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Everything posted by zackzack

  1. They don't control the media but they could influence the media.
  2. How much China Film takes home from FF7 gross? Is this an upfront deal or do they get a % of gross? How much Universal really gets out of this deal? I heard the studios only get a pittance. How come exhibitors, local or abroad, have so much power in getting their share?
  3. Mojo should go back to releasing info from all territories. On their foreign earnings tab, less than 20 countries are listed Should we donate?
  4. At last, Cruise in a non-action role. I think he has enough of action-adventure type of roles. Remember ,he is in The Color of Money, Rain Man, A Few Good Men, Jerry Maguire, The Firm and Risky Business. A fantastic resume for an actor.
  5. Universal plays it smart by opening it in April. There is the temptation to open it in May or July. I think it may even blast past $350M and do close to $380M
  6. It will be almost impossible for FF8 to top this. Unless you count FF8 Part 1 & 2 as one single film
  7. According to Mojo, the lowest grossing movie that opened to more than $60M on opening day is Twilight Breaking Dawn P1 with final tally of $281M. Minimum for F7.
  8. A few hours, a few lifetimes... Come, o my friends of foresight, quick Let there be midnight numbers
  9. That scene gave me a chill...very Eyes Wide Shut-like in terms of atmosphere. And that table...!!
  10. re: Cinderella Disney should pick better looking actress than the one they did for this movie. Talent is king but look is divine Loking at the trailer, I feel like rooting for milfy Cate Blanchett rather than the poor & oppressed heroine.
  11. Dat Avengers effect. Everything else seems..so dull, uninspired, just plain Dat Avengers curse. Everybody's saving money so that they can watch Avengers 10 times in a row during opening weekends.
  12. Exodus, Prometheus are all visually stunning movies and Ridley has complete access to Hollywood resources there for sure. But you have to admit Prometheus 3rd act is very disappointing and Exodus having a more satisfying plotting doesn't take away the fact that the storytelling is lacking in urgency, creativity, and vitality. And when Ridley has to rely on dialogue & characters alone in movies like Counselor, he is at his weakest there/ And also, re: Exodus, I feel the writers/directors seem unable to decide whether the plagues are naturally occurring events (like tsunami & infestation by insects) or completely supernatural (like the death of the children). The first points to Egyptian's excesses in vanity mega-projects which puts strain on the environment, the second points to a more supernatural concept which kind of takes me out of the movie. The movie is one of the most beautifully shot of all Ridley's period epics. In the middle of it, I wish the angry God doesn't send the plagues to destroy those beautiful terraces and elegant royal villas. In Ridley's world, beautiful things get destroyed....
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