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Everything posted by theultimatebiu

  1. Whitney biopic would be interesting but they would never allow them to tell the ugly truth it would be very whitewashed. A Beyonce movie would only work if they got behind the 'perfect' image she likes to keep. A biopic only works if there is real conflict, struggle and a strong social connection. Personally, I don't even like biopics, the only reason SoC interests me is because of the social awareness NWA had and its relevence to today.
  2. You are missing the point. No one has said a theater doesn't have the right to beef up security if they choose to. The issue is the propaganda from the press already emphasizing violence and its connection with the movie. It's the consistent negative expectations when it comes to anything related with black people. Its a bigger issue and ties directly into the police brutality cases and #blacklivesmatter movement. It's the reason why Sandra Bland's and Tamir Rice's can, and will, still happen. Black = violent in the mainstream media and they are waiting to run the closest related violent act just to carry on that stupid rhetoric.
  3. Or maybe those places had violence already and the movie premiere highlighted an already existing problem. I can already see the 'press' praying for a shooting or some violence just so they can continue their 'blacks are violent' rhetoric.
  4. I'm still not pleased this is getting made but I'll wait for a teaser before I unleash my rage.
  5. I'd be happy with a $20M OW honestly. Anything above would be great. I'm looking forward to this and anyone who thinks their story is not interesting watch this http://www.youtube.com/embed/lYXOAgO2U_A
  6. FIFY Taken is alright. I never understood the hype around it.
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