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Everything posted by WittyUsername

  1. Treating the original Ghostbusters with any significant kind of reverence is an odd choice. This isn’t Star Wars or Lord of the Rings. It’s a bunch of SNL guys as ghost exterminators, who just so happen to end up saving the world.
  2. No one (at least not here) is saying that the mixed response is because of “wokeness,” but the fact that more than a couple of certified Rotten Tomatoes “critics” are calling attention to it is pretty frustrating. I have no trouble believing that this movie has some genuinely glaring problems, but why would people feel the need to bring up the diversity factor, as if it’s a legitimate issue?
  3. I’m not enjoying the discourse surrounding this film one bit. I wasn’t expecting “this movie is too woke” to be a legitimate talking point, outside of Armond White and grifter YouTube channels like The Quartering.
  4. Again, unless Maguire and Garfield are barely in the movie or only show up near the climax, I see no reason to leave them out of the marketing. It’s been an open secret for nearly an entire year anyway.
  5. Ryan Coogler had a successful Rocky spin-off under his belt. Plus, I’m not sure how much creative freedom he had compared to Zhao.
  6. I’ve never been a big Marvel reader, but as near as I can tell, the general consensus on the comic version of the Eternals seems to be that they were never a very interesting team, and that as far as Jack Kirby creations go, they’re pretty low on the totem pole. It does seem odd that Marvel decided to prioritize giving them a movie, while giving the Inhumans the shaft.
  7. Dune is objectively doing much better than BR: 2049, considering the circumstances.
  8. It’s gonna be pretty unfortunate if Dune doesn’t make it to $100 million, but at least we’d be able to blame that on HBO Max.
  9. There’s definitely a certain vibe that the MCU typically gives off that makes it recognizable to people, and widely accessible for a general audience. This movie sounds like it does away with a lot of that, in favor of trying to be more “artsy.”
  10. Possibly, but for whatever reason, it doesn’t seem like Kevin Feige was ever particularly interested in that property. The only reason there was supposed to be an Inhumans movie in Phase 3 was because Perlmutter was desperately trying to use them to replace the X-Men, who Marvel couldn’t use at the time.
  11. It feels really surreal that an MCU film is likely to end up with a “rotten” score, especially one by an acclaimed filmmaker. The 2020s so far has been like some kind of weird bizarro reality.
  12. WB hasn’t been posting the weekday numbers for any of their post-pandemic movies. One can only hope that’ll change by 2022.
  13. Sucks that Disney has a monopoly on the month of December at this point. This could’ve made for a nice Winter release.
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