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Everything posted by theultimatebiu

  1. I don't get why they couldn't just adapt one of the books or have a anthology movie with three books adapted into one movie. Looks shit.
  2. He said 'isn't that good'...not bad. Its a average score as most people score a A if they like a movie and IMDB 7.1 is terrible OW as thats usually when the fanboys keep giving it 10.
  3. You weren't saying any of this a few days ago. You were pretty certain that Arnold would draw in enough interest for $135M+
  4. Both openers are none events....the battle is still between IO and JW.
  5. Leave Terminator alone. It is a dead franchise being dragged way past its sell by date.
  6. MMXXL is doing alright. It was never going to make as much as the first because it doesn't have the suprise factor anymore. The budget is so low that it should still make a comfortable profit. I doubt we will see a third instalment.
  7. Even if OS saved it...I highly doubt it. The 'draw' of bringing back Arnold Schwarzenegger will not work second time so it will drop in box office total.
  8. Excuses excuses excuses. Sorry,Terminator just isn't the huge draw you thought it would be. Yes its Friday will pick up but not by much...this has little appeal for the older crowd.
  9. San Andreas was not a fanbase movie so it would hardly attract much presales. Most of its business would be walk ups. Terminator is a franchise with a fanbase.
  10. No its just very bad plot choices. Except for pushing the story forward with a strong plot they keep revisiting the same well.
  11. Well I have seen it too. Best PIXAR movie in years. I honestly can't see anyone under 10 really understanding or enjoying this. Positive - Great characters - Abstract ideas - Strong emotional core - Strong message Negative - Story drags at parts - Disgust character really felt pointless and too much like Mindy Kailing - Not enough time exploring family dynamic (I found that just as interesting as the mind concept) Overall I enjoyed it. 8/10
  12. Only one scene in Scream 4 was intense and that's the killer in the closet scene...brutal, unapologetic and intense. Everything else was just not the same and Emma Roberts didn't have the chops to fully pull off the killer reveal. I do hope horror makes a revival. We need a $200m+ grosser. Just like how Scream broke the $100 million barrier.
  13. Do they explain what happened to Kunis character from the first Ted movie? I honestly think her character kept the movie together.
  14. What does that even mean?? Such a non-sensical reasoning.......eurgh
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