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Everything posted by WittyUsername

  1. If I recall, Zendaya’s character wasn’t particularly liked in Homecoming. I suppose some of that might have been because her character is effectively a replacement for Mary Jane, which rubbed fans the wrong way, but people seemed to warm up to her after FFH.
  2. Is it really anymore egregious than giving Peter a love interest whose initials are MJ, without the character actually being named Mary Jane Watson? I’m still not sure what the point of that was.
  3. If ViewerAnon chose to leak the plot just to spite Rowling, then that seems like a pretty shortsighted decision. She’s not the only person involved with this movie, and it seems unlikely that this will impact her bottom line in any meaningful way.
  4. Didn’t ViewerAnon leak the plot of WW84 well in advance, or was that someone else?
  5. 1000 pages without so much as a single teaser. I know this thread is 10 years old, but that’s got to be a record, right?
  6. In that case, one can only hope that this movie really pushes the boundaries of visual effects above and beyond. I just can’t picture what that would look like.
  7. I wonder how far along they are in post. This thing finished filming over a year ago.
  8. At this point, I feel confident in saying that if the OW numbers come in below $150 million, that’s going to come across as underwhelming.
  9. The criticisms against TFA for pandering to nostalgia started to become a semi-prevailing narrative in 2016, after the hype for the movie wore off. Nostalgic pandering was of course a thing in 2015, but we’ve gotten an onslaught of franchise revivals and nostalgia-driven reboots in the years since TFA.
  10. Nostalgic pandering wasn’t as common six years ago as it is today. People seem to have become more wary of it in the years since TFA.
  11. It’s not the same name… This one has an ‘s’ at the end of it. Come to think of it, assuming this movie really is some kind of meta commentary on franchise revivals and nostalgia cashgrabs, then maybe it should’ve been called ‘The Matrix Rebooted’ instead.
  12. If Holland doesn’t want to keep playing Spider-Man when he’s 30, it doesn’t seem like they’ll be able to keep milking him for many more movies. I think a Spider-Man vs. Venom movie would have to be his last one.
  13. That makes it sound like he possibly only has one more Spider-Man film left in him after this, which I’m guessing would have to be a Venom crossover.
  14. I’m not asking for a middle aged Peter Parker. I just think modern adaptations focus too much on the high school part of the character’s life. I think focusing on him in college would’ve been more interesting.
  15. I agree with the sentiment that we need to take Peter Parker out of high school, but this is supposedly going to be the last movie to have him in high school, so there’s that at least. I would’ve preferred if the MCU had introduced us to a Spider-Man who was already in college, but oh well.
  16. Does anyone here legitimately believe at this point that Maguire and Garfield aren’t in this movie, just because they aren’t in the trailer?
  17. Looks like they really are trying to keep Maguire and Garfield as a “surprise” for the actual movie. It’s not exactly a well kept secret, but oh well. Also, that joke about Dr. Octopus’ real name is lame, but that’s Marvel humor for you.
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