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Everything posted by 75Live

  1. I don't count these baseball games as playoffs. They can call them wild card playoffs all they want, they are just 2 play in games like basically game 163 when teams used to tie in standing. Regardless, I'm more happy to see hockey back even if baseball mattered right now
  2. Remember as the Mods say NIRD it's just easier sometimes But you may like the discussion with that wall, so if that works, go for it 😛
  3. Not as funny as when the separation happened 😛 but both times people have been way overboard
  4. I just binged Unbelievable on Netflix. It was pretty bad. Can't believe I got past the first two episodes. But basically to save time just skip to the last episode
  5. Apparently the Eagles wide receivers think football is the same as soccer and are not allowed to use their hands to catch a ball
  6. 1. Captain Marvel - C+ 2. Spider-man into the Spiderverse - A- 3. Hellboy - C 4. Shazam - B 5. Avengers: Endgame - A- 6. John Wick 3 - B+ 7. Brightburn - B 8. Aladdin (2019) - B 9. Godzilla: King of the Monsters - A- 10. Midsommar - B- 11. Crawl - B 12. Once Upon a time in Hollywood - B 13. Hobbs & Shaw - A - 14. Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark -B 15. IT Chapter 2 - A- 16. IT chapter 1 - A- 17. Rambo: Last Blood - B
  7. I just saw this about an hour ago. While I did enjoy the film, something definitely did seem missing. It's good where it's good, but it almost felt a little too, I guess, generic to me. I get some people just say hey that's a Rambo movie, but they all seemed to have a little bit more to it than this one. I won't go into it since it would be spoilers but one set up to me makes no sense but I leave that for another thread or time
  8. I'm very happy that we may finally have the goalie we needed for 30 years
  9. I've said that before and basically the replies I would get were that it would take time to actually read a review so they don't want to do that 😛 I get this would be the right place do that "ain't nobody got time for that" gif
  10. Right here even if th4 Flyers' season may not be great
  11. As expected this game went south pretty quickly, guess either fall into a YouTube black hole, search Netflix for nothing or go through my blu ray collection 😛
  12. Well since I'm desperately trying to find something to watch on TV right now, I resorted to watching a college football game. Don't care about any team and I know there's like 85 games going on at once so I just chose the Alabama and South Carolina game
  13. Well I haven't seen the complaints about too much comedy in this film, however, if there are complaints, I don't get it. I know I said my one "negative", if you want to call it that was the Eddie/Bowers scene, however it wasn't that silly because it was comedic, that scene just felt off. I love the comedy in this film and I think it was one of the highlights of the movie.
  14. My brother worked in I believe the tallest building in Philly that day and they evacuated the whole thing since no one knew what was going to still haopen. He was pretty freaked out
  15. That beginning part with the beating of the gay couple was to show why Richie never came out as being gay until the end of the movie. It was one of his fears that IT used on him when he was younger and as an adult. It was his "dirty secret" that Pennywise was referring to. That was the main purpose of having that beginning scene in the film. Foreshadowing basically The carving his initials and Eddie's into the kissing bridge was kind of his coming out moment
  16. Oops, looks like I'm losing out on my IT chapter 2 bet 😛
  17. I'll bite. What tease? If you mean the theater marquee with the movie title, that was in the first one and it was just to show it was 1989. Just like it showed Batman and Lethal Weapon 2 Now if you mean something else, please fill me in because maybe I'm forgetting something
  18. I celebrate every year with a Po' Boy sandwich made with white wonder bread. It's called a Wonder Boy. Its especially good when there's a thunderstorm going on at the same time
  19. After seeing this twice, I still enjoy it. Yes, I probably have hit a tad below chapter 1 but I feel it was a good ending to the series and continuation of the first film. I have more in the grade the movie thread, but I like some of the changes they made, obviously, yes the book had much more detail and overall was better, but some of that couldn't be on screen. Agreed with some characters like the spouses got cut severely but really, if they added even half of from that in the book, there would have had to be at least one more movie. I liked the idea of using the time there were all separated due to the fight after the first time they fought Pennywise, as the place to put in all the flashbacks. It makes sense since he could go after the kids more since they were "weak" due to being apart again. They still found a way to do a ritual of chud which I'm sure they were scratching theirs heads on that from the get go on how to handle it. Yes the Stephen King cameo was cool and I saw the director in the pharmacy the first time and was like, I know him and it took a minute to remember it was him 😛 I remember "fighting" with people that Henry wasn't dead in the first one, even on these boards. But I guess some people didn't know the book. I did like they brought in the clubhouse finally even if it was just for a little bit The Ben fake out during his reveal was pretty funny too I did have some issues with it of course. The Eddie/Bowers scene came off as way too comedic. I get Bowers was nuts so I get his side, but basically Eddie didn't take any of it seriously kind of took away from that scene. So yeah overall, still a good movie to me. I could go on and probably will if people start talking in this thread
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