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Posts posted by vault2008

  1. General question for everyone:


    What's the rule on using other superheroes in a franchise film I own? For instance, I own Swamp Thing. If I wanted another hero, say Nightwing, to appear in the film, how does that work? If it's a cameo or short appearance, do I need to own rights to the franchise/character? Just wanted to clarify. 

  2. There are strong rumors that Gateway Productions are struggling with the script to Winston, a family drama centered around a dog. Slotted for a release in late Y5, the film is now undergoing heavy rewrites and potential cast changes. While no details have been leaked about the scope of the changes, most reports state the film is still a "dog film," but the details beyond that will be quite different to what was originally pitched. As far as anyone can tell, both Paul Rudd and Freddie Highmore are still attached to the project.


    In confirmed news, Chairman and CEO Jason Winters addressed a hot topic: sequels.


    "All of our films are stand-alone that tell complete stories," he said confidently. "But if the turnout is good, and the fans want more, we try to leave the door open. Not always. Sometimes a story is a story and it doesn't need to continue. But if the fans ask for it, and we're confident we can deliver, chances are we will."


    Adding to that, he commented on picking up the Hostel franchise, a series already 3 films in.


    "Hostel: Bloodline stands on its own. We intentionally didn't number it like the others. It's for fans, both old and new, to see how this dark and gritty world works. But it's also a family story, and that's one we haven't seen in the Hostel universe before. Will there be another one? Maybe. We have enough story content to do our own trilogy. But again, Bloodline tells its own story and does have a conclusion. Whether or not we continue it . . . we'll see."



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  3. XeP8UFP.png

    Hostel: Bloodline

    Director: Eli Roth

    Genre: Horror

    Release Date: January 8th, Year 5

    Major Cast:

    Sverrir Gudnason as John

    Emmanuelle Vaugier as Linda

    Sabrina Carpenter as Abigail

    Dean Winters as Samael Ladislav 

    Seamus Davey-Fitzpatrick as Adem Ladislav

    Logan Miller as Renn

    Guillaume Bouchède as Jakub

    Theater Count : 3,450

    MPAA Rating: Rated R for brutal scenes of torture and violence, strong language, and underage drinking.

    Runtime:  116 minutes

    Production Budget: $8 Million

    Synopsis: A family of four on their final vacation together ends up in a trip to hell. As the drama unwinds in the family, they find themselves the targets of Elite Hunting, an underground organization that lines would-be killers and torturers up with kidnapped victims for them to exact their sickest fantasies out on. 

    Plot Summary:


    The film opens in a dark and damp, low-lit room, with Samael Ladislav beating a restrained man. The restrained man has a bag over his head, and screams with every strike. After several seconds of the beating, Samael grabs a gun off a nearby table and shoots the restrained man in the body several times, emptying the magazine. He motions to a door on the far side of the room. Adem Ladislav emerges from the door, a frightened teenager. Samael tries to comfort his son, and tells him that this is how his family does things


    We cut to a shot of a family on a train. “Nitra, Slovakia” appears on the bottom of the screen. There’s a family of four on the train—John and Linda Toff, two middle-aged parents, and their college-aged children, Renn and Abigail. John and Linda seem concerned about their children enjoying their final vacation as a family, but Renn couldn’t care less, and Abigail is preoccupied with the boys on the train.


    They arrive at their destination and head for local boarding. As they approach a hostel, a man out front, Jakub, advises them of a cheaper hostel with a better view two blocks away. John and Linda thank Jakub, and the family continues to the hostel that was recommended to them.


    Once they reach their room and check in, the family splits up to check out the hostel itself and see what’s available. Renn and Abigail disappear, and John and Linda fight about the money they’re spending on the trip. Linda argues that since they found a cheaper hostel they should stay an extra day, but John refuses and says it’s putting too much of a dent in their finances as it is.

    At the hostel pool, Abigail is taking selfies and hanging out with boys. She complains about being dragged on the vacation to one in particular, though his face is kept from the camera. At the end of the scene, after Abigail walks away, the camera pans around to reveal the boy as Adem Ladislav.


    Renn is sitting at a bar, a beer in one hand and his phone in the other. A woman approaches him and tries to flirt, but he dismisses her and says he needs to focus on his work. Abigail finds him and playfully jabs about him not socializing, and Renn fires back with how obsessed Abigail is with guys. Offended, Abigail leaves. The camera pans back to reveal Adem following Abigail.


    We cut to a scene with Adem carrying a knocked-out Renn through an abandoned warehouse. It’s filthy and falling apart. He lays Renn’s body in a room, and his father, Samael, appears in the doorway and praises Adem. He’s happy, because Americans always fetch a fair price. Adem shoves past his father and tells him what they’re doing is wrong. Frustrated, Samael grabs Adem and tells him this is the business their family has always been in, and he needs to get on board with it.


    The next morning, Linda is concerned about Renn. Abigail tells her to brush it off and not worry, and departs. John and Linda get in another argument, this time over Renn. John storms out and tells Linda she’s ruining their vacation.


    Renn’s dead body is strapped to a chair. His entire head is decapitated and laying on the ground next to him, and there is blood in various places along his body. Samael and Adem walk into the room and observe the scene. Samael advises that they had another happy customer. Adem reluctantly comments that he can’t see himself doing this. Samael grabs Adem by the collar and tells him if the people in charge of their company, Elite Hunting, hear him talk like that they’ll both be killed. Samael orders Adem to clean up the gore and storms out. Jakub enters and tells Samael they’ve got the woman (Linda) and are moving on the rest of the family tonight.


    Back at the hostel, Abigail and John start freaking out about the disappearances of Linda and Renn. They agree to leave and contact the local authorities. As they depart and leave, they run into Jakub. Abigail immediately calls him out because he recommended they stay at this hostel. He profusely apologizes and offers to get them to the authorities. As he leads them into an isolated block, several men emerge from an alley and knock out John and Abigail.


    We cut to Linda waking up in a room, strapped to a table. She screams for help, and a figure wearing a devil’s mask enters the room. He doesn’t say anything, merely listens to her scream and retrieves a club from a stand of various tools. He walks over to her, slowly, and starts beating her over and over.


    The camera immediately cuts to Abigail waking up in a room. She cries for help. The door opens, and there’s arguing between two figures. The light kicks on overhead, and Adem makes his way into the room, unsure of himself. He grabs a crowbar from a table and looks like he might attack Abigail, but she begs him not to. He throws the crowbar to the side and breaks down, sobbing.


    Samael storms into the room screaming at his son to kill her and become a man, that he has to contribute to the business. The two get into a shoving match, and Samael shoves Adem back into Abigail’s chair, breaking it from the bolts into the floor. Abigail scrambles to the weapon table and retrieves a scalpel. Someone grabs her from behind—she spins and jams it into the person’s eye. The camera quickly pans to reveal it was Adem.


    Mortified, Abigail storms out of the room as Samael tends to his son. She hides in the hallway, avoiding four men who pass by, all armed with guns and holding barking dogs. She cautiously makes her way through the halls, and comes upon the room with Renn’s corpse. She gasps and starts crying.


    In another room, a man is whipping John with a barbed whip. He screams with each hit.


    Abigail hears the screaming turns to the weapon table in the room with Renn’s corpse—she grabs a large knife from the table and starts towards the screaming. She sees her father and rushes at the attacker. He spins and catches her in the face with the barbed whip, but she manages to stick the blade into his throat, killing him.


    With her face wounded, Abigail barely manages to free her father. John can barely stand, but the two embrace one another. John grabs a revolver from the weapon table and the two start towards finding an exit. A large man wearing a butcher’s apron spots them and yells out, but John manages to shoot and kill him.


    In a separate wing of the building, Samael has transported Adem to a hospital bed and has someone looking after him. He apologies to his son, and vows to kill the bitch who hurt him. He exits the room and enters another, retrieving a shotgun and loading it.


    John and Abigail struggle to find the exit amidst the corridors and maze-like paths of rooms. They run into another buyer get into a fight. The man easily tackles John, but Abigail manages to recover the gun and shoot him, protecting her father. John says he’s sorry to Abigail, and the two find a large room with a door at the far end that leads to the outside.


    Samael gives chase from behind. Abigail tries to shoot him but the gun is empty. John and Abigail make a dash for the exit, but he fires a shot that clips John in the arm. Abigail stops to help him despite him screaming for her to go. Samael explains that they would never have made it, that Elite Hunting is a company that spans countries and has contacts everywhere. He then tells John he’s glad he didn’t die, because he wants to kill his daughter in front of him.


    Abigail and John both throw themselves at Samael despite their injuries. The shotgun goes off, but Abigail manages to push the barrel away and send the shot astray. John kicks Samael in the kneecap and bites his hand while Abigail scratches at his eyes. They manage to get him to the ground. Abigail cocks the shotgun and fires a slug into Samael’s chest, killing him.


    With all quiet, she helps her father up and the two manage to exit the warehouse alive. Moments after they make it out the door, two more men, one being Jakub, arrive at the scene and see the body of Samael.




    Adem, now wearing bandages over his eye, makes his way to the scene of his father’s death and collapses next to his body. Jakub tries to comfort him. Adem claims that maybe his father was right all along. The camera zooms in on his one remaining eye, full of vengeance, and then we cut to black.






    • Like 5
  4. Gotta be Avengers. It was the culmination of a decade's worth of character building and a massive event. I think it hit every note it needed to and then some. Packed all the punch, had some incredible sequences, and the ending was amazing. 


    Black Panther I've yet to rewatch but I remember it being good not great. Incredibles 2 was a great sequel and I thought it was worth the wait, however not as good as IW.


    1. Infinity War

    2. Incredibles 2

    3. Black Panther

    • Like 1
  5. 38 minutes ago, Spagspiria said:

    Welcome to the game!


    One question about Winston - it looks like Highmore and Rudd are about 23 years in age apart. Unless they focus on the puppy years and his death, I think that's a long time for a dog to live.


    Otherwise, super excited to read it!

    Oh yeah don't worry that will be addressed. There is a jump but it kind of comes at a natural point and I try to spend time at key points during the dog's life. The dog will have a natural lifespan, no supernatural stuff going on.


    Plus Rudd looks amazing for his age. Still can't believe he's almost 50. 

    • Like 2


    With an announcement of 4 films on the way in Y5, Gateway Productions have officially opened their doors and started development on their pictures. Though details were scarce, the studio has released the following information regarding their current projects in an interview with Chairman and CEO Jason Winters.


    Hostel: Bloodline


    January 8th

    Directed by Eli Roth

    Cast: TBA




    Though no cast was announced during the interview, Jason Winters expressed upmost confidence in the film. "With Eli Roth in charge, the man who did the original two, I know we're in good hands."


    He also commented on why now was chosen to revive the horror franchise: "It's been too long since we've seen a Hostel film. If you look at the first two films, Roth had a clear vision and knew what the films were going to be. I think it's time we get back to that for the series."


    When asked whether this film is ignoring 2011's Hostel: Part III: "This film will stand on its own and not have any connections to the prior entries story-wise. There will be easter eggs for fans of the franchise, sure. But we want fans of the franchise old and new to be able to enjoy it. To that end, we're emphasizing a story that we haven't particularly told in the Hostel universe before: one about family."





    June 4th

    Directed by Joe Carnahan

    Cast: Dominic Purcell, Mark Wahlberg, Christian Bale, William Fichtner, Tom Welling, & Claire Forlani




    "This is our biggest movie in Y5," Winters said with a grin. "We've got a fantastic cast, a great director with plenty of experience, and a story that I think will pull people in and hook them,"


    On what the film's actually about: "Dominic Purcell plays our lead who gets pulled into this mob when he's desperate for money. But he has no idea just how deep he's in, and things go from bad to worse when he tries to get out, and even worse from there when the gang discovers there's a mole. You really get to see the systematic destruction of this crew."


    Why he believes it'll be the studio's defining film in their rookie year: "We've got a thrilling story, a talented cast, and I think this film's going to leave a mark in people's minds. If all goes well, we're open to continuing the series as well. We hope to."



    Untitled Western Horror


    September 10

    Directed by Neil Marshall

    Cast: Viggo Mortensen




    "Yeah, we're not quite ready to reveal the rest of the cast, but Viggo Mortensen is our lead. Is it any surprise why? The man can do it all."


    Winters was coy when it came to the plot, but with some budging he revealed one particular thread: "The film deals with a cult who takes up residence outside a small western town. It touches on the supernatural and focuses a lot on the unseen horrors. It's definitely not a traditional slasher or anything."





    December 17th

    Directed by Mike Binder

    Cast: Paul Rudd, Rachel McAdams, Pierce Brosnan, Noah Schnapp, Kathryn Newton, Peter Stormare, and Freddie Highmore




    The most out-of-place addition to the action and horror heavy lineup, Jason Winters is fully aware of how strange the film's placement may be within the lineup, but also notes it's no coincidence: "This is a family film centered around a dog, the titular Winston. Highmore and Rudd play the same character at different points in his life. One just out of high school and struggling with school and a first job, the other a functioning adult dealing with work and family problems. We tie the two together with Winston, a dog, and it's really his story and how he affects those all around him."


    On the genre of the film: "It's definitely more drama-heavy, but the comedy's there. I wanted all the cast to be able to really show their reach with this film, and I think they will. It's also the timing of it. It's a movie about family, and we intentionally placed it between Thanksgiving and Christmas. I think people will really enjoy it."





    Finally, when asked if there are any surprises in store for Y5 or any unannounced projects in the works, Winters smiled. "Anything can happen, can't it?"

    • Like 4
  7. New season with Jodie Whittaker is painfully average. A few high spots for series 11 but I miss Moffat's style, I really do. Doesn't help that most of the better episodes this season weren't written by new showrunner Chris Chibnall.


    Graham's a great companion though. 

  8. On 12/2/2018 at 3:22 AM, Webslinger said:

    - Speaking of Sean Anders: his 2008 film Sex Drive was also pretty funny and had surprisingly effective character development for what was ostensibly a raunchy comedy. It's worth a look if it pops up on any streaming services.

    Big fan of that movie. Had some great humor in it. The standout was Seth Green IMO. 


    Anders did a good job with Instant Family. I was not expecting much but a lot of the humor landed well and the film kept me entertained throughout, even if things did wrap up a little conveniently at the end. I enjoyed it overall. 

  9. On 12/3/2018 at 1:41 PM, Slambros said:


    Glad to see you're joining in!


    On the note of franchise rights, I think the rights to Mario and Earthbound were offered but unclaimed; if you want them, you can claim those. And I see that you're interested in video games, so I can straight-up give you the rights to Counter Strike if you want it.

    Appreciate it, thanks for the welcome!


    If you're offering up Counter-Strike, sure, I'll take it. Could get something brewing. I appreciate it, thank you.

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