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Menor the Destroyer

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Everything posted by Menor the Destroyer

  1. I don't think TROS is the best comp here. That was a mega seller, which tends to have more spread out sales as it's more casual audiences pre-buying than just rabid fans. Smaller films tend to have much less PS beyond OD.
  2. So D3 yesterday was at 900k, which then means that D3 PS are probably around the same as D4 right now. But D4 has one more day to sell and will benefit from more walkups. I know some in the thread were thinking Sat to be fairly flat from Fri but from these numbers it seems like we will see a decent-sized Saturday bump. Friday itself will see a big bump from Thursday. As long as the Thursday drop isn't super harsh then both Friday and Saturday should be bigger than OD. That will definitely help with the internal multi.
  3. Feels nice to have a hype weekend thread again. I guess there was one for Raya but that one was a bit deflating since it didn't perform well. And there was one for Nobody, which tbh I didn't even notice as numbers were very low. Let's hope GvK can bring in some big numbers for us to celebrate. Team Godzilla, of course. Kong is a false king.
  4. D2 PS are solid enough, D3 are probably the most impressive for me. @keysersoze123 do you have D4? I suspect those will be pretty strong as well.
  5. Definitely it's for the full weekend. That said I am a bit suspicious of the Fri/Sat PWP numbers as I have been for a while. Even at the beginning of presales Fri/Sat had more PWPs sold which seems to indicate that many of those are non-GvK.
  6. Not many of their theaters though. It is most of their big ones per the Deadline article sent by @Borobudur but not sure how much difference it will make. Some interesting tidbits from that article: For @Porthos, it says GvK is playing in 3000 theaters. It also says that GvK has beaten WW84's PWP number already with over 10,000 booked. Now being "over 10,000" was expected, but as I think WW84 had more than 10,000 overall (given that WW84 was reported to have 10,000 on Dec 21) being ahead of WW84 is good. Not sure whether to take Deadline tracking seriously or just Deadline being Deadline. As I recall the trades were saying something like 5 to 7 million for WW84.
  7. Well, everything is good Star Wars from some fan's point of view. I'd prefer it if Lucasfilm didn't "pick sides" between different parts of the franchise, regardless of my personal opinion of some works. But I don't think this is an example of that, it's just because the Bad Batch are from TCW.
  8. I'm very biased of course, but I don't think it's that hard. Just need the MTC 1/2 share to be a bit lower than Keyser estimates on OD (so it can get more like 11 million than 8-9 million), then spillover + higher show count on weekend + more theaters playing the film + hopefully good WOM should carry it to a nice IM. Yeah but only a sample of Regal, not many theaters.
  9. I didn't get to actually watch the show until about a year ago as I didn't have Disney XD, but I remember the anticipation in the fandom at the time still. The episode itself is really excellent too. I think Maul teaching Ezra about the Dark Side is an underrated part of it, it was one of the few times where the bad guy made the DS seem appealing in a non-crazy way.
  10. Tbh, I did not expect that KOTM comp to still be increasing at this point. I thought for sure it would be Crumbling! by now. Late jumps have been quite strong in Sacramento.
  11. Yeah, no. LOTR has had quite a big pop culture footprint, it's just that it's been nearly 20 years since the trilogy was over. Obviously the films couldn't be as influential as the books but compared to most blockbusters they're quite remembered.
  12. This is full USA data, most places have some restriction with the big markets at 25% or so.
  13. I don't know if she would be against the Empire, though. She does say "I think they suit me" about Ventress' lightsaber, and she had fallen far enough that she was willing to kill innocent people and then frame it on a close friend. I could easily see Palpatine playing on her resentment of the Jedi to recruit her. That said, we don't really have enough info on her motivations in that arc to say for sure, since her role there was more to provide one last gut punch to Ahsoka than to have her own story. Suffice to say, I would be interested to see her back either way.
  14. I mean, these two things are not mutually exclusive.
  15. I haven't seen the whole film but I have seen all the scenes with Godzilla which looked absolutely fantastic. I thought Del Toro did a good job with scale in Pacific Rim and Wan (in parts) of Aquaman but yeah Edwards is far better at it than the average blockbuster director (kinda wish we had seen a bit more of that style in Rogue One without the production issues, although I did really enjoy the film anyway). But damn you made me want to go watch the full thing lol.
  16. Chapter 7 as well, which was another quite good one.
  17. The Olympian pantheon features in Thor comics. Never read too many comics but I do remember reading Thor vs Hercules at the local library. That was one that really stuck with me as I thought the idea was really cool.
  18. Still have a lot of trepidation about Anakin/Vader's role in this, but as he is my favorite SW character and Hayden and Ewan two of my favorite SW actors, I'm hyped.
  19. I think what he was saying is that, in the past, the theaters without reserved seating have contributed a nonnegligible amount to the BO.
  20. I think the estimated gross is more important than the ticket number anyway given the big ATP difference between the two MTCs.
  21. It would be pretty much impossible to hit 150/130 by final PS. So it must be end of OD. We didn't have MTC scraping for KOTM. That was back when we got the data from akvalley's Fandango Pulse scraper. Actually that weekend is quite nostalgic for me as it was the second weekend that I had been using Pulse to estimate the dailies during midday, and the first time I beat Deadline by quite a bit using that technique, calling it at 12-14 million when Deadline was saying 18 million true Friday. Good times.
  22. Ok, at least this is a consistent standard. Now why don't you go take a look through the RT reviews for a movie and find a representative set of reviews that fit your standard? And then compare that to a random sample of the imdb reviews? At last that would be a properly sourced claim.
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