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Everything posted by zackzack

  1. Wow @ OLYMPUS, if it is accurate. The following viral could be the reason why: North Korea Propaganda Video Shows Attack on White House https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ri-J_vJ7xQ
  2. Anybody feels that Tina Fey is overrated as a movie actress?
  3. Quentin movies are financed through the Weinsteins. How in the hell Sony got the distribution right in Europe???? All that moolah, $400 million of it, too bad, Weinsteins have to split it with these players...
  4. Who thinks this will hit $300 million WW?
  5. Warner is not in good shape here. GANGSTER SQUAD, JACK GIANT KILLER, BEAUTIFUL CREATURES. Hope this implies they put all their resources on both MOS & PAC RIM. And Peter can babysit the Hobbits by himself.
  6. They try to replicate ALICE IN WONDERLAND magic & so far Disney has not succeeded... What is it about ALICE? Johnny Depp is hit or miss as a movie star. The 3D is nothing new. Right time to release? A little darker than OZ perhaps?
  7. I love Jackie when he was in his prime: watch his stuff from the 80s. One of his biggest weakness is portraying women as immature, punching bags to be knocked around.
  8. I saw it yesterday. Decent comedy about the triumph of mild mannered people over the over-achieving Criss Angel-like Jim Carrey magician. Olivia is great by just being Olivia. I like Carrell brand of comedy but he is mechanically doing his usual schtick without passion, exactly what his mentor magician in the movie thinks of him.
  9. http://collider.com/christian-bale-moses-exodus/ "..now it appears that Fox is ramping things up on Exodus as Scott is looking to make the pic his next film after he completes post-production on The Counselor..." There goes the plan for PROMETHEUS 2 which is slated for 2014.
  10. What's up with Mojo Foreign data? China numbers are often not displayed.
  11. Anyone has a combined figure for Denmark, Sweden, Norway & Finland?
  12. Re: the TOP 10 list I know & understand that TDK is everyone's favorite & would top the list. But I would rank TDKR even closer. With tighter editing and removal of Catwoman character (bloat, just a fan service) & re-thinking of the climax (the crowd scene & the subsequent chase sequence feel like a cheap component of a standard action movie), TDKR will be my favorite Batman movie of all time. Ever.
  13. If DH5 made anything above $300 million, it would be quite an accomplishment, I think
  14. I've always looked at this as less than a poor man version of VAN HELSING. I am completely surprised how it performs so far.
  15. What sequel? Ridley is doing a Moses story at Fox called EXODUS with Christina Bale starring.
  16. re: less than successful BL. Maybe it is the locale. A similarly themed film, MI:GP has an exotic, most glamorous location, and the inventive action sequence set around it. BL has seedy, grimy, odorous Manila streets as the exotic spot. That turn people off. Sure, the Morocco & Moscow locations in the other Bourne movies are not really glamorous but they are charming in their own way. BL is a more socially conscious movie showing the exploitative sweatshop in Asia but people want to see superheroes climbing skyscrapers without rope not a political commentary. Call Michael Moore if you want to do political docudrama.
  17. Kane is displaying the same dumb character syndrome by sticking his head into an alien pod. Look at that scene again. Both ALIEN & PROMETHEUS follow the oldest rule in horror genre: smart people doing stupid things. The scientist petting an alien cobra is not as disastrous as you think. However the writer could have both Fifield & Mr Biology share a puff of weed so his lack of caution when dealing with alien organism could be excused. Also, earlier in the film, Milburn is shown to be the trusting, happy-go-lucky type. He is the first one who tries to "pet" hostile-looking Fifield when he extends his hand in friendship. Vickers line "Everyone but Holloway back on the ship!" is repeated again & again in the trailer. She only burnt Holloway who is confirmed infected. She doesn't want to burn down everybody. The ragtag crew is selected because nobody wants to risk themselves on a journey to search for God. Also, evil Weyland wants disposable scientific subjects, not real pHDs. The weakness of PROMETHEUS lies in the way the film seems to be broken into 2 parts to make for an unofficial quasi-Alien Trilogy so Fox can reboot a franchise. The climax seems rushed. The casual willingness of the pilots to sacrifice themselves is a seriously weak point in the script (the captain may have seen real warfare, but the co-pilots are Beavis & Butthead). The one-to-one struggle between Egr & Shaw is too brief and under-dramatized. David experimenting with unknown material seems to be the biggest silliness in the movie nobody talks about. As a being with an IQ of 300, he doesn't seem to know a thing or two about isolating his experiment subject (he lets Holloway wonders around after infecting him??). What if David accidentally infects other crew while walking around with that drop of alien material on his finger!! And in a film hinting at Xenomorphs, Fox should have introduced some bad-ass alien lifeform instead of segueing into a STAR TREK-like story. That pisses off the fans who contributed to the big $50 million opening but would subsequently bad-mouth the film. If they are going to do Engineer story which I find very intriguing, they shoulda killed the Alien reference from the get-go. If done properly, this movie coulda earned $200+ million. I think the sequel will have more hardware & action, mirroring Cameron's ALIENS. Ridley wants to do the Engineer story. Fox wants a new ALIEN franchise after AVATAR & APES success. Recipe for disaster when heads & egos collide on multi million dollar project.
  18. They want their croissants to be made by French bakers, their wine made by their winemaker, and LES MIS made by French director and French actors . That is one theory. Or maybe they are just sick of their own history & tradition.
  19. Anyone cares to share a theory why a film about French history bombed in France? I couldn't get alternative source of French box office revenue for the movie other than Mojo, and Mojo shows a revenue of $1.5 million (seriously?) from France after 2 weekends? By comparison, DJANGO UNCHAINED, a film about a black hero gleefully killing white people left & right as he calls them "Boy!" made $16 million after 2 weekends. Must be the onslaught of third world immigrants that are overcrowding France.
  20. I am surprised with the performance of this movie overseas. In Brazil, it did more than THE HOBBITS
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