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Everything posted by 75Live

  1. RIP. I was happy I was able him a few years ago and got an autograph. Thanks for all the great times with all the worlds, places and comics he created or helped create and for making us true believers
  2. I hear you and not being negative, but this team has shown nothing that they can win out (other than the Rams and Saints which are probably losses). I agree that mathematically they will never be out of it due to the awful division, but there are no games they should win at this point. They have proven that that can't even win 2 games in a row this year so at this point, they aren't favorites over any team the rest of the year, except maybe the Giants who are just putrid 😛
  3. well since the Eagles season is 99.9% over, I guess my Sundays are even more free to do other stuff I know it's hard to repeat, but geez, they probably won't even make the playoffs. I am still extremely happy to get the first Super Bowl win but it didn't have to be followed up by a dud of a season.
  4. 😛 but yeah obviously if you didn't like the movie, it makes sense to not understand its run. I have plenty of films that I don't know why they did the business they did, but it happens I guess
  5. actually that doesn't seem too bad a number for that movie
  6. yeah that's usually a trick places do. I've had restaurants and pizza places do that too. I didn't order in say 2 or 3 months and I would get a coupon for a free pizza, or dessert or entree free(BOGO), just to entice me to come back I never complained since I like free stuff 😛
  7. while I think critics have come around to a point on horror, there was always a stigma for the longest time even up to Silence of the Lambs which most purposely didn't call it horror because they didn't want to give the genre any credit. I forget what show or documentary I was watching but it was about certain horror movies especially in the late 70s and throughout the 80s and that many critics despised horror flicks so obviously they wouldn't give good reviews for them.
  8. good list for the most part and I can't argue against any of the top 5 or 6, not that I wanted to anyway
  9. I hear you but every fanbase is the same. Just right now they are in the spotlight since nothing is really fan based is out right now or coming up until maybe Aquaman
  10. yeah I hear you about the fan wars being so exhausting. Not looking forward to them continuing for the rest of the year for certain films either.
  11. so the FB thread turned into a fanboy war lol wow, never would have seen that coming /sarcasm
  12. very sorry to hear that. prayers and condolences to you and yours
  13. 3 people with the same birthday. then Happy Birthday times 3 for you all
  14. ^^^ I think Psycho should be higher, but I can't complain about a top 6 finish...for now. That may change after I see the top 5 😛
  15. I must be out of the loop because I don't know what you are referring to, so sorry, I can't help with this one 😛
  16. well now that the purple puddle came and ended last night, can the politics thread be moved back to the politics forum? 😛
  17. I will be voting after work as long as the monsoon stays away and I get out of work on time although I am hating these texts I keep getting about voting 😛
  18. looks like I will probably break even with this weekend bets. oh well, I took a chance and bumped up my one bet to get a taker, and while that worked, it didn't get me a win 😛
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