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Everything posted by fishstick

  1. He can only direct Friedberg and Seltzer`s Star Bores:Episode Done spoof.
  2. Top 3 by the end of the year:Les MizDjangoZDTTop next year:PRMoSThor 2THG:CFIM3The HostElyseumBeautiful CreaturesROTS 3D
  3. I like this because marketing is supposed to sell a movie, not make people gush about extravagant idea while forgetting that movie is why marketing is in place to begin with. case in point is GWTDT`s "bold" campaign with topless maramania which turned off many people or simply failed to raise interest in the movie. It was praised as novelty advertising but turned out to be completely ineffective when it comes to selling the movie. I`d also like to hear opinion on whether titles really turn off some demographics or it`s a myth. case in point is removing Mars from John Carter (aka Princess of Mars) because some survey`s showed that women were less likely to see movie with Mars in the title. Like, LOL?I`d also like to read about Big Movies Small Career, Small Movies Big Career - why big movies don`t necessarily launch stars and why small movies are likelier to do so.The invasion of octogens. Movies with older stars are doing terrific business these days - Skyfall is beating the shit out of Bond movies although it`s only prominent female is 70 years old lady. Neeson is an action star. Expedanbles, RED are also hits starring actors over 50. Lincoln is a boxoffice beast. This is all happening while YA is all rage and movies are made mostly for teens. I find the paradox interesting. Care to elaborate in a column? This could tie in with Return of Sly that Unagi suggested.Also something about the change in star system. Classic one is dead. There are still relicts of the past who hold onto star = brand (Cruise) but now brand (Marvel, Potter,etc) is the star while biggest names in the business rely more on quality team behind (director, script) and in front of the camera(co-stars) than on their own names alone. Examples, Pitt, Leo, etcTied with the above - how directors stole the classic star status from actors. Nowdays, movie-goers passion is strongest for directors, not actors. Nolanites vs Cameroines, nuff said. And that`s just one example.So, yeah, write away!
  4. :rofl: :rofl:Gotta love YT. It has everything, even an old horror flick with homicidal bunnies. Like the whole movie in 10 parts.
  5. Cause he is. The news would be that he is not. Now he`s posting under some really lame IDs that change every week because he gets banned at that rate. Typical BKB soap opera.
  6. Much more. Voodoo is a religion. Hoodoo is a magic. Movies and fiction sterotyped voodoo as black magic but that`s wrong. I had no idea but a girl I knew threw a fit over a comment and explained things to us.
  7. I`m just commenting on Chastain backlash. And reducing voodoo religion only to pins and dolls is bad sterotyping.
  8. LOL, are you AD`s Zuranthum who wrote this unfathomable and unabsolvable abomination: http://awardsdailyforums.com/showthread.php?29039-WHO-SHOULD-WIN-Best-Supporting-Actress/page5
  9. Now that snub is a travesty. I think that McCarthy was riding the "OMG, women can be crude too, how OMG different and bold and unusual and never seen before to anyone living under the rock OMG!" wave.
  10. Or baking a shit pie. Maybe she should take a shit and than bake a pie from it and feed her dwarf guests? OSCAH!
  11. Todya isa perfect day to talk down Blanchett. Some Blanchitto from AD thought that Blanchett might be pushed for :rofl: Best Actress in The Hobbit. He made a FYC with Blanchett crouching like she`s taking a dumb on the Rivendell`s perfectly scrubbed floor. Sensible ADers didn`t miss a chance to respond with dump-taking gifs from Bridesmaids:http://awardsdailyfo...vember-5/page17Scroll to post 335.
  12. Oh fuck this total! Wasn`t original estimate to be $229 or $228 mio? Why only $226 mio?
  13. Spielberg deserves to have a 200 mio film in 5-6 straight decades and he deserves to finally get his offical (means unadjusted) billion dollar film.
  14. Lincoln is Oscar frontrunner. It`ll have nomination boost. It won`t lose many theaters and nomination announcement can only result in adding more (after it loses some).
  15. It`s going to open strong because of fanbase. It won`t stomp on every movie on its path like crazies think. Holidays are very lucrative for movies so many movies will do well and some may surprise thus becoming the story of the season. case in Thanksgiving point - Lincoln. Everyone`s talking about it`s run. Runner up - SF. Biggest opener so far BD2 is treated as business as usual because other 2 are outperforming expectations. WB can beat the "our $500 mio tirlogy that prequels Oscar winning almost 3 billion grossing trilogy, with huge build-in fanbase, is an underdog" drum as much as they want but Xmas suprirse will be something doing big numbers that neither had $500 mio behind it nor gigantic build-in fandom. Yep.
  16. SLP is beating AK to a pulp with PTA. It` s harder to have $12,600 PTA from more theaters than from less. AK won`t catch fire in wide release or maybe won`t even go full wide.
  17. Not all people interested in Bond are interested in slapstick dwarves. It could start seriously dropping only if it loses too many screens too fast.
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