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Everything posted by WittyUsername

  1. I’m (somewhat) glad that Matrix is crashing specifically because it makes it less likely that WB will be able to keep milking it. If that was Lana Wachowski’s intention when she signed on to direct, then I actually have a certain degree of respect for that. I have zero interest in a Matrix movie from the writer of Free Guy.
  2. In that case, they might as well not even release their movies in theaters, or at the very least, stick to the day and date model.
  3. Telling people the exact date their movie will be available for streaming seems like the kind of thing they should've held off on.
  4. If WB wanted to erase this entire continuity, they wouldn’t need the Flash to do that. They most likely don’t want to get rid of everything, because that would include Gal Gadot, Jason Momoa and Margot Robbie. All we know so far is that Keaton will apparently be the Batman of this universe moving forward. I would prefer that they just write Batman out of the DCEU altogether, but I guess WB is too uncomfortable with that idea.
  5. I would think that if any big budget Hollywood tentpole this year has a shot at a Best Picture nomination, it’s Dune, but that might not attract quite as many potential viewers.
  6. I’m just going to point out for the record that the YouTube comment section for that interview that Lana Wachowski recently did with IGN is a massive clusterfuck that clearly demonstrates how this movie was never going to go over well with that crowd. Obviously, that doesn’t mean that people can’t have valid reasons for disliking this movie, but it’s pretty clear that this movie was always going to piss off all those morons who go on about being “red pilled.”
  7. I never particularly cared for either of the Tim Burton films. They don’t feel like Tim Burton had a true understanding of the character. They just feel like him being his usual weird self, especially Returns.
  8. If China makes an exception to their potential Hollywood ban for this movie, then would that mean that James Cameron has more clout than Kevin Feige?
  9. The odds of this getting nominated for Best Picture don’t strike me as particularly likely. A lot of big studio tentpoles get Oscar pushes.
  10. I haven’t seen this movie yet for myself, but regardless of what I end up thinking of it, I do admire Lana Wachowski’s decision to get involved just to ensure that this wouldn’t be the kind of movie that TFA and Ghostbusters: Afterlife ended up being. Anyway, at least if this movie flops, that might discourage WB in the foreseeable future.
  11. Ouch. I knew the Cinemascore would be in the B range, but a B- is pretty bad for a big studio blockbuster.
  12. In an ideal world, Spidey would take a break from live action, but I realize that because of Sony’s contract with Marvel, they have to keep making Spider-Man movies, or else they lose the rights, so I suppose that isn’t realistic.
  13. We know that Cyborg was supposed to be in this movie, before Ray Fisher started feuding with WB, and there have been rumors for a while now that other members of the Justice League would be in this (for the record, I don’t know for sure if that’s the case, so it’s hopefully not a spoiler), so that does seem possible. My assumption right now is that the Flash alters the past, which makes it so that Zod didn’t die and Faora doesn’t get trapped in the Phantom Zone, and for whatever reason, Kara is the one who ends up on Earth, instead of Clark.
  14. We’ve had eight live action Spider-Man movies over the span of 20 years, and a series of Spider-Man animated films running concurrently with the MCU. There is such a thing as audience fatigue.
  15. No reason to have expected any different. Marvel likes to be secretive with their big event movies, so they’re not going to give us a ton of footage this far out.
  16. Audience scores for this on Rotten Tomatoes, IMDb and Metacritic aren’t looking too hot, which doesn’t surprise me, but that means that the “go woke, go broke” YouTube mouthbreathers will no doubt have some more material for the next week or so.
  17. There is undoubtably a ton of Spider-Man material to sustain another trilogy (although if we’re not getting proper MCU versions of characters like Norman Osborn and Doc Ock, that would limit things), but it still feels like overkill to give Tom Holland a total of six Spider-Man movies, on top of the other Marvel movies he’s been in.
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