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Everything posted by WittyUsername

  1. As far as I’m aware, the only post-Disney MCU movies that haven’t followed the approach of being released early overseas are IW and EG, and that was to prevent spoilers.
  2. Why did they delay it if they’re doing a hybrid release? What’s the point of that?
  3. The buzz for this seems a lot bigger than the buzz for Tenet.
  4. I don’t know why it’s so difficult to have both fun monster action and decent human characters. Out of all the MonsterVerse films so far, Kong: Skull Island did the best job in both of those regards.
  5. This movie is really only 113 minutes long? Man, after watching the Snyder Cut, I can no longer fathom watching a big budget movie that short.
  6. You can expect the marketing for this to go somewhere along the line of “the sequel to the highest grossing movie of all time!”
  7. It should’ve been pretty obvious that Lola would be less sexualized this go around. Female characters in western animation in general seem to be inherently less sexualized these days.
  8. Tom & Jerry videos apparently get a lot of views on YouTube, and my nephew is a fan, so it seems to be popular with kids.
  9. They tried reinventing Superman with the Snyder movies, and while I personally am willing to defend Man of Steel, to say that Snyder’s take was polarizing is understatement. At this point, we need a traditional Superman movie that is optimistic and upbeat through and through, and I don’t trust Coates or Abrams to deliver that. As hated as Whedon’s JL is (and Whedon in general these days), he certainly made the effort of giving us a more traditional Superman, and I wish Henry Cavill would get another chance to do that properly. One more solo movie that gives the character a decent and hopeful send-off would’ve been nice. An anti-Logan, essentially.
  10. I’ll be the first to admit that I’m embarrassed at having over predicted the box office potential of Detective Pikachu. All the buzz for that initial trailer threw me off guard. In hindsight, it seems that the reason the trailer did so well was because people wanted to see what live action Pokémon would look like, but they didn’t care much about the film itself. It’ll be interesting to see if Godzilla vs. Kong suffers a similar fate. Aside from that, Endgame’s OW was pretty unbelievable. The fact that it (barely) became the highest grossing film of all time is no small feat either, but those OW numbers, both domestically and overseas, were the craziest thing ever. I saw the movie on Saturday, and it was a pain to try and find a parking space, and when I got inside, people were crowded around the ticket vendor. That was a little less than two years ago, but it feels more like five. Joker was also a big surprise. It still baffles me that the movie inspired such a nonsensical controversy, but I think it might’ve actually helped it to an extent. There’s something about the Joker that always seems to make him a public phenomenon, whether it’s genuine or ironic.
  11. Come to think of it, while I haven’t read the comics that Ta-Nehisi Coates has written, from what I hear, they lean on the side of being cynical deconstructions. At this point, that’s probably the last thing Superman needs.
  12. Of course. I wasn’t referring to specific heroes. I meant that generally speaking, there’s obviously no rule that says certain races can’t be superheroes. A white Black Panther would be absurd.
  13. No one needs to be white. Superheroes can be any race. In terms of Superman though, there are black people who have donned the identity in the comics. Aside from that, it doesn’t seem to be clear whether or not this is a full reboot or not. Coates made it sound like this is in the DC Extended Universe.
  14. I just realized that Coates specifically used the term “DC Extended Universe” when referring to this film. I don’t know if that actually means anything, but it is interesting that he used that. So far, that’s the one thing that would potentially suggest this isn’t actually a reboot.
  15. There are two different black people who have donned the Superman name in the comics, so there’s really no need to make Clark Kent black.
  16. At this point, I’m gonna second that motion, but maybe this movie can still be good. Just don’t let J.J. Abrams direct it.
  17. Not exactly. WB gave him JL before BvS was released. By the time BvS came out, JL was just a few weeks away from filming. WB didn’t fire him because it would’ve looked bad to their investors, so they kept him on board, but put him on a tighter leash.
  18. MoS was polarizing, but WB still trusted Zack Snyder enough to give him the keys to the kingdom. The negative response and underperformance of BvS was when things officially went off the rails.
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