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Menor the Destroyer

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Everything posted by Menor the Destroyer

  1. The prequels look a lot better to me than the third act of BW, and most modern blockbusters to be honest. There was a lot of imagination in the use of the CGI even if not technically perfect. A lot of blockbusters nowadays use CG and it looks very mundane and blah, which to me is much worse than if it looks unrealistic but awesome (Aquaman is a good modern example of the latter).
  2. The Green Knight MTC2 Thursday Showtimes: 577 Tickets Sold: 3049/57032 Friday Showtimes: 1257 Tickets Sold: 3566/135262 Show count is very low. I think this movie is probably underindexing some in MTC2 given what others have. Here it's not close to Jungle Cruise even on Thursday.
  3. Jungle Cruise MTC2 Saturday Showtimes: 4235 Seats Sold: 14816/664295 Pretty good. Its matching Friday at the same point and will likely end up with higher presales. Saturday should see a bump.
  4. In MTC2 there is a similar issue, DBOX seats show up as "unavailable" in the regular showtime even if they aren't sold. The way I usually handle it is: count all "unavailable" seats in the regular showtime, then subtract all "available" (i.e. unsold) DBOX seats in the DBOX showtime. I think that should cancel it out to the correct value.
  5. I think more likely it's the DBOX discrepancy between the two trackers that has been there for a while. I doubt it sold 2000 tickets in just an hour. Once the numbers are higher in release week it won't make a huge difference.
  6. BOP was the same way. High sales in NYC and LA theaters and pretty much DOA everywhere else.
  7. He did his job. If it flops then they probably kill this franchise and see if Gunn is willing to do something else for them.
  8. Which 3? Wonder Woman is still the best received DCEU movie -- at least in the USA. Aquaman is the best received in some countries, but that was also a big hit.
  9. Suicide Squad MTC2 Thursday Showings: 1393 (+9) Seats Sold: 6153/223466 (+2222) Comps: 0.293x F9 (estimated) at the same point (2.08 million) 0.115x BW (estimated) at the same point (1.52 million) Friday: Showings: 3211 (-4) * Seats Sold: 4546/531198 (+1672) Comps: 0.226x F9 (estimated) at the same point (5.13 million) 0.122x BW (estimated) at the same point (3.21 million) Wish I had some better comps, but Thursday still looks pretty bad. Friday frankly looks disastrous. Even ignoring the F9 and BW comps, it's not close to on pace to surpass Jungle Cruise's Friday on Saturday night. Let's hope reviews give it a nice boost. *Regarding the Friday showtimes decreasing, my guess is this is due to whatever DBOX weirdness went on with MTC2 last week. The number of seats available went up.
  10. 200 million, apparently. So probably gonna be a big money loser.
  11. The character/story are intriguing. The cage fight looks good, other action scenes look a bit cheap, but overall still looks good.
  12. Jungle Cruise MTC2 Thursday Showtimes: 1791 (+241) Seats Sold: 9037/269271 (+1960) Friday Showtimes: 4012 (+853) Seats Sold: 18943/633144 (+6088) Thursday is still meh. Not seeing any higher than 2 million. Friday seems really strong though. Almost suspiciously so, though I don't see any obvious error in my numbers. If it continues at this pace then 9-10 million Friday or higher seems quite possible. I'll try to get Green Knight as well tomorrow. It may come close on Thursday but I don't think it's getting anywhere near JC on FSS. Still we will see.
  13. @katnisscinnaplex data also shows JC Friday very strong. 4x previews is possible. My guess is something 2-8-9-7 for a $26 million OW. Now TSS will definitely have a higher preview than JC. But it's Friday multi will also be worse. If there isn't a significant bump from reviews tomorrow I could see something like 3.5-8.5-8-6 which...would also be a $26 million OW. In the worst case I could see TSS opening below what JC does which if you told me that a few weeks ago would have been crazy. But I still think it'll probably go higher, though not as high as the Sacramento H&S comp suggests (lol).
  14. Finished quicker than I had estimated. Jungle Cruise MTC2 Thursday Showings: 1550 Seats Sold: 7077/243394 (+2089) Friday Showings: 3159 (+139) Seats Sold: 12855/529537 (+4434) Friday is definitely dominating Thursday at this point. Don't remember a good comp for what this means though, maybe later I'll dig through Jumanji numbers that Keyser posted way back.
  15. Yeah it's running right now. I am a bit busy tonight so in case I don't post until tomorrow it's looking like about 7k Thursday and 12k Friday.
  16. Honestly, I have a feeling this is surprising on the higher end as well, although I don't have super strong opinions on the performance this far out.
  17. If it's shorts then they might as well just dump it all at once. No point in waiting each week just for 10 minutes of new stuff. I think the episode length will be similar to the SW animated shows though so 23-29 minutes on average.
  18. My only familiarity with GI Joe is Rise of Cobra and my impressions from that film were Snake Eyes was cool but a fairly generic ninja-type character, Duke was...Channing Tatum (don't remember anything much about his character), Scarlett is the red-haired woman I think? I don't even remember who the other two were. I did think Storm Shadow and Baroness were cool antagonists though.
  19. Definitely, the legs were much better. That said Titanic's success cannot be attributed to repeat viewings. To do what Titanic did requires excellent WOM and a huge amount of unique viewers.
  20. That's not how most people view it. People just look at them as mediocre action films that they don't particularly need to see another one.
  21. They were hugely successful movies so I think it's fairly obvious they have a fanbase? People who hate them are just very loud.
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