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Everything posted by Squire

  1. This movie allegedly has a budget of up to $160M, yet it looks infinitely better than any MCU movie ever made in terms of visuals.
  2. I imagine they are just recycling the panel they would have done at Comic Con if the strikes hadn’t happened.
  3. New Character Posters Revealed Look pretty good. Similar style to what they did with Part 1, which I know a lot of people made fun of . . . until every other blockbuster proceeded to copy it.
  4. I think I remember reading some tweets from DuneInfo’s Twitter earlier this year indicating the budget for Part 2 was about the same or a little higher than Part 1, but I could also see it being lower since a lot of pre-production work happened on Part 1 already, like @ThomasNicole said. I suppose it’s possible enough pre-production work was done already that more budget could be allocated to crafting and filming some truly epic scenes that top even Part 1. Fingers crossed!
  5. Assuming the rumor was true, I’d have to guess Spielberg doesn’t want to do a super hero movie at this stage of his career.
  6. They are shifting marketing back into gear. Rumor also suggest a Feyd skin is coming to Modern Warfare, too.
  7. Apart from Deadpool 3, this is the only upcoming MCU project I have some interest in. I’m mildly confident in the director and less so with the writer, but hopefully they can pull it off. I was more intrigued when rumors said Spielberg was being courted to direct. Too bad that didn’t happen.
  8. I also don’t expect Part 2 to do as well in China this time around, plus it will lose about $25M from Russia and Ukraine, so getting to $500M WW would be a win, but maybe not as high as Legendary/WB would want.
  9. Part 2 is gonna be one of the fascinating films to follow at the box office in 2024. Still an open question as to just how well received it was in 2021 and whether it truly has a ceiling higher than $400M WW. I’m optimistic it can make $500M WW, but I do fear it may not have resonated with the GA the way I’d like. When it debuted on Netflix it was only on their top 10 for one week, for example, and trailer views haven’t been super high.
  10. Interesting development. That gives it more distance from Ghostbusters and probably means more IMAX/PLF time in March.
  11. Why is KOFTM being compared to Marvels? The bar for success of these movies is completely different. It’s irrelevant which film is a bigger bomb — Marvels is clearly the failure here. It is the $220-250M sequel to a movie that made $1.1 billion and it’s gonna be lucky to make $215M WW. Apple didn’t make KOTFM to make money at the BO. The theatrical release was a necessary concession in order to get Marty to make it for them. From Apple’s perspective, they now have a critical darling starring Leo they can use to promote their streaming service. Similar deal with Napoleon. Marvel, on the other hand, made Marvels to make money, and they are clearly going to lose a lot of money on this movie. It also has revealed that audiences don’t really have any interest in the characters.
  12. Looks like another incoming flop for Sony’s spider man universe, which I’m happy about. This was always a horrible idea and blatant cash grab.
  13. They already have had X Men characters show up. I really don’t think this credits sequence is that big of a deal. The MCU hype machine wants to make it one, but I think it’s pretty uneventful.
  14. I actually really enjoy John Carter. It’s a better movie than its reputation.
  15. It will be funny if Aquaman 2 actually performs really compared to the likes of Flash and Marvels!
  16. They aren’t writing good movies. For example, what was Pixar thinking with that story? Lightyear should be a Galaxy spanning adventure like Star Wars, not some small story set on one planet.
  17. Yeah, a bomb of this magnitude was not expected. Most reasonable people were expecting a big drop off from the first movie (maybe as low as $500-$600M), but not THIS big of a drop off.
  18. I’m not sure that’s the correct way to consider the $70M insurance payout. If you look at it as reducing the $290M budget, then break even using the 2.5x rule comes out to $550M. That being said, bomb or not, it’s a waste of everyone’s time arguing about the BO performance of a movie that came out 4 months ago. Marvels is the star of the bomb show right now.
  19. You need to learn how to read. You criticized me for saying MI7 did better WW than Indy, which MI7 did. I never claimed it was more popular domestically. Just look at Indy 4 — it made more domestically than any MI film ever has. In sum, don’t be so obtuse. Lol
  20. MI7 literally made way more WW, so I don’t know how YOU can claim Indy was some success comparatively. MI7 Only made $2M less domestically, which could arguably be attributed to its release date.
  21. Eh, I don’t agree. It is a disappointment, but it’s looking good compared to the likes of Indy, Marvels, and others.
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