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Everything posted by 75Live

  1. First day back to work since my trip and it's been hard already to even get motivated. Plus they dumped work on me so it was just waiting for me to come back. How nice. Plus technically my contract runs out tomorrow and they haven't paid back my expenses from a trip they sent me on about 3 weeks ago, so right now I'm really not intending to do much work unless those things change.
  2. Yeah I want to do the Ireland, Scotland stuff too I went to Amsterdam, Paris and Rome. I have tons of pics. All the places were great and had their own little features and feel. Plus you can tell how some cities are no different no matter what country you go 😛 Did most of the tourist type stuff like Eifflel Tower (went to the top), Louvre (got a selfie with the Mona Lisa), Colosseum, St. Peter's Basilica (even did the walk up to the dome and to the roof), Notre Dame, red light district, Anne Frank House (which is pretty powerful), etc. Ate a lot of local foods so just did it all up. I got tickets to walk through the gladiator entrance to the Colosseum so I could see what it was like to walk through the corridor and see what they saw, and took a video too Here's one of my favorite pics of the Eiffel tower I took at night time from a river tour. I even have it as my phone wallpaper now
  3. just got home about an hour ago from my 9 day Europe trip. It was a really good time. My travel partner is mostly good but he hits all my pet peeves and he wouldn't get off one stop in the metro, then got lost and refused to use his cell phone, then again on the metro, jumped in on the last bell to enter, then just stopped at the door so no one could get on after him...including me. but really I am so glad I did it. I saw so much stuff and it was worth it
  4. just saw some controversey about a "sexy" handmaiden's tale costume. Doesn't something like this happen every Halloween?
  5. geez, toys come with the worst accessories any more. I hope it has a warning label about the knife can cause bodily injury or something 😛
  6. the same time everything is counted from trailer views, checklists, how many minutes etc. We are in a total analytics world now i mean come on we are in a world where we count how many times people smile in a trailer lol
  7. yeah no desire to see this at all the first one I don't mind but it's not exactly good either, other than Bill Murray being himself
  8. and in the least shocking revelation, that Trump movie thread is a dumpster fire 😛 but anyway, Saturday I fly out to start my European vacation. No Chevy Chase is not coming along. I need to stop focusing on how long the flight is, as I'm starting to freak myself out and I am usually pretty good on planes 😛
  9. slow month for me, but I will say either Ralph or Creed 2
  10. now this movie version, I would actually be interested in seeing
  11. Fifty million dollars? Man, who do you think you kidnapped? Chelsea Clinton??
  12. Finally saw the trailer and it was ok. I am sure people will eat this up though. I guess I don't have the attachment to the original as some do. I got all the references and all, and it was a nice looking trailer, but it didn't grab me. I know I'm in the minority there, but I still think it will do really good numbers
  13. Yeah we do need Jeffery to come back and probably still have to pick up another WR. I still wish they put Goddard in yesterday but it wasn't all the offense yesterday as the D was pretty bad
  14. @4815162342 @TwoMisfits Wentz is officially cleared and back. Will play against the Colts
  15. we just have to use your blackest eyes...the devil's eyes to see that number and believing in the boogeyman helps too
  16. Yeah I'm not a fan of Munn in any way, but I don't see the issue here with her, at all
  17. that stinks about the movie. Guess I was right in probably skipping it
  18. Accidentally just saw a behind the scenes pic on set. Not sure I should post it though. For those that know the book, it wouldn't necessarily be a spoiler since they would get the context, but then again, if you don't know the book, it won't mean much lol I guess I can just give a link to those that want to see it or not. 😛
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