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Everything posted by zackzack

  1. TA is like 3 major superhero movies (Iron Man, Capn America & Thor) +2 minor ones (Hulk, Hawkeye) in one. GA got giddy just watching them fight each other. They are like WWF smackdown.
  2. $600 million OS is a lock (at least). Even if DOM is less than $400 million, this will still hit $1 billion WW. DC needs to up their game
  3. A filler movie that costs $120 million?
  4. IM3 feels like going to be the biggest Summer Movie if DM2 does not break out.
  5. Very possible, this will open huge, seemingly bigger than TA, then it will plunge. The movie has better story than IM1 & IM2 but is less of a comic book movie thaneither one of them. Still, people love RDJ so this will be huge nonetheless. $1 billionWW is possible, yes?
  6. P&G should drop like a rock with the arrival of Tony Stark & his boys... Some of the comments from Deadline: [*] Basing a comedy on real life murders is sick and completely unacceptable in my view. And I usually support pushing cinematic boundaries. Comment by Jack — Friday April 26, 2013 @ 12:13pm PDT REPLY TO THIS POST [*] Does Paramount have any confidence in this film? Sems like it would make more sense as fun, twisted summer counter-programming in June or July. Mixed word of mouth is almost guaranteed on a Michael Bay film, but what is Paramount thinking? Comment by Reggie Van Luster — Friday April 26, 2013 @ 1:08pm PDT REPLY TO THIS POST [*]Saw the film this afternoon and it was kind of an ugly, depressing hard-edged ordeal to sit through. And I actually LIKE a lot of Bay’s work.
  7. Social graces, my child, graces. And how do I spoil the movie again? As long as I don't spoil the "Big Twist"
  8. I saw it today. The film seems to be funnier than the first 2. A lot of jokes on the suit not working perfectly. Although the plot is darker and is about domestic terrorism and there is a whole section where Tony visits one of the victims' mother to apologize.
  9. They move up the release date in China. This is going to be huge. China will hit $70-80 million? More maybe? People love that crazy twist in the 3rd act
  10. This movie is one of those nice little surprises.
  11. No report from new Zealand? Anybody from New Zealand? Released in NZ on the 18th of April
  12. Yes, but my concern is OBLIVION is likely to be steamrolled by IM3 which has a tons of buzz in China due to it being a Chinese co-production, Fan Bing Bing, and a rumored Chinese edit. And, unless you are James Cameron, thoughtful scifi in the Far East can be a hard sell (TF has a lot of action in them). MI4 is a traditional action movie with a very special Dubai scene. Universal did a good thing to reign in the budget in the $120 million region. If they could do it under $100 million, this movie will see better margin.
  13. 67% drop from UK. Not doing too well in Europe.
  14. GIJ2 opening to $33 million is solid? For an unambitious, dull action movie, that is spectacular.
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