between Zaslav’s penny-pinching and his apparent lack of interest in diversity, he’s basically WB’s very own Ike Perlmutter, except that Perlmutter was never in charge of Disney as a whole.
  15. From the sounds of it, Zaslav’s decisions haven’t exactly been inspiring much confidence in stockholders. This might be premature to say, but it honestly seems like WB was better off under AT&T.
  16. It’s not currently scheduled to open on that date. It would make a lot more sense to release it on that date, but common sense doesn’t seem to be Zaslav’s strong suit.
  17. I just think there’s a certain irony that he was mad about the HBO Max day and date decision, when Universal are the ones who keep dumping their movies onto their streaming service that nobody cares about, regardless of how much money they make in theaters. If Nolan was really that mad on behalf of movie theaters, he might as well have gone to Sony.
  18. Nothing makes sense anymore. If WB is really bleeding that much money, then just give Zaslav the boot already.
  19. That’s the thing that really bugs me about this. I know theaters tend to do good business on Christmas Day, but it’s gonna be on a Monday next year. That’s such an awkward day to release a movie, even if it is a day when people will be off from work. Just release it on the 22nd!
  20. It just occurred to me, but this movie is now scheduled to come out after the Flash movie again. Does that mean they can use Keaton again instead of Affleck?
  21. Movies coexist in December all the time. They’re clearly targeting different audiences.
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