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Everything posted by WittyUsername

  1. What could they have possibly fucked up on in regards to this movie?
  2. Sounds reassuring. That’s the earliest an embargo for a DCEU film has dropped ahead of release. I’m assuming that’s a sign of confidence.
  3. What I want to know is why this film cost so much to begin with? $60 million is a lot for a movie like this. Surely it could’ve been made for around $20-30 million?
  4. Has there been any updates on when the review embargo breaks? I know it was said a while back that it would break on the 23rd of this month, but has there been anything more concrete since then?
  5. It’s just a preview screening anyway. It doesn’t make a difference.
  6. So that scene of a kid playing with Batman and Superman toys while humming the John Williams theme was real after all...
  7. One thing I sincerely hope is that Depp’s legal team doesn’t provide photographic evidence that Amber Heard relieved herself on their bed. That was probably one of the weirdest things I’d ever had the misfortune of hearing about.
  8. Off the top of my head, there’s Raiders of the Lost Ark, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen and the Mummy movies.
  9. A B-list superhero making over $300 million domestically was a pretty big feat back in 2008.
  10. Depp’s legal team said all the way back in September that they would be submitting evidence that would prove that Depp was the victim of violent abuse by Amber Heard, and about a week ago, a photo of Depp with a bruised face was shown online, and today, there was apparently a picture of his severed finger (which I wouldn’t recommend looking at if you’re squeamish). Not really anything we haven’t already been told about before, but a lot of people who were previously unaware of the allegations made by Johnny Depp’s legal team are now siding with him, which is quite the turnaround.
  11. As far as Amber Heard is concerned, I was always worried that her involvement would leave a dark spot on the press for Aquaman, but by this point, I’m not sure if I believe her or Johnny Depp. Depp’s story about what Amber Heard allegedly did to him appears to have changed compared to what it was several months ago, and there are still some question marks from all of this.
  12. If the finished design for the Genie looks better than what we’ve seen, I don’t see what good it’s doing for Disney to not release a new trailer.
  13. I swear at first I thought he said “Remember when Superman died?”
  14. I sure hope Ben “The Cool Kid’s Philosopher” Shapiro goes off on her about this, and accuses her of being a traitor...
  15. It’ll be fun to see if the trailer for this movie receives the kind of backlash that the Will Smith Genie reveal received.
  16. It’s just weird how this movie is apparently 12 minutes longer than the Justice League movie, and longer than Captain Marvel.
  17. I don’t mind that, but I can definitely see certain people complaining about the movie being too long if that’s the case. I’m a little curious why it is that long, though.
  18. The early access shows are one thing, since those are usually counted separately from a film’s OW numbers, but having Thursday screenings at 4PM really bugs me. 5PM was already stretching, but a movie with early screenings at 4PM might as well be counted as a Thursday release.
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