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Everything posted by 75Live

  1. The Artist - A Red Tails - B- Haywire - C+ TPM 3D - B Safe House - B+ Chronicle - B Ghost Rider Spirit of Vengence - D The Avengers - A John Carter - C+ 21 Jump Street - B The Hunger Games - C+ Wrath of the Titans - C Titanic - A Cabin in the Woods - B+ The Raven - B- Three Stooges - B Battleship - C The Dictator - C Snow White and the Huntsman - B- Men in Black 3 - B Prometheus - B+ Brave - B+ Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter - C+ Ted - B+ The Amazing Spider-Man - B+ The Dark Knight Rises - A Total Recall - C The Expendables 2 - A The Bourne Legacy - C+ Paranorman - B+ Robot and Frank - A- Lawless - B- Dredd 3D - B+ Looper - A- Frankenweenie - A- Seven Psychopaths - B+ Sinister - C Argo - A Taken 2 - B Hotel Transylvania - B+ Wreck-It-Ralph - A Flight - B+ Skyfall - A- The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part II - C-/D+ Hitchcock - A-
  2. Easily the best of the series to me. I enjoy the whole trilogy but this is the one I go to every time if I want to watch any of the films. A
  3. I was surprised at how much I liked this movie when I first saw it. I now really enjoy it since I have it on blu ray. I saw this first and only saw bits and pieces of the Swedish version so I don't really have that as a comparison. It's one of those movies that has you cheering for the wrong side, but the movie doesn't really make you feel bad for doing so. They did a great job of showing how isolated Owen was even going as far as never showing the mom's face clearly during the movie. The car accident scene is still an amazing scene to me. A-
  4. Yeah I had a friend buy me the Inception suitcase edition. It took about 4 months for it to show up.
  5. Nice. I have to wait until Tuesday and hope I can get to the store before everyone else does
  6. I think this is Steven Seagal's best role and work, even though he isn't in it that long. But yes just a fun movie that was pretty entertaining B+
  7. That's what I thought, but I couldn't find a definite confirmation of that. Well Target opens pretty early so I could get it before work, assuming they have it.Thanks
  8. Does anyone know if the cowl limited edition of TDKR is being sold at "all" stores? Or is it exclusive to one place?
  9. I am sure she will stick around doing bit roles here and there. Until she really cleans herself up and fixes herself, she won't really be anything but a punchline
  10. I have been pondering this for a while. Since the internet brings out the worst on both sides of the spectrum, do forums like these hurt your view of movies? Let me explain. I know not all people are like this but a good amount happen to be. When you read about a movie that you are really not interested in and there is someone just gushing about it, no matter how bad it looks, and is really obnoxious about it, does it make you "root against" said movie? I will not name names, but you know some of the people here, that hijack threads to just trumpet "their" movie over and over. Does it make you sick of hearing about it to the point where now a movie you didn't care about is on your crap list? Same goes the other way, when people and again, not naming names, do the opposite. Where they continually bash a movie to make the movie they like seem better, or completely criticize an actor/actress over and over for really no reason since it has nothing to do with the thread. Do you have to urge to now defend that subject just to shut up the other person? I have seen negativity towards movies I never knew existed or even released and vice versa. I have seen campaigns to have movies fail. There are beliefs that people are not allowed to like 2 different movies. People are railed against because one person believes a movie deserved to make more and no one can tell them any different. I have heard excuses as to this reboot is too early, but a sequel in the same amount of time was too long to wait. It just seems like the enjoyment of actually seeing a movie and the magic of watching a film is being replaced by arguments or just the idea of hating or gushing. So basically, as fun as forums like these can be (and I am not bashing this place at ALL), do they also hurt people's opinions of films no matter which side, as well?
  11. From Kirk Cameron's version of the Bible
  12. Neither really matter to me, but to answer the question, I guess BO total. Since the grade is very subjective, it can be taken in any way. But the final numbers really can't be disputed. Regardless of 3D, IMAX, etc, the total is still the total.To equate it to sports, the Cowboys have sucked for about 15 years now, but what do their fans always bring up? They have 5 Super Bowl titles. So while people can argue how good they have been in the last 15 or so years, their Super Bowl total can't be argued.
  13. Pffftt...you still have to worry about $250
  14. Still tough :PStar WarsRaiders of the Lost ArkJawsThe GodfatherBack to the Future
  15. Tough choice since a few of them are my all time favorites. I will go with Star Wars
  16. I have no doubt some of the characters and references were lost on some people. Just in my showing, I laughed at the Konami code reference and was the only one that did laugh then
  17. I wouldn't go as far as say it sucked (even though I have it pretty low), but yeah it was the worst one to me.
  18. I don't agree with all those series being better, but I would say most of them are though.I also felt that FOTR was easily the best of the trilogy. I probably have ROTK a bit higher than TTT, but they are still both pretty far behind FOTR to me.
  19. I enjoyed the episode as well. Yes the Gov and Merle are sadists. The score at the end made me think the show was it was going to go on longer, but i looked at the time and realized there was only about 2 minutes left I didn't want the episode to end. Then the news of the midseason break coming really ticked me off.But still a good season so far and a good episode last night
  20. I can see why it would work for you. Unlike people that bash the series, I can see what people like in it. I actually find it a decent series. I have seen every movie in the theater.
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