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Everything posted by 75Live

  1. I love Foles for what he did for us, but yeah, other than that 27-2 td/int that partial season, he's never been able to sustain. The next year he was bad, with the Rams he was bad, but that wasn't all his fault and even his games this year, he wasn't good. He is the very definition of streaky, but when he's on, yeah I want him at that point too 😛
  2. basically it just means an original Box office theory poster.
  3. they barely had the ball which is one of the reasons they lost. They had a bunch of 3 and outs until really the end of the third quarter on
  4. I thought TLJ was a really good film that had an ending that I feel is a love letter to the fans in a way. The loss of Luke and how it felt to everyone but especially with the kids playing with the homemade action figures and the kid holding the broom like a lightsaber. It's what we all did growing up and thought it was a nice touch. I also enjoyed BvS too. Mostly the fight between the two and probably the best Batman fight in movies with the warehouse scene
  5. I didn't really have an issue with the not going for 2, only because of how much time was left in the game which was at least 1:39 I think, which is plenty of time for Dallas to have come down to kick a FG to win. So really the 2 point conversion to go up one wouldn't have meant anything. But if they missed the conversion, then the game was over regardless. But I was a tad bit surprised myself. and yes that OPI against Goedert was another one of the worst calls I have seen. I don't know what drugs the refs were on but they need to be tested
  6. I'm not a blame the refs kind of person but wtf was going on in that Philly/Dallas game yesterday? They were bad for both sides. That entire crew should be fired, or at the very least, fined heavily. They actually made a call that after a fumble when 4 Eagles are on the ball, no Dallas guy in sight, that apparently there was no clear possession even though an Eagle ran around with the ball in his hand. But even taking away the guy having the ball in his had, effectively what the refs and NY said was that even though there was a fumble and 4 guys from one team jumped on it, not one of them wanted the ball so they apparently they stayed away like it was hot lava or something. I still can't wrap my head around that one
  7. yeah we have been talking about that. Maybe the tide is finally turning
  8. It sounds like all I need to see out of this movie is the first 10 or so minutes with the G1 stuff and I can skip the rest I'll probably skip this in the theaters, but hopefully when I see it, it will be fun enough
  9. yeah you are probably correct about them going to Kimmel again since it's one of their people. Agreed that their PR team is probably pulling their hair out if they had any left
  10. yeah I was never a fan of it. It happened way before Gunn too. The first one I remember was it was done to a college kid after they won a championship and during the press conference some media person asked him about a tweet he made when he was like 13 or 14 and quoted one of his favorite rap songs and the lyric had a certain word in it. So it became about that and not him and his team winning.
  11. how about no host at all and just have a voiceover person announce the presenters. It would cut the show's fat, long run time and just get to the point which is all most people care about anyway
  12. now it's turn for the BP thread to turn into crap I am almost wishing I could get banned from all the CBM threads at once so I can avoid it all. 😛
  13. it would completely work for me. Less reading of such non-nonsensical crap and page skipping. Although it would hurt my ignore list from getting new members 😛
  14. I've been debating about that myself. Maybe there should just be ones that the mods handle that just put news, trailers and numbers in there but it's a closed thread to everyone else
  15. Think the mods are going to have some work to do in the Captain Marvel thread at the rate it is going lol
  16. I'm sure the film will be good and I will most likely enjoy it since I'm a big Spidey fan, but not really feeling the need to see this in the theater.
  17. or away from you 😛 but I guess if she got halfway around the world and kept going, technically she would be running to you
  18. first site for the movie is up now Orion Pictures has launched a new viral website for their Child’s Play remake, called BestBuddi.com . This reflects the change in the film from the 1988 original, in which the dolls were called Good Guys. Now they are called “Buddis.” The fake website treats the Buddi as a real product and promotes a release date of June 21, 2019, the same as the movie
  19. you're right. I didn't even see the date 😛 good catch on your part
  20. i'll take a chance again and take this one too
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