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Everything posted by WittyUsername

  1. Not gonna lie, December next year actually looks like it could be kinda fun? At least compared to this year anyway.
  2. Well, the European film industry has welcomed him with open arms. I wouldn’t put it past Hollywood to accept him back if they believed the public forgot about it. He did win that sexual assault trial against him, after all.
  3. How many big names have actually been “canceled” long term? The only one I can think of that seems to have stuck so far is James Franco. Even Kevin Spacey has been slowly making a comeback. Hollywood only cares about this stuff if they see it as a threat to their bottomline. Hell, Paul Walker had a 16 year old girlfriend, and they’re supposedly going to bring him back as a deepfake.
  4. I’m not convinced that Vin Diesel’s career will end because of this. Hollywood doesn’t care about this stuff as much as some of you seem to think, at least not when it comes to the big names.
  5. That’s very unfortunate to hear, but I’m not terribly surprised. Didn’t Vin Dielsel make some weird comment about how Charlize Theron enjoyed making out with him?
  6. Paramount and WB merging would be terrible. Them merging and then getting bought by Comcast would be catastrophic. To think this all happening because Hollywood became obsessed with streaming.
  7. The day people start accusing Disney of making the X-Men of all things “woke” will mark the point where all this culture war nonsense reaches peak stupidity.
  8. Gunn actually said that Reeves was the one who didn’t want his Batman in the DCU.
  9. I’m aware. That’s why I said that I’m wondering if they plan to phase out the Batverse in favor of the DCU Batman. I obviously have nothing to truly base this on, hence why I said that I’m only speculating. I just find it interesting that they’d have Matt Reeves develop Batman related projects for both the DCU and the Batverse.
  10. Keep in mind, I’m only speculating here. I just recall that Zaslav specifically stated how they didn’t want multiple Batmen.
  11. Between this and Gunn saying that he hasn’t been given a script for The Batman 2 yet, this makes me wonder if the plan is to phase out the Batverse. Assuming that is the case, I suppose it would at least solve the problem of having multiple Batmen at the same time, but what would that mean for Robert Pattinson? Will they simply have him be the DCU Batman?
  12. It doesn’t help that much of Gunn’s debunking tends to come across like the kind of vague jargon that you would expect a lawyer to use. For example, he previously claimed that they didn’t “boot” Gal Gadot. You could argue that he technically wasn’t lying, because Gal Gadot was “never hired” for the DCU, but it still comes off as a misleading statement that created a lot of unnecessary confusion at the time.
  13. Are people gonna see DP3 as a disappointment if it doesn’t hit a billion?
  14. In fairness, there is that Themiscyra prequel show. Still, introducing a new Wonder Woman and Aquaman is going to feel a bit awkward no matter what, since those two don’t really have a history of being played by multiple different actors like Batman and Superman. The Flash would be easier to get away with, since Ezra Miller never really left much of an impression on the general public. Plus, they could use Wally West if they really want to set themselves apart.
  15. We were already talking about the downsides of Gunn trying to be transparent with fans and debunking the rumor mills, so that’s another example.
  16. Gunn also previously insisted that Ben Affleck wanted to direct something for the DCU, and then when Affleck made it clear that he wasn’t interested, Gunn never said a word about him again, even though people all over social media were calling him a liar. Given how quick Gunn is to shut down random no name accounts that accuse him of lying, that’s definitely notable. Sure, you could claim that perhaps Affleck was interested, only to change his mind, but it’s worth remembering that he had stated last year that he had become disillusioned with the studio system, and that moving forward, he would only direct movies from his own production company. Those don’t sound like the words of someone who was interested in being part of James Gunn’s DCU.
  17. In fairness, Rogue One also brought in a new writer for the reshoots, and while I didn’t care for the movie, it seemed to pay off. At the very least, this was delayed to 2025, so they should have time to iron things out.
  18. The vast majority of big movies do in fact have reshoots, especially CBM’s. It’s pointless to try and take it as a sign of anything at this stage. The movie doesn’t even come out for a whole year.
  19. Is every Marvel thread from now on going to be filled with people going “this is going to bomb,” and people like Spiderbyte arguing with them?
  20. This looks pretty schlocky, but if the trailer is misleading, then I’ll be interested to see how the actual movie plays out. All I know is that the idea of California and Texas working together is hilariously absurd.
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