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Everything posted by zackzack

  1. Someone should do Gross Revenue by Continent. Would it be great if we know certain movie or genre would do better in certain region? Action movies usually do better in Asia but hit-or-miss in Europe. Romantic comedies might do amazing business in English-speaking countries but probably do poorly in Asia or Middle East etc. I am surprised MISERABLES did so well in some Asian countries. Bombing in China is kinda expected.
  2. With JOURNEY TO THE WEST winding down, I could see this doing $40-50 mill. There is no big movie in the horizon, and Asians love Hollywood action movies especially with big budget. FF6 & PAC RIM should do huge business.
  3. $61.5 million? Isn't that about double the $33 million it opened internationally over the same no. of territories in 2007?
  4. How could they do this? How could they after the success of IRON MAN movies?
  5. I am surprised at the film's performance. But this kind of Scandinavian/Germanic folklore movies like LORD OF THE RINGS should do big business overseas, just not this big for H&G
  6. A fourth movie in a continuing franchise that grosses close to $1 billion worldwide is regarded as "the symbol of past decade?"My Gawd, what does it take for a movie to be called successful nowadays?
  7. THE HOBBIT's overseas gross: $632.2 million versus TDKR's $632.9 million
  8. Anybody has Top 20 box office listing from each country?Also, it will be very cool if somebody could consolidate WorldwideEarnings by region: Europe (is Russia part of Europe?), Far East (China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan), South East Asia (Malaysia, Indonesia, Philipines, Thailand etc), North America, South America, Middle East, South Asia (India etc), and Africa. This will be very good to examine which genre, star, studio does best in each region in a given year, decade etc.
  9. Les Miserables should do gangbuster business in UK. $30 million is not impossible. BTW, loving the look of the new forum
  10. Jack Reacher still doing $9 million after 3 weekends with 32% drop. It still could outgross KNIGHT & DAY's $76 million domestic.But can it reach $100 million with a Martin Luther King bump?
  11. "Needs China.." or in short DOC ("Depends on China")
  12. HOBBITS at $260 million in its 4th weekend is rather disconcerting...I still think FELLOWSHIP & TWO TOWERS are the best Ring movies, butI want lovingly & diligently made Blockbuster like this to succeed, and get lazy asspeople to the theaters, and get them to stop watching movies in their hometheater setup.
  13. I am completely taken by surprise with this. Thought pretty sure it would do $16-17 mill. ::shake head::Too many horror movies and no originality. Time to consult the Japanese or the Koreans?
  14. Maybe the marketing is too pushy. East Asian customers don't like to be pushed around to spend on the new and shiny.
  15. Shockingly low box office revenue can always be attributed to "no screen support by local distributor"
  16. Should the phrase "Depends on China" get its own abbreviates: DOC?
  17. I agree that this is what the movie implies but I wish it is further fleshed out, defined. I know this is difficult: Including the young arrogant Weyland in that TED talk would flesh out his arc a bit but how do you do that? The lone Engineer prologue is fantastic I wouldn't change that one bit (however I would gradually reveal the Engineer's face rather than the way he is introduced to the audience with a close-up shock cut "Bam!", watch that scene again, it is edited down from a longer scene).Then the movie cuts to a present day archaelogical dig sequence which is a waste of time because this is already implied in the Star Map briefing later in the ship. I prefer the movie starts off like the first ALIEN did, in a single timeline spanning a couple hours or so. I dislike the insertion of the dig sequence. If they are going to insert a short sequence I rather they put the arrogant young Weyland clip, or incorporate it as a company mission statement during the briefing as a kind of time capsule. Vickers could arrogantly introduce this to the crew as their Mission to Search For Divinity & Immortality. IMHO, the introduction of Weyland as a kindly grandfather searching for general spirituality (don't we all ask this question on daily basis?) lacks specificity and it doesn't pay off nicely in the end when he is "punished" for his transgression.
  18. The teaser released inDecember 2011 is a mini masterpiece of action, tension, and drama. The best since the INCEPTION teaser which coincidentally (?) shares a similar but now-overused Bwaaarrrm-Bwaaaarrm musical cue.
  19. I am a very big and a very biased fan of the movie. I love the franchise, and I love that Ridley Scott touch in the movie. No doubt the plot needs more than a little rewrite but the story is ambitious, too ambitious to be in a single movie. If you notice, there are 3 stories running in the movie, all have similar themes & ideas: Story #1: The main story which I feel is the strongest is a personal one. This is about innocence lost, personified by Shaw character. Believe in the benevolence of the "alien creators" but feel betrayed at the end. Story #2: David story which I feel is no less intriguing but seldom explored by fans of the movie. David, a replicant introduced as "not human, never grow old etc" is a strange concept for the general audience. Those who are not a big fan of BLADE RUNNER and ALIEN franchise (with all the malfunctioning androids/replicants) would scratch their heads: who/what is this guy? David wants to be free of Weyland's control, feels kinship to the Engineers somehow, fascinated and admire them, the way Shaw does, only less spiritually. There is no accident in a movie filled with religious symbolism (pyramid, LV223 Bible reference, Christmas, procreation, genetic inheritance, star map, ancient drawings), the character who is the inheritor of sacred knowledge of alien creators is named after the Biblical King David. It is David who first decipher the writings on the wall (nice pun), it is David who activates the Orrery, it is David who awakens the Engineer (though this is a wrong move, seemingly), it is David who operates the vessel to reach "Paradise." But in the end another "believer betrayed" story. Story#3: Weyland's quest for immortality. Feels like some cheap b-movie plot, and by far the weakest, come too late, and further muddy the whole narrative. The quiet scene with Vickers pleading for him not to seek the Engineer's blessing is dramatically loaded but it takes the movie into another territory (I bet this is Lindelof's LOST Daddy Issues plotting). It is better to show Weyland as arrogant egomaniac like he is in that TED talk clip (brilliantly acted by Guy Pearce) rather than a kindly grandfather so that the audience can get a "twist" at the end. Too much plotting. Not a believer, but his comeuppance feels strained. Even though he is monster who exploits his crew so that he can live on, we don't quite know who Weyland is as a character. [i feel that those PROMETHEUS Virals should be released in theater spread over 2 weeks before the film opens. That would create a cool anticipation (what is this movie??), something fresh and different from a regular quick cut, boom-blam type of soundtrack that have audience groaning in unison: another one of these? Those Fox virals are brilliant marketing and they serve as an exposition for the movie. Why waste them on YouTube ? Warner Bros has a chance with PACIFIC RIM which can use the same Fox marketing strategy.] Although all these narrative strands kinda tie into the whole Engineer/Xenomorph/Weyland Corporation mythology, some sharing similar theme about spirituality and stupidity & arrogance of Mankind, they are all better spread over into 3 movies instead of being crammed into what is supposed to be a minimalist space thriller ala the first ALIEN. I feel that there are lot of execs, producers, writers, and Ridley himself who tear each other apart for their own modern take on the legendary scfi movie. That's why the movie feels muddied and unsatisfying even though both the visuals and the ambitious concept (story) are just perfect for scfi fans like me.
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